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Everyone is loved.

Everyone is empowered.

Everyone belongs.


Dear friends,

Today is the day! Our Art in Bloom Event is here. Thank you so much to Amy and Steve for organizing and for all their helpers - Kathie and Carrie, Maggie Mae's, Jena, Jeremy, and EVERYONE who have so graciously and generously donated items, money, food, and supplies. Also a big shout out of thanks to all who have been sharing our posts online and inviting friends and family. I have been amazed but not surprised by your generosity. Thank you!

I shared in last week's newsletter that the proceeds for Art in Bloom are going to an "ultra accessible" playground and improving our side yard space. I also shared that we are living into the generosity and kindness of our Patron Saint - St. Nicholas.

Legend has it (according to William J. Bennett in the book, The True Saint Nicholas: Why he Matters to Christmas) that St. Nicholas was formed in faith by his Mother and Father, Nonna and Theophanes. When his parents died from a plague passing through Lycia, Nicholas went to live with an uncle in a monastery and slowly healed from the grief and resolved to train for the priesthood. As a first step in responding to the vocational call of the priesthood, Nicholas gave away all of his possessions and his inheritance. This act of sacrifice on the part of Nicholas gives rise to the most beloved and famous story about him.

In Patara there was a family who had fallen on hard times. The father could not find work even though he had been previously wealthy. No one would give him a job because his hands were soft and uncalloused and merchants judged him as lazy. The man had three daughters of marrying age but no hope to marry them off because he could not afford a dowry for them. The father realized the only hope for his daughters was to sell them into servitude so they could eat and survive.

Nicholas heard about the family's plight and began to think about how to help them. He also remembered Jesus' call in Matthew 6:3-4 "...when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret." Under the cover of night, Nicholas took a bag filled with gold coins and placed it inside the family's house through an open window. Legend has it that the bag fell into a shoe or hanging stockings. In the morning, the man and his eldest daughter were overjoyed at the gift of a generous dowry. When Nicholas witnessed the joy, he knew he had to provide for the other daughters as well.

Nicholas gave each daughter and their father a gift for their future. Nicholas hoped his giving would be in secret but the father caught him on the last night and thanked him profusely. Nicholas, being a faithful servant of God told the man to thank God. He asked to be kept anonymous but that clearly did not work out for him. To this day we give gifts in honor of his generosity and kindness.

At St. Nick's we don't just do this at Christmastime but year round.

Praise God!!!

I praise God and thank God for your generosity!

What a beautiful way to live into the story of Saint Nicholas. What a beautiful way to live into the story of Jesus Christ and His great love for us.

I am convinced that we are able to do these generous acts because we have a God in Jesus Christ who loves us so abundantly. The Holy Spirit's presence among us, moving us to create and make original gifts and give items of personal importance is such a gift. There is the practical gift of one day having a playground. But there is also the spiritual gift of creating a DNA at St. Nick's of generosity, kindness, and compassion.

Thank you for saying yes to God and for living into our mission of being a generous and giving community of faith.

I hope to see you tonight from 6 to 8. We have kid activities, food, music, items to bid on, and plenty of laughter.

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,


This Sunday at St. Nick's

Sunday Worship

8:30am worship - Outdoors (Indoors if weather is bad.)

9:30am worship - in the Sanctuary

We also live stream at 9:30 to FacebookYoutubeTwitch, and

Youth Group Parent Meeting

Sunday May 5th after 9:30am

All rising 6th grade on up Youth and parents are invited to a meeting on May 5th after 9:30am worship. We will talk about our mini-mission to Austin, June 9th-12th, our plans for the summer, and big news for next year!

Any questions - contact Rev. Beth at 214-213-0739 or

Sunday, May 5: Sixth Sunday of Easter

Sunday Scriptures (click here for full scripture readings): Acts 10:44-48; Psalm 98; 1 John 5:1-6; John 15:9-17

Collect for the 6th Sunday of Easter:

O God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as surpass our understanding: Pour into our hearts such love towards you, that we, loving you in all things and above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen

This Week

Upcoming Events

Save the Date

  • May 3rd - Art in Bloom Fundraiser
  • May 5th - Youth Group Parent Meeting after 9:30am Worship
  • May 11th - Workday at St. Nick's from 8am to 11am
  • May 19th - Pentecost and Parish Picnic - only one service 9:30am
Church and Diocesan Information

Ministry Thank Yous...

Thank you to Haley and Brian for representing St. Nick's at the spring Gathering of Leaders Lay Ministry Learning Retreat. They met with other episcopal church lay leaders around the country for a time of mutual learning and sharing.

They gave a presentation on the great things God is doing in our community - empowering people to lead, love, and grow in faith. Thanks Haley and Brian!

Thanks to this faithful crew showing up for Musik in the Park. We had a great time listening to music, laughing, and meeting our neighbors.

It was also great fun to see some of our parishioners (not pictured) at the event and hearing our kiddos laugh and play.

We help year round - feel free to join us for a relaxing and music filled time.

SHARE Center - Return your bottles!

The SHARE Center wants to thank each and every one of you that participated in the Baby Bottle Boomerang fundraiser. So far you’ve raised $576.66! Your generosity allows us to provide free medical care, educational support, and material assistance to moms and dads in our community that may be experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Thank you for partnering with us to make this possible! We still have 56 bottles to be returned so whether it’s full or empty, please return it no later than Mother’s Day, May 12th. We so appreciate your help!

Pentecost Picnic - Grill Masters wanted!


Join us for a day of celebration and picnic fun on May 19th - the Day of Pentecost. It is our annual Pentecost Party and Picnic. We will have one service on that day at 9:30am. Don't forget to wear red!!!

Bring your favorite picnic side dish and come for celebratory worship, yard game fun, food, laughter, and friendship.

Do you love to grill? Want to help at our Parish Picnic? Contact Rev. Beth to RSVP for helping grill burgers and dogs for our picnic on May 19th at St. Nick's. All the burgers, dogs, and buns will be there ready to grill with the gas and coal grills. email or text beth at 214-213-0739

Dinner Church

Wednesday May 8th - In celebration of National Tourism Day - bring a dish from a place you want to visit or a place you have loved. See you Wednesday!

World Missions - Mother's Day Offering

Join World Missions and the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas as we wish a happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, mentors, and friends who enrich our lives.

On Sunday, May 12, the Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read invites congregations to take up a special World Missions Mother's Day Offering, focusing on the global impact of this gift and raising awareness of the mission partnerships supported by the local church and the Diocese. The annual World Missions Mother's Day Offering is an opportunity to recognize the women in our lives who nurture, teach, and lead with a gift in their honor or memory.

In honor of Mother’s Day, World Missions and the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas is taking up a collection for Mision de Jesucristo, a ministry that has worked to serve the poorest of the poor in Piedras Negras, Mexico for several years. Their projects include housing a Battered Women and Children’s Shelter, providing a Food Pantry and conducting a Sewing & Construction ministry at El Buen Pastor and Church of the Resurrection.

To make a donation to honor someone special, please visit, select World Missions and click on the Mother's Day sub-fund or send a check with Mother's Day on the memo line to:

The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas

PO Box 6885

San Antonio, Texas 78209

Donate Today

Ministry Costs

  • Shoes for Children - $15
  • School Uniform - $25
  • Scissors, Threads & Supplies for Sewing Mission- $30
  • Daughters of the King New Cross Fund - $45
  • Supply Basic Necessities at the Women & Children’s Shelter - $100
  • Material & Fabric Supplies for Sewing Mission - $260 - $300
  • Construction Supplies - $500 - $1,000
  • Remaining funds to repair holes in ceiling/roof at Church of the Resurrection - $2,000

Questions? Contact Catherine Markette, World Missions Ministries Coordinator, at

For more information about World Missions events and partnerships, click here to subscribe to the World Missions monthly newsletter and follow World Missions on Facebook and Instagram.

Sign-Ups for Sunday Ministries

Sunday Ministry Sign-ups

All ages can sign up at this link

Our Sunday ministry jobs are at the Sign-up Zone link above.

We are looking for readers, greeters, hospitality hosts, acolytes, and altar team members.

You can contact Rev. Beth if you would like to serve and have questions. Remember, as an intergenerational church - all ages are encouraged to lead and serve.

Contact Us Today
2265 Bulverde Rd.
Bulverde, TX 78163
Phone: 214-213-0739
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