This contains a corrected link to this week's bulletin. | |
Welcoming our New Dean
From Michael Bonilla, Senior Warden
The moment we have been waiting for has arrived! Today, the Very Rev. Rebecca Barnes will begin her new ministry at St. Paul's presiding at Eucharist and preaching both at the 8 and 10:15 services. I invite you all to join us downstairs after the service for a special coffee hour in the Walker Room. Enjoy some specially prepared treats and take a moment to introduce yourself to our new dean.
I also invite you to circle September 15 on your calendar. That Sunday, at 4 PM, Dean Barnes will be officially installed by Presiding Bishop Elect Sean Rowe at a service of Evensong sung by the cathedral choir. Hope to see many of you on Sunday the 7th!
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Gratitude for our Choir
From Dr. Nicholas Halbert, Organist-Choirmaster
A sincere thank you to the Cathedral Choir for coming out of Summer Break to celebrate the arrival of Dean Barnes this morning (as well as braving a warm July morning in their vestments!). Summer choir will commence in the coming weeks. During this time we will not have weeknight rehearsals; the choir will arrive at 9am and prepare the music for Mass on Sunday only. All are welcome to join us and lend their voices to worship! Details will come out next week.
Interested in joining the choir or being a part of music at the Cathedral? Contact Nicholas at
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Cathedral Cares Thursdays
Beginning Thursday, July 4
All are welcome to Cathedral Cares Thursdays, where we commune with one another, and later with our neighbors in Cathedral Park. Rachel Pinti, the Cathedral Intern for Mission, invites you to join a Noonday Prayer circle in the Ministry Center on Thursdays at 12:05pm. After prayer, there will be a brief spiritual exercise that changes from week-to-week. Immediately following the prayer circle, Rachel will be carrying out the Cathedral's bagged lunch ministry in Cathedral Park. Again, all are welcome to take part in worship and/or outreach.
If you have any questions, feel free to email We hope to see you there!
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On the afternoon of July 20, our Episcopal siblings at St. Philip's Church on Buffalo's east side will host an annual neighborhood gathering called "Love Rising." Rector Stephen Lane, known to many SPC folk from his diaconal service among us, notes that St. Philip's "has been involved in supporting our Buffalo communities since our founding in 1861. Members have long been advocates for uplifting and enriching the lives of those who have been marginalized." Among many other activities, folk from St. Philip's have generously supported SPC's Garden of Love clothing ministry.
Now, we're invited to help uplift this year's Fernhill Avenue event, with its theme of "Promoting Acts of Kindness." We are welcomed to stop by in person, right across the street from ECMC, where parking should be possible. (If plans shape up as hoped, Fernhill may be closed for a block party, from noon until 5pm.) We can also support the effort in advance, with donations for children's gift bags which neighbors will make for the ECMC pediatric unit (coloring books, crayons, markers, small stuffed animals, books, note pads, art supplies), bottled water, fresh fruit, granola bars, baked goods, real juices, helium balloons. Personal care items will fill gift bags for Terrace View Long-term Care and Delavan/Grider Community Center (toothpaste, soap, shampoo, washcloths, body lotion). Thank you cards will be prepared for E-District police offers, where Father Lane is chaplain. And there are plans for a bounce house, book give-away, food truck meals for at least 100 neighbors and guests, pre-purchased by supportive donors.
Gifts in kind are welcome in advance of the date, which Chris and Chuck Casto can deliver to St. Philip's; you may meet them before or after the 10:15 am Sunday service at St. Paul's, or arrange drop-offs at their North Buffalo home. (716-796-9341 or 9342, Money donations may be sent directly to St. Philip's Episcopal Church, 18 Sussex Street, Buffalo NY 14215, with the note "Love Rising."
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SJAT Note: How to Discuss Racially Unjust Structures
How can there be growth in understanding about racially unjust conditions in America? In discussion, seek shared values. Base these on facts. Let’s look into ourselves. What milestones have I missed? My recent talking with others and reading The Nation that Never Was by a constitutional scholar brought me up short. Things I thought I knew, but didn’t; a prejudice I didn’t know I had; the dates of the advances and the back-pedaling; and stuff I had to learn.
Read the full SJAT note
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SJAT Summer Reading List
From Estelle Siener for the Social Justice Action Team
Welcome to the Summer 2024 edition of our semi-annual book and media list – a list of some of reading and viewing that the members of the Team found edifying and inspiring, and are recommending to others. We’d love to talk with you about any of these or hear what you have been reading, so we can add them to our list!
View the reading list
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Prayer and Pastoral Care
We lift up the following in prayer: Dave, Alison, Anne, Tracy, Judy, Thomas, Mark, M’Lou, Patrick, Lisa, David, Judy, Michelle, Amir, Martha, Leonard, Leann, Josephine, Billy, Margaret, Betty Lou, Linda, Barbara, Len, Lenny, Michael, Heather, Gail, Rob, Galen, Elaine, Viola, Albert, John, Lindsay, Sharon, Allen, Renee, Shirley, Joni, Jim and Judy, Andrea, Don, Bob and Carol, Sue, and Rachel. We also remember all those in the life of the Cathedral who have died in years past and their loved ones who remember them.
• If you have requests to add to the weekly Prayers of the People or a name to add for the prayers of clergy and the Pastoral Care Team, please email
• If you know someone in need of pastoral care, please contact Judy Elliott or Canon Barbara Price.
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If you are with a group meeting on Zoom,
use the following link, unless specified otherwise:
Meeting ID: 716 855 0900 Password: 4cathedral
By Phone: 929-205-6099 Access code: 716 855 0900 Password: 535 007 8352
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St. Paul's Cathedral | 716-855-0900 | 139 Pearl Street, Buffalo, NY 14202
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