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Fifth Sunday after Pentecost


Friday 21 June 2024


Dear Members and Friends of St. Paul’s,


This week, the fifth Sunday after Pentecost, our Gospel reading from Mark (4:35-41) is the story of Jesus calming the sea and winds. Jesus has finished teaching for the day, it is evening, and he says to the disciples “Let us go across to the other side.” We have no clue why Jesus wants to cross the Sea of Galilee in the evening. Perhaps he was truly tired and wanted to get away from the crowds that forced him into a boat to teach. Jesus must have been tired from the teaching. As the disciples set off to cross the lake Jesus gets comfortable in the stern (rear) of the boat and falls asleep. 


Evening is not the greatest of times to cross a large body of water in a small boat. Nighttime winds can whip up the sea. We benefit from those evening winds with our summer delta breeze! That night the breeze became a mega wind which whipped up mega waves. The disciples, some of whom are fisherman and know that lake, have never experienced such a huge storm. They were sure that they were going to die and make their beds at the bottom of the lake.


And Jesus? Jesus was still asleep in the back if the storm-tossed boat. He trusted in the outcome. The disciples, frightened at the storm, wake Jesus. They are amazed he is sleeping through the storm with no care for anyone’s wellbeing. When Jesus wakes, he rebukes the wind and the waves – and from the mega storm a mega calm emerges. Jesus also rebukes the disciples for having “no faith”.


The disciples are in awe of the power. But instead of recognizing who this Jesus is they are left asking “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”


Who indeed is this Jesus? Jesus who travels where he shouldn’t – the lands of Gentiles. Crosses geopolitical boundaries, the Sea of Galilee. Calls the unlikely as close followers – fishermen, tax collectors, and women. Heals and casts out demons during the wrong times – the sabbath. Who is this Jesus and what is he calling us to do today?


Jesus is calling us to cross boundaries. To reach out to those society still casts as unclean. To reach out across political boundaries to work to build a beloved community. Jesus calls us to go from no or little faith to a faith in God. A faith that calls us out onto our stormy seas. Calls us to work to still the waves of injustice. 



Click here to view/print the program for our Sunday Eucharist. This will allow you to better participate in our worship. 

Celebrant and Preacher this week!

This week the Rev. Rik Rasmussen will preside and preach.

Sack Lunch Ingathering and Assembly

Our sack lunch ministry has been growing. Last week we distributed about 50 lunches! This means that we will need to replenish our stock soon. We need to make about 250 lunches to make it the desired five weeks between creating sack lunches. Our next sack lunch ingathering and assembly day will be Sunday June 30th. If you would like to volunteer to bring components for the sack lunches you can click here to sign up. Donations to help purchase food may be made on-line by clicking here and selecting “Sack Lunches” from the menu. Checks with the memo-line “sack lunches” can also be mailed to the church or placed in the offering plates on Sunday.

Deck Repair

A big thank you to Doug Clay and Dan Moore who spent the last 3 days, before the forecast 100 degree weather, working on the Parish Hall deck. They deconstructed, rebuilt, and reinforced framing of the deck outside the parish hall. The major issues have been resolved. There are several deck boards to be replaced in the near future. Stay tuned for an upcoming painting day to paint the new work and repaint those places that have worn over the winter.

Ushers Needed

Calling all ushers! St. Paul’s needs to have ushers that can be assigned to greet folk as they arrive, bring up the bread and wine and the offertory, and most importantly be alert to any situations that might arise. Ushers are an important part of keeping the congregation safe. For example, ushers would be the designated person to call an ambulance in the case of a medical emergency, call Downtown Partners, or the police, if there is a disruptive person. Usually, all an usher needs to do when someone who is disruptive is to turn to GOD! Greet the person, Offer them something (the program, hymnal, sack lunch), and Discover something about them (their name for example). If you are interested in beign trained to be an usher please e-mail the church at Rev. Rik is in the process of updating our COVID regathering description and duties of the ushers.

Care Closet Needs

Our unhoused neighbors have been utilizing the Care Closet fairly heavily, and it is in need of some replenishment. If you want to help, below is a list of items currently needed:

  • Tents
  • Socks
  • Sleeping bags 
  • Disposable razors 
  • Travel size shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, lotion, deodorant 
  • Toothbrushes
  • Women’s sweatpants and tops in sizes M, L, XL
  • Disposable underwear 


These items are available from our Amazon Wish List, which you may access by clicking here.


We are also establishing a cell phone number for special requests collected at the Sack Lunch Giveaway (more on that to come).


Thank you!

Amanda & Nate

Film Screening – “The Philadelphia Eleven” 

Saturday, July 13, 2:00-4:00 pm, at Trinity Cathedral

2620 Capitol Ave, Sacramento


In an act of civil disobedience, a group of women and their supporters organize their ordination to become Episcopal priests in 1974. The Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia welcomes them, but change is no small task. The women are harassed, threatened and banned from stepping on church property. In this feature-length documentary film, we meet the women who succeed in building a movement that transforms an age-old institution and challenges the very essence of patriarchy within Christendom.


Join us at Trinity Cathedral on July 13 at 2:00 pm for the film. Afterwards there will be a reception in our gallery space with a women-themed art exhibit and possibly some special guests!  

Updated Webiste

Be sure and check the website regularly and share the link with others. You can now access the donation sign-up sheet for the Sack Lunch Ministry directly from the St. Paul's webpage. While you're there, take a look at the calendar for upcoming events including concerts. 


I Will With God's Help: Journey Toward Racial Healing and Justice Workshop – Registration Now Open


This workshop is rooted in our baptismal identity and the promises we make in baptism. It focuses on how we can more fully live into our promise to be loving toward our neighbors, to address racism in our communities and build the Beloved Community. During the workshop we follow the path of the Becoming Beloved Community labyrinth.


This workshop meets the requirement for licensing for Vestry Members, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Lay Eucharistic Visitors, and unlicensed lay leaders (such as ministry leads) in the Diocese. Other lay licensed ministries need to take Sacred Ground to meet Diocesan licensing requirements.


All Classes are on Saturdays from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm:

SEPTEMBER 14 | Trinity Cathedral

OCTOBER 19 | St. Paul’s, Healdsburg


Click here to register.

Family Caregiver Group

The next meeting of our support group for Family Caregivers will be TBD at 11 AM. This is a hybrid meeting, so you can participate in the Parish Hall or on Zoom using the information below.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 894 1216 7306

Passcode: Family

Dial by your location

        +1 669 444 9171 US

        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Keeping up Appearances 

Being in busy downtown Sacramento, the grounds of the church always need sprucing. If you’re able, come lend a hand with leaf blower, rake, hose, and broom on Saturdays before, during or after the Sack Lunch distribution it would fabulous!

Livestream of the service

This week we will, technology willing, again use two platforms for sharing in our worship: YouTube and St. Paul’s Facebook page. St. Paul’s YouTube channel can be found here:


Our Facebook page can be found here:


We have continued with our technology upgrade and have added a choir microphone and new speakers in the church.

Midweek Noon Services

Come join us on Wednesdays and Fridays for midweek Eucharist at 12:10. We use the lessons assigned from Lesser Feasts and Fasts. It is a great way to learn more about the “saints” of the church. The “noon” services start at 12:10 pm.

Getting the Word Out

One way of letting others know about St. Paul’s is to “Share” the livestream of our worship services that are on St. Paul’s Facebook page to your individual Facebook page or to start a “watch party” on Facebook. It’s a very efficient way of sharing access to our worship and liturgy with others.


If you are not able to join us at 10 a.m., the service will be recorded on both our YouTube page and our Facebook page so you can share in the service as your schedule allows. 


We will again be blessing the gifts given this week at the “Offertory” and together we will pray a “Doxology” of gratitude. I am so grateful for your ongoing support to cover the financial expenses of St. Paul’s, so we are able to continue our vital ministry."


Gifts can be sent to:

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

P.O. Box 160914

Sacramento, CA 95816


Should you not wish to mail checks or don’t have access to stamps, please use your bank’s Bill Pay feature to set up your recurring gift. You can also give through our website at We pray over these gifts every week asking God’s blessing upon them and that we be wise stewards of everyone’s generosity. 





The Rev. Rik Rasmussen


St. Paul's Episcopal Church

1430 J Street, Sacramento, California 95814

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 160914, Sacramento, CA 95816

Phone: 916.446.2620