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Everyone is welcome.

Everyone is loved.

Everyone is empowered.

Everyone belongs.


Dear friends,

Here's a little bit of fun Vacation Bible School (VBS) trivia for you -

Fact #1 - In 1894, Sunday School teacher D. T. Miles, was tired of the limited time she had teaching the Bible to children, so she created the first Vacation Bible School in Hopedale, Illinois. This effort enrolled forty students and lasted four weeks. She taught in a local school and had recess in a local park.

Fact #2 - Over time, different churches and teachers offered "Everyday Bible Schools" and "Daily Vacation Bible Schools" throughout the United States.

Fact #3 - In 1923 the first ever Vacation Bible School Printed Curriculum was created by Standard Publishing.

How fun is that? Our JOY Camp is part of a tradition that dates back to 1894 in the United States.

At St. Nick's we do not offer VBS in a fussy and school-like manner. Our VBS is offered for our entire congregation and this year we have some fun intergenerational learning activities!

  • Come for dinner and chat with others over a movie inspired meal - movie meals from Elf, The Grinch, and Home Alone.
  • Come and hear our Christmas Story without the rush of the Holiday season
  • Come and create Arts and Crafts that help retell the story
  • Come and praise and make a joyful noise as we pray, sing, and worship
  • Come and join in the Games - so many games!
  • Christmas Hymn/Song Bingo with Prizes!
  • Christmas Nativity Trivia with Prizes!
  • Christmas Minute to Win It with Prizes!
  • Christmas Jeopardy with Prizes!
  • Acting out the Nativity
  • A visit from Nativity animals from Winding Branch Ranch
  • An Angel Tree Outreach for the animals at Winding Branch Ranch

As with everything at St. Nick's you can invite your family and friends - young and old to join us for dinner, learning, laughter, and fun. We even have play snow and play-doh for our littlest ones. Bring their play clothes and pjs for a fun night.

Here's a reminder for the dates and times to prepare for JOY Camp and for the celebration of JOY Camp.

  • June 23rd - JOY Camp Volunteer Meeting 10:45am with Jena
  • June 25th - Prep and Decorating for JOY Camp 4:30 to when we are done - all ages welcome to help.
  • June 26-28th - JOY Camp - Intergenerational Vacation Bible School - from toddlers to nineties - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
  • June 29th - Congregation Pool Party 4:30pm to 7:30pm - all are invited!

As with all of our events, we would love to have you for the whole thing but know that sometimes you can just make a day or two. That is okay too! Just fill out our form online or at the church and we will add you to our RSVP.

One way to help with the event - bring your favorite Christmas Dessert and favorite drinks - juice, seltzer waters, water, etc. for one of the days.

And if you can't make it, you can come to the church on the Sunday before and after JOY Camp (that's this Sunday and next) and receive an Angel tag for the Winding Branch Ranch Animals. As you can imagine, summer is a hard time for the animals and a hard time for the ranch to get volunteer help. If you are interested in learning more or helping Winding Branch Ranch, you can check out their website to check out their animals and needs.

If you can come or are away, I also ask for your prayers for this event and our time together:

Abundant and loving God,

We are in a season of summer fun and delights! We thank You for warm breezes, a slower pace, and the beauty of rain that blesses Your creation.

Fill us with JOY in the next few weeks that we may hear Your Word anew and be filled with the knowledge of Your great love for us in the Christ-child, Jesus.

Help us to grow in new friendships as well as growth in our faith. Help us to learn to love You and one another with grace, patience, and deep friendship.

Set Your Word on our hearts and in our minds that we may know You are always with us, guiding us... loving us... blessing us.

We pray all of this with trust and confidence of Your great Love for us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,


This Sunday at St. Nick's

Sunday Worship

8:30 worship - Outdoors (inside if the weather is bad)

9:30am worship - in the Sanctuary

We also live stream at 9:30 to FacebookYoutubeTwitch, and

Sunday, June 23: Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 7

Sunday Scriptures (click here for full scripture readings): 1 Samuel 17:32-49; Psalm 9:9-20; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-41

Collect for Proper 7:

O Lord, make us have perpetual love and reverence for your holy Name, for you never fail to help and govern those whom you have set upon the sure foundation of your loving­kindness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen

This Week

Summer Ministry


JOY CAMP - June 26th-28th

JOY CAMP! June 26-28th

Sign up TODAY for JOY CAMP - Christmas in June! You can grab an old school sign-up at the church or go to our website and sign up online.

All ages can sign up to participate and help with JOY CAMP. Even our littlest can come and enjoy the stories, create some art, dance to the music, and feel the love of Jesus through our community at St. Nick's.

Invite your friends, family, grandkids, and neighbors!

Questions - contact Jena at

St. Nick's Pool Party

Saturday June 29th

The congregation is invited to a swim party and dinner from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. Come and join Jena, Beth, Jeremy, Belinda, Robin, and Zach for a night of hamburgers, hotdogs, and swimming fun.

Bring your favorite beverage and chips to share.

RSVP to Jena at and to get directions.

Upcoming Events

  • June 23rd - JOY Camp Volunteer Meeting 10:45am
  • June 25th - Prep and Decorating for JOY Camp 4:30 to when we are done...
  • June 26-28th - JOY Camp - Intergenerational Vacation Bible School - from toddlers to nineties - all are welcome and invited to come and learn, laugh, love...
  • June 29th - Congregation Pool Party 4:30pm to 7:30pm

Summer schedule:

  • Worship services - at 8:30 and 9:30 each Sunday (8:30 worship will be inside as weather demands).
  • Summer Dinner Church Small Groups
  • Friday morning Men’s Group - 6:30am at Bill Millers
  • Crochet/Knitting Prayer Group - 3rd Saturday of each month, 9-11am

Ministry Thank Yous!

Thank you - Pastor Angela!

Last Sunday we were blessed to have my friend and colleague Angela Cortinas here at St. Nick's. Angela serves at St. David's Episcopal in downtown Austin.

She encouraged us to continue to be the miraculous seed and stay committed to growing in the Lord our God.

Today we give thanks for St. David's, Pastor Angela, and all the churches committed to growing in faith and love.

Fun Time at Ranch Fest

We had a great time helping out Winding Branch Ranch this past Saturday with their one year anniversary. We offered children's activities and met lots of new four-legged and two legged friends!

Thank you to everyone who stopped by and said 'hi!"

Sign-Ups for Sunday Ministries

Sunday Ministry Sign-ups

All ages can sign up at this link

Our Sunday ministry jobs are at the Sign-up Zone link above.

We are looking for readers, greeters, hospitality hosts, acolytes, and altar team members.

You can contact Rev. Beth if you would like to serve and have questions. Remember, as an intergenerational church - all ages are encouraged to lead and serve.



An email scam has surfaced claiming to be Rev Beth.

  • Rev. Beth's email is - always check the sender's address.
  • Delete and do not respond to any emails requesting “favors” or “assistance” from the church or Rev Beth.
  • Do not open any links to suspicious emails.
  • Again - always check the sender’s address and make sure it is a verified church address.

St Nicholas has NOT sent out any emails asking for help. We DO NOT have a Gmail account. You can report scams to and and help report scammers.

If you ever have any questions about an email, text, or call, do not hesitate to call Rev. Beth at 214-213-0739 or email her at

If you need help learning how to spot suspicious emails or texts - talk to Rev. Beth or Jeremy and they will help you.

Contact Us Today
2265 Bulverde Rd.
Bulverde, TX 78163
Phone: 214-213-0739
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