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We are a worshiping community where everyone matters, everyone is loved, and everyone belongs. Everyone!

Dear Friends,

We are in the Easter Season. So... (continued) Happy Easter to you!!! One of my favorite thins this year is how often we hear Jesus say to his disciples "Peace be with you." This Sunday we will experience Jesus eating with his disciples in the Gospel of Luke. They will eat some broiled fish together, Jesus will explain scriptures to them and he begins his time with them saying, "Peace be with you."

Jesus often offers peace, reassuring his disciples when they are afraid, facing challenges, or in need of encouragement. I believe Jesus still shows up today and bids us peace. Just as in the Gospels, it often happens as we gather for meals together. Sometimes it is an impromptu dinner or lunch with friends where you find yourself laughing and catching up on life. Jesus shows up in the conversation and your heart is filled with peace because two or three of you are gathered.

This past week Jesus showed up in a tangible way during Dinner Church. Dinner Church is our Wednesday night dinner gathering where we come together to have informal prayers and communion in the form of a collective and corporate mea usually around a theme. All ages come together to set-up, clean-up, eat, drink, laugh, talk, pray, and play. This past week our younger members in our community of faith led us in the teacher, prayers, and in helping us make homemade pizzas.

Through this time together, my eyes were opened in new ways to our scriptures. I experienced Colossians Chapter three verse 12 through the eyes of our community - Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. I loved watching our youngsters clothe themselves with kindness and humility as they asked everyone's names and tried to match people with pizza orders. I loved the patience from the folks waiting for their turn to make pizza and for them to cook. I loved watching our community encourage the kids in their leadership as they made placemats reminding us to love God and led the prayers for dinner.

Surely this was the peace Jesus was sharing. A space and place where everyone is empowered to be a loving leader. A space and place where everyone is empowered to be a servant one to another - helping and loving each other with compassion and gentleness. A space and place where the community comes together to care for one another in such a way that God's presence is known in and through the love of Jesus.

That is my dream for us at St. Nick's. That is God's dream for us at St. Nick's. Our vision is to be a worshiping community - a place and space where...

Everyone Matters.

Everyone is Loved.

Everyone Belongs.


Everyone is Empowered.

I pray that God will open our eyes to the moments when Jesus shows up and bids us peace through one another. I pray that God will open our eyes to see God's vision alive and thriving here at St. Nicholas through all ages and all God's beloved people.

Thank you for being part of this community - you are making God's vision of peace, joy and love come true.

God’s Peace, Love, and Blessings,


This Sunday at St. Nick's

Sunday Worship

8:30am worship - Outdoors (Indoors if weather is bad.)

9:30am worship - in the Sanctuary

We also live stream at 9:30 to FacebookYoutubeTwitch, and

Sunday, April 14: Third Sunday of Easter

Sunday Scriptures (click here for full scripture readings): Acts 3:12-19; Psalm 4; 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36b-48

Collect for the 3rd Sunday of Easter:

O God, whose blessed Son made himself known to his disciples in the breaking of bread: Open the eyes of our faith, that we may behold him in all his redeeming work; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

This Week

Upcoming Events

Save the Date

  • April 13th – Church Workday at St. Nick’s from 8am to 11am
  • April 21st - Bishop’s Committee Meeting in the Sunday School Room
  • April 21st – Youth Group in the Sanctuary and Garden Help
  • April 28th – Art Reach Sunday – We are the church collage
  • May 3rd - Art in Bloom Fundraiser

Art in Bloom Fundraiser

Friday, May 3, 6pm

Food, fun, live music, and a silent auction with proceeds going towards the purchase of playground equipment.

We need you to help our silent auction blossom! Use your connections and talents to get St. Nick’s unique items. This year we have two beautiful stained-glass quilts, homemade Anglican rosaries, art work, a monthly supply of homemade English Muffins, and a birthday party package from Winding Branch Ranch! Start inviting your friends and neighbors. And please email Amy Poss with donation information and questions.

Church and Diocesan Information

Dinner Church

Dinner Church - April 17

Next Wednesday, we're challenging you to a cookbook challenge - we'll pick the cookbook, and you make a dish from it!

Listen for an announcement at Church this Sunday - April 14th.

Happy Cooking!!!

Thank you!!!

Holy Week and Easter!

Thank you to all of our volunteers and helpers during Holy Week and Easter. There are so many people who helped with donations and reading, leading, decorating, folding bulletins, planning worship, singing, and cleaning. Thank you also for prepping eggs, pinatas, and inviting friends and family to join us on such a joy filled and celebratory day!!! What a blessed day thanks to you!

Share Center!

Thank you to everyone who has given to the Share Center in their Baby Bottle Boomerang.

The bottles will be blessed this Sunday at Church and sent on to help young parents in need of diapers, parent education classes, toys and clothes.

Thank you!


Thank you to the Gambill family for bringing in their bunnies last Sunday. We were all blessed with the joy of bunny cuddles and sharing the peace of God with one another.

Sign-Ups for Sunday Ministries

Sunday Ministry Sign-ups

All ages can sign up at this link

Our Sunday ministry jobs are at the Sign-up Zone link above.

We are looking for readers, greeters, hospitality hosts, acolytes, and altar team members.

You can contact Rev. Beth if you would like to serve and have questions. Remember, as an intergenerational church - all ages are encouraged to lead and serve.

Contact Us Today
2265 Bulverde Rd.
Bulverde, TX 78163
Phone: 214-213-0739
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