St. Paul’s Epistle


March 2022, VOLUME 44



In just two weeks we will be in the midst of Holy Week. It can be argued that it is, for us as Christians, the most important week of the year. Its liturgy is certainly powerful. The Passion of Jesus begins with his entrance into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), and includes the Last Supper, betrayal, and arrest (Maundy Thursday) and concludes with his trial and crucifixion (Good Friday). On Holy Saturday we transition from Holy Week to Easter. The Easter Vigil begins in darkness and concludes with a great celebration of Christ’s resurrection. At the Easter Vigil, we light a new fire outside the church and from it we light the paschal candle which we then use to lead our procession into the church which is dark. The paschal candle represents the light of Christ and as we enter the darkened church and his light is spread, we experience the new life of his resurrection.

Holy Week helps us understand that without the betrayal, pain, suffering, and death, there is no resurrection. Jesus not only comes and lives among us, he experiences what we experience (in one form or another) and he conquers death and despair and invites us into a new life with him.  

God’s Blessings,



The Altar Guild and Fr. Jim had already decided to scale back on the amount of Easter lilies we wanted to use for our Easter celebrations and now we’ve been told that lilies aren’t available this year through the florists. We will still have beautiful arrangements of flowers in urns on the altar, and if we can find them, a few lilies around the altar. We will have the decorated pew torches and would like to have some kind of window decorations. Creative input would be appreciated.

Also, we will bring out the large wooden cross for the 10:30 service on Easter Sunday for the children to fill it with fresh flowers during the service. Adults will have to help the kids out and bring small bouquets to fill in the shelves in the cross. Jo C-K


There will be an Easter Egg hunt follwing the 10:30 service Easter Sunday. Ryan and Charley Mulick are in charge of hiding eggs and would like to know how many eggs will be needed. Please call if your kids want to participate so we will know how to plan. Please send that information to the church office at 870-793-2203 or


Dave _ Cinday Allen.jpg

Cindy Allen has been an active member of St. Paul’s Batesville for 40 years. She is a “cradle Episcopalian” from St. Peter’s on the Prairie in Tollville, Arkansas.

She graduated from Hazen High School and went on to earn a BSN, nurse practitioner from UAMS. She is married to Dr. Dave Allen who she brought into the Episcopal Church and they have three children and 5 grandchildren.

Their oldest daughter is Erin Finzer, associate vice chancellor for Academic Affairs at the University of Arkansas, Little Rock; second daughter Kate Lagus is an advanced practical nurse and husband Todd works as an engineer for Exxon in Houston, Texas; and son Brad of Fayetteville who works for Logistics.

Grandchildren are Sarah Blanche (15) and Eleanor (11) Finzer of Little Rock and Erik (13), Mary Evelyn (9) and Riina (7) Lagus of Houston.

Cindy proudly boasts that all of her grandchildren are 4th generation campers at Camp Mitchell.

Besides generously giving of her time for various jobs and projects at St. Paul’s, Cindy does other volunteer work, she spends time with her grandchildren, she is an excellent cook, an avid reader, and loves doing needlepoint and jigsaw puzzles.

Discussing the state of St. Paul’s, she expressed the wish for all members to love and support the church and its worship and ministries. “We all need to support our church and to pray for world peace.” (AMEN)



The Window Seen from Inside and Outside the Church

The Louis Kealer family has given a gift in his memory to be used for the restoration of the large stained-glass window above the entrance to St. Paul’s. The men’s group matched this gift and some members have pledge what is needed to complete this project. The clouded plexiglass storm window obscures the view of the window from the street, hiding its beauty from all who do not come inside. The plexiglass will be replaced with tempered glass and a new custom frame will be installed which mirrors the architecture lines of the window. Thus, what we see inside people will be able to see from Main Street. The existing frame is not vented, so the window frame will need to be repainted and chalked.  This, too, will be done as part of its restoration. Soos Stained-Glass out of North Little Rock has been contracted to complete this work.  




Churchman’s Club


Editor’s Note: For many years, on the property just west of St. Paul’s on Main Street, the church used a small building for church and civic functions. As I recall the building was of frame construction, with a small porch on the front. I remember going to Shrove Tuesday Pancake suppers there, and the chili suppers were excellent also. St. Paul’s has always been blessed with many good cooks – both women and men. Here are excerpts from ‘Worthy of Much Praise’ regarding the origin and use of the Churchman’s Club building which was torn down for the construction of the new parish hall and kitchen in 1952:


In March of 1909, Senor Warden J. C. Fitzhugh bought the lot described in the vestry minutes as lying ‘just south’ of the church. It contained a small building used at the time as a family grocery store. Fitzhugh held the property until the congregation could raise the total of $1400 he had paid for it. According to the vestry minutes, Bishop Brown offered $500 toward the price, but this was refused until he assured them that the money would not come from the missionary funds. As a personal loan from the bishop himself it was acceptable.

The next mention of this small store building in vestry minutes, in June of 1910, noted that it was being rented by a Mr. Clayt Baker for $15 a month. It is not clear, but it seems likely that this property is the room marked “Grocery” in the little complex shown on the 1901 map. An additional strip of property on Main Street was later acquired in September 1918. This was the lot containing what had once been Kate Hooper’s millinery shop. A small building was attached to the store and identified as a dwelling in the 1908 Sanborn map. This little house, with some modifications, later became known as the “Churchman’s Club” and was used for many years as a sort of parish hall.

After the arrival of the Rev. J. H. Boosey on October 1, 1925, the young people changed their place of meeting from the undercroft to the Churchman’s Club and average attendance grew from ten to twenty. Additional projects mentioned were a League orchestra, which played at a fall social; and a Missionary Tea and Sale, held on December 4 that year.

Besides the wonderful burst of enthusiastic work by the young people of St. Paul’s, another report for the year 1924, published in the Arkansas Churchman, mentioned the projects of the Churchman’s Club, the young men of the parish – work at the Ruddell Mission, a monthly community sing in a local theater, a men’s Bible class, and the installation on the church lawn of a glass-enclosed bulletin board.

The women were busy, too. St. Paul’s Guild, with over forty names on the roll in the mid-1920’s, met weekly, except during the hot summer months. Mrs. Charles Mosby (note: Mosby’s Jewelry store further down on Main and the Mosby home still remains on the corner of River and Bates Streets) was president in January of 1924 when the group voted to turn over to “the younger men’s club of the church” the house formerly controlled by the Guild. The ladies did, however, continue to use the “Churchman’s Club” facilities to give luncheons and banquets for such groups as the Chamber of Commerce and the Philomathean Society of Arkansas College.

The meals prepared by the women in the Churchman’s Club were managed under the most primitive conditions. It was not until December of 1925 that Mrs. Ramsey Weaver paid to have a sink installed in the small kitchen there, and that November the ladies voted to buy a new Perfection oil stove for the kitchen of the rectory since “carrying the oil stove from the rectory to the Churchman’s Club every Monday and for banquets was very inconvenient for Mrs. Boosey.”

The meals were not light snacks. At the 1925 Christmas Sale the menu for the 75 cent dinner was turkey and dressing, creamed potatoes and peas, cranberries and fruit salad, celery, hot rolls, coffee and pumpkin and mincemeat pies.

At a vestry meeting in January, 1952, contractor presented plans for a proposed parish house. The plans were approved, along with estimated expenses of $3,200 for wiring, heating and plumbing, and $7,500 for the Sunday School rooms to be located adjacent to the hall. The Women’s Auxiliary pledged to finance equipment for the new kitchen in the hall.

Mr. Jones, the contractor, was given permission to tear down the historic little Churchman’s Club, with instructions to save anything in the way of reusable materials for the new hall.


Episcopal Church Women (ECW): The state meeting of Episcopal Church Women was held in early March via Zoom. Among new business was announcement of newly elected state officers for 2022-23, the slate includes Cathy McDonald who will be serving as vice president and Ellen Massey who will be the new secretary. Plans were made for Summer Quest, the annual retreat held at Camp Mitchell each summer for the ECW around the state. The event is being planned for June 3-5. Tentative plans are for Fall Gathering to be hosted by St. Francis Episcopal in Heber Springs Oct. 21-22.

Locally, the St Paul’s ECW met March 8 in the home of Terri Crawford. News of the state meeting and upcoming plans for events in 2022 were shared. The next meeting will be with Pam Baxter, 136 19th St., April 12 at 6 p.m. The lesson topic will be a comparison of the four Gospels. All Episcopalian women are invited to the meetings.

Men’s Group: The Men’s Group hosted a very successful Mardi Gras celebration March 1 in the Parish Hall. Festive decorations, delicious food and much longed-for fellowship were enjoyed by all. The result was that over $3300 was raised, part of which will be used for projects benefiting the church and the community at large. Scott McSpadden, president and his team can be proud.


2022 Flower Chart: The flower chart is full through April but we need flowers for May 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29; June 5 and 26; July 10, 17, 24 and 31. August 7, 14, 21 and 28; September 4, 25, October 2, 16, 23; November 6, 20, and December 11. Please contact Jo Cargill-Krug at 613-6981 or to reserve a date.

Note: Flowers don’t necessarily have to be ordered from a florist but supplied by the donor. After the 10:30 service the flowers are yours to take home or give to someone. The green vase liners can be taken out but, if possible, returned to the sacristy for reuse.





April 3

Cameron Gillespie

Paul Hance

April 10

Mike Schmidt

Laura Hance

April 17

Dave Allen

Steve Massey

April 24

Ardis Gillespie

Danell Hetrick




April 3

Brenda & Nikki Bittle

Steve Massey

April 10

Fred Krug & Fuller Bumpers

Jon Healey

April 17

Bill Olson & Lee Conditt

Jon Healey

April 24

Pat Mulick & Ardis Gillespie

David Taverner

Altar Guild: Nelda Mitchell & Deborah Johnson


 6th: Team Bumpers

13th: Team Payne

20th: Team Olson

27th: Team Stalker


Birthdays: Cindy Allen (4/2), Lloyd Bess (4/5), Virginia Cruse (4/6), Danny Dozier (4/10) John Dempsey (4/11), Dwight Ford (4/13), Billy Estes (4/13), Colten McSpadden (4/13), Wemolet Margolis (4/13), Samuel Sullins (4/14), Mary Guenzel (4/15), Carter Ford (4/16), Cameron Gillespie (4/17), Byron Skinner (4/18), Dean Sullins (4/20), Arch Jones (4/22), Judy Purnell (4/23), Royce Haigwood (4/27), Betsy Bumpers (4/27), & Ray Sullins (4/30).

Anniversaries: Sarah Hays & Rick VanGrouw (4/11), Kera & Alisha Cook (4/15), Jim & Kay Longenbach (4/20), and Jessica & Grant Goodwin (4/26).

If you have a birthday or anniversary you would like added to our list, please contact the office at


Jo Cargill-Krug, Editor

Fr. Jim McDonald, Publisher

Nelson Barnett, St. Paul's Historian

Katie Janke, Layout & Design