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We are a worshiping community where  Everyone Matters. Everyone is Loved. Everyone Belongs.


Everyone is Empowered.

Dear Friends,

I hope and pray you are well. This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday. Every year on the 4th Sunday in Easter, we hear different parts of the Gospel of John chapter 10 - the Good Shepherd Discourse. This year we will hear John 10:11-18, last year we heard John 10:1-10, and next year we will hear John 10:22-30. I encourage to read all of chapter 10 in order to remember the entirety of the story.

Throughout the Easter season we have repetitive lessons, resurrection appearances, and familiar stories. I remember as a school chaplain, being asked by a young and quite precocious upper elementary school student (who, according to them, spent their entire life in chapel at school) why we hear the same stories over and over and over again. It occurred to me while engaging this question that there are some great teachers - 1) experience and 2) repetition.

It is in the nature of people and the church to want the familiarity of repetition and to cultivate experiences of God. We hear the same stories year after year so we might learn something new about God and ourselves. We participate in the same rituals and ministry experiences so we can connect with one another, God, and make or find meaning in our lives.

I want to encourage all of us to think deeply a pray about the offerings here at church - the ones we have established and the ones we want to create that cultivate experiences of God and connection with one another. What ministries and rituals bring meaning to your life and draw you close to the love of God through Jesus?

Our life together... Our life as a church family is filled with activity and experiencing God's divine love.

I have heard from some, that sitting outside and listening to the birds in our outdoor chapel grounds them for the challenges of the week in front of them. Others need the music from our worship to speak to their souls and give them strength. Others need the events and activities where people come together to learn, laugh, and fellowship.

Throughout this newsletter you will see many ways to engage in our community through rituals, ministry experiences, small groups, and fellowship opportunities. I hope you will take advantage of these offerings and join us as you are called and able.

In addition, I pray we will continue to be a community where new and innovative experiences of God are cultivated. I also pray we will continue to be a community where our needs (and the needs of our neighbors around us) are met through Joyous experiences of finding God in Christ at events, rituals, and activities at St. Nicholas.

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,


This Sunday at St. Nick's

Sunday Worship

8:30am worship - Outdoors (Indoors if weather is bad.)

9:30am worship - in the Sanctuary

We also live stream at 9:30 to FacebookYoutubeTwitch, and

Sunday, April 21: Fourth Sunday of Easter

Sunday Scriptures (click here for full scripture readings): Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18

Collect for the 4th Sunday of Easter:

O God, whose Son Jesus is the good shepherd of your people: Grant that when we hear his voice we may know him who calls us each by name, and follow where he leads; who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen

This Week

Prayer Ministry Workshop! This Saturday April 20th!

Join our prayer ministry leaders in making and crafting gifts and prayer tools for our community and neighbors. Bring your favorite crochet, knitting, or card making tools.

This week they are meeting at our Family Minister's house at 9:30 am. Contact Jena at 253-561-2377 for directions and to RSVP. All are welcome!

Keep saving the 3rd Saturday of the month for this time of fellowship, creating, and fun!

Youth Group - this Sunday!

Hey youth 6th grade on up! Looking for some service hours and a project for Earth Day? We want to hang out with you this Sunday after church - we have lunch and games planned. We also want your help with our Good News Community Garden. Wear comfy clothes and help fill our plant bins with soil and learn about the plans for the future.

Don't forget - whenever you help out at the church we can sign papers for service hours along with giving God thanks for your ministry of help!

Upcoming Events

Save the Date

  • April 21st - Bishop’s Committee Meeting in the Sunday School Room
  • April 21st – Youth Group in the Sanctuary and Garden Help
  • April 28th – Art Reach Sunday – We are the church collage
  • May 3rd - Art in Bloom Fundraiser
  • May 11th - Workday at St. Nick's from 8am to 11am
  • May 19th - Pentecost and Parish Picnic - only one service 9:30am

Art in Bloom Fundraiser

Friday, May 3, 6pm

Invite your friends, family, and neighbors for a night of food, fun, live music, and silent auction items. All proceeds are going to inclusive playground equipment and improvements to our side yard. Check out some of the great items below...

We are still accepting donations and you can contact Amy Poss with donation information and questions.

Church and Diocesan Information

Pentecost Celebration and Baptisms

Pentecost is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. Pentecost commemorates the day the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles of Jesus. This day is described in chapter 2 in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles.

When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. (Acts 2)

Christians believe this event represents the birth of the Church. It is a day to wear red (or oranges and yellow) to honor the reference to the tongues of flames. It is also a day most appropriate for baptisms. Baptismal candidates are welcome into the church and the entire community is invited into renewing their baptismal promises. For many churches, all of this culminates with a parish picnic or party.

The Day of Pentecost is one of the seven principal feasts of the church year in the Episcopal Church. A Principal Feast is a day set aside for a special and holy celebration. The other Feast days are Easter Day, Ascension Day, Trinity Sunday, All Saints’ Day (Nov. 1), Christmas Day, and the Epiphany (Jan. 6).

If you have been looking at a date for baptism, May 19th at the 9:30am service is a great day. We will be celebrating the birth of the church and our life together in worship and with a parish picnic. Contact Rev. Beth to schedule your baptism. She can be reached at

Pentecost Picnic - Grill Masters wanted!


Join us for a day of celebration and picnic fun on May 19th - the Day of Pentecost. It is our annual Pentecost Party and Picnic. We will have one service on that day at 9:30am.

Bring your favorite picnic side dish and come for celebratory worship, yard game fun, food, laughter, and friendship.

Do you love to grill? Want to help at our Parish Picnic? Contact Rev. Beth to RSVP for helping grill burgers and dogs for our picnic on May 19th at St. Nick's. All the burgers, dogs, and buns will be there ready to grill with the gas and coal grills. email or text beth at 214-213-0739

Dinner Church

Wednesday April 24th - bring your favorite tapas, finger foods or appetizers.

World Missions - Mother's Day Offering

Join World Missions and the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas as we wish a happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, mentors, and friends who enrich our lives.

On Sunday, May 12, the Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read invites congregations to take up a special World Missions Mother's Day Offering, focusing on the global impact of this gift and raising awareness of the mission partnerships supported by the local church and the Diocese. The annual World Missions Mother's Day Offering is an opportunity to recognize the women in our lives who nurture, teach, and lead with a gift in their honor or memory.

In honor of Mother’s Day, World Missions and the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas is taking up a collection for Mision de Jesucristo, a ministry that has worked to serve the poorest of the poor in Piedras Negras, Mexico for several years. Their projects include housing a Battered Women and Children’s Shelter, providing a Food Pantry and conducting a Sewing & Construction ministry at El Buen Pastor and Church of the Resurrection.

To make a donation to honor someone special, please visit, select World Missions and click on the Mother's Day sub-fund or send a check with Mother's Day on the memo line to:

The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas

PO Box 6885

San Antonio, Texas 78209

Donate Today

Ministry Costs

  • Shoes for Children - $15
  • School Uniform - $25
  • Scissors, Threads & Supplies for Sewing Mission- $30
  • Daughters of the King New Cross Fund - $45
  • Supply Basic Necessities at the Women & Children’s Shelter - $100
  • Material & Fabric Supplies for Sewing Mission - $260 - $300
  • Construction Supplies - $500 - $1,000
  • Remaining funds to repair holes in ceiling/roof at Church of the Resurrection - $2,000

Questions? Contact Catherine Markette, World Missions Ministries Coordinator, at

For more information about World Missions events and partnerships, click here to subscribe to the World Missions monthly newsletter and follow World Missions on Facebook and Instagram.

Workday - Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who came and helped this past Saturday at the workday. Next workday is May 11th. Come and help us finish our offices and work on our side yard.

Sign-Ups for Sunday Ministries

Sunday Ministry Sign-ups

All ages can sign up at this link

Our Sunday ministry jobs are at the Sign-up Zone link above.

We are looking for readers, greeters, hospitality hosts, acolytes, and altar team members.

You can contact Rev. Beth if you would like to serve and have questions. Remember, as an intergenerational church - all ages are encouraged to lead and serve.

Contact Us Today
2265 Bulverde Rd.
Bulverde, TX 78163
Phone: 214-213-0739
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