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Everyone is welcome.

Everyone is loved.

Everyone is empowered.

Everyone belongs.


Dear friends,

Thank you for supporting our silent auction fundraiser, "Art in Bloom." Your dedication to supporting our Playground fundraiser through this this creative event is truly inspiring. When it comes to gifts and generosity, there are several scriptures that offer guidance and encouragement. For example, Proverbs 11:25 reminds us that a generous person will prosper, and whoever refreshes others will themselves be refreshed. Additionally, 2 Corinthians 9:7 encourages us to give with a cheerful heart, as God loves a cheerful giver. Your commitment to using your gifts and resources to make a positive impact aligns perfectly with these teachings. It is also helps us live into our vision of being a giving and loving community where...

Everyone is welcome. Everyone is loved. Everyone is empowered. Everyone belongs. Everyone!

We continuously bring this vision to the forefront to remind ourselves that St. NIck's exists to make a meaningful impact on our world as we share the love of Jesus with one another and our neighbors. Our call is to joyfully and creatively connect with others and meet them on their spiritual journey.

We met many new friends at "Art in Bloom" thanks to your willingness to invite people to join you. It was a joyful time that exceeded our expectations. We had over 100 people in attendance and when the final giving comes in, we will have raised $10,000. Thank you for your participation, prayers, and generosity. If you didn't have an opportunity to come or give to the Playground fund, you can go online and donate here.

We do not spend a lot of time speaking about financial giving in our community, but know that you are always welcome to donate funds towards the mission and ministries at St. Nick's. When you offer a weekly or monthly donation, you are helping us live into our vision and you are helping God to transform our church and her people. By giving, you are assisting in creating vibrant children and youth ministries where our young people are learning about God's love, participating in worship, and serving our neighbors. By giving, you are helping us to make improvements and provide space for people of all ages to have holy and life-changing experiences of God in Jesus Christ. By giving, you are providing musicians, empowering lay ministers to share their own experiences and passion for Jesus, and providing formational studies and worship experiences for all ages. By giving, you are helping us provide freezer space and support for Provisions Outreach, you are helping the larger community as they come for help with food and utilities, and you are helping to provide resources for sports groups and local schools and businesses as they come to St. Nick's to use our facilities and beautiful yard. Thank you for your generous financial giving to the mission and vision of St. Nick's. If you would like to set-up recurring giving you can go online here.

In addition to money, you also give so freely of your time and talent. So many of our ministries are lay led and sustained through volunteers who give sacrificially. Our Bishop's Committee, some of our musicians, altar team, readers, AV team, dinner church leaders, small group and meet-up group leaders, women's ministry groups, hospitality ministers, work day ministers, greeters, and our Good News Garden ministers are sacrificially giving of their time and talent. Even our small staff bless us beyond expectation with time and talent. We are blessed beyond measure. Thank you.

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,


This Sunday at St. Nick's

Sunday Worship

8:30am worship - Outdoors (Indoors if weather is bad.)

9:30am worship - in the Sanctuary

We also live stream at 9:30 to FacebookYoutubeTwitch, and

World Missions - Mother's Day Offering

Join World Missions and the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas as we wish a happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, mentors, and friends who enrich our lives.

This Sunday, May 12, the Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read invites congregations to take up a special World Missions Mother's Day Offering, focusing on the global impact of this gift and raising awareness of the mission partnerships supported by the local church and the Diocese. The annual World Missions Mother's Day Offering is an opportunity to recognize the women in our lives who nurture, teach, and lead with a gift in their honor or memory.

In honor of Mother’s Day, World Missions and the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas is taking up a collection for Mision de Jesucristo, a ministry that has worked to serve the poorest of the poor in Piedras Negras, Mexico for several years. Their projects include housing a Battered Women and Children’s Shelter, providing a Food Pantry and conducting a Sewing & Construction ministry at El Buen Pastor and Church of the Resurrection.

To make a donation to honor someone special, please visit, select World Missions and click on the Mother's Day sub-fund or send a check with Mother's Day on the memo line to:

The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas

PO Box 6885

San Antonio, Texas 78209

Donate Today

Ministry Costs

  • Shoes for Children - $15
  • School Uniform - $25
  • Scissors, Threads & Supplies for Sewing Mission- $30
  • Daughters of the King New Cross Fund - $45
  • Supply Basic Necessities at the Women & Children’s Shelter - $100
  • Material & Fabric Supplies for Sewing Mission - $260 - $300
  • Construction Supplies - $500 - $1,000
  • Remaining funds to repair holes in ceiling/roof at Church of the Resurrection - $2,000

Questions? Contact Catherine Markette, World Missions Ministries Coordinator, at

For more information about World Missions events and partnerships, click here to subscribe to the World Missions monthly newsletter and follow World Missions on Facebook and Instagram.

Sunday, May 12: Seventh Sunday of Easter

Sunday Scriptures (click here for full scripture readings): Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Psalm 1; 1 John 5:9-13; John 17:6-19

Collect for the 7th Sunday of Easter:

O God, the King of glory, you have exalted your only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph to your kingdom in heaven: Do not leave us comfortless, but send us your Holy Spirit to strengthen us, and exalt us to that place where our Savior Christ has gone before; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen

This Week

Upcoming Events

Save the Date

  • May 11th - Workday at St. Nick's from 8am to 11am
  • May 18th - Knitting/Crocheting Prayer Ministry Workshop 9-11am
  • May 19th - Pentecost and Parish Picnic - only one service 9:30am
Church and Diocesan Information

Pentecost Picnic!

Join us for a day of celebration and picnic fun on May 19th - the Day of Pentecost. It is our annual Pentecost Party and Picnic. We will have one service on that day at 9:30am. Don't forget to wear red!!!

Bring your favorite picnic side dish or some drinks or dessert to share. Join us for celebratory worship, yard game fun, food, laughter, and friendship.

We will have burgers and dogs along with your side dishes. You can email or text Rev. Beth at 214-213-0739 with any questions or offers for help.

Ministry Thank Yous!!!

Thanks to Grace and all the Youth and Kids!

Thank you to Grace and all the kid and youth types who helped to shrink our pile of dirt for the community garden. It is true that many hands make great help! We encourage all ages to participate in ministry here at St. Nick's. Way to Go!

Thank you to Katy, Amy, Tim, Linda, Holley, Patrick, Rev. Beth, Ann, Carrie, and Donnie for helping at our Teacher Appreciation Lunch at Arlon Seay Elementary. We provided a Taco Bar with festive decorations, tons of food, and lots of joy and laughter for their staff of 75 people. Thank you God for this new relationship and for these faithful helpers.

We also want to take this time to share a prayer for teachers and school administrators and staff as they end the school year.

Creator God,

You are our beginning and our end, our Alpha and our Omega.

We offer to you, the work of this past year.

Uphold and fill all school teachers, staff, and administrators with your love and peace as they end this school year. Help them to accept those things left undone and those things that did not turn out as they hoped. Give them the energy and joy to celebrate their accomplishments, their friendships, and the learning they themselves have encountered this year.

Bring them rest, relaxation, and inspiration this summer. Bring them space and time to feel your love and presence. Fill their hearts and minds with the knowledge they are loved and cherished by you.

We thank you, God, for the love, wisdom, and knowledge they have shared this past year. We offer to you the big and little victories as well as the times of defeat. We offer things done and things left undone.

We ask you God, to pour out Your Spirit of love, and hope into our teachers and school administrators and staff. Bless them with the knowledge that in You, all things are well. All this we ask and offer through Jesus Christ's Holy Name and in assurance of His great Love.


Dinner Church

Wednesday May 15th - Winner Winner Chicken Dinner - bring your fav

Chicken Dish. May 14th is Chicken Dance Day.

Sign-Ups for Sunday Ministries

Sunday Ministry Sign-ups

All ages can sign up at this link

Our Sunday ministry jobs are at the Sign-up Zone link above.

We are looking for readers, greeters, hospitality hosts, acolytes, and altar team members.

You can contact Rev. Beth if you would like to serve and have questions. Remember, as an intergenerational church - all ages are encouraged to lead and serve.

Contact Us Today
2265 Bulverde Rd.
Bulverde, TX 78163
Phone: 214-213-0739
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