Annunciation of the Theotokos
Veneration of the Holy Cross
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Христос Међу Нама! Christ is in our midst! Cristo esta' entra nosotros! | |
Homily on the Third Sunday of Lent, The Adoration of the Precious Cross
by Fr. Philip LeMasters
In any kind of difficult challenge, it’s always inspiring to know that you are half way to the end. It might be a race, a school year, or a project at work; if you’ve made it this far, you know that you can eventually reach your goal.
We are now half way through the season of Lent, and the Church calls our attention today to the great symbol of victory, the great sign of hope, our Lord’s cross. During the time of Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry, of course, no one was inspired by the cross, for it was a feared instrument of execution. No one honored the cross and certainly no one thought that God’s Messiah would die on one.
So it was profoundly shocking when the Savior told His disciples that He would be rejected, suffer, die, and rise again. When St. Peter tried to correct Him, Christ called him “Satan” and said that he was thinking in human terms, not God’s. Then the Lord told the disciples what they didn’t want to hear. They too must take up their crosses and lose their lives; that’s the way to enter into the blessed salvation of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The hard truth that Jesus Christ broke to His disciples was that we can’t jump ahead to the joy of the empty tomb. We must first go with our Lord to the cross; we too must die in order to rise again. And the unpopular truth is that every last one of us needs to die to our sinfulness, to how we have distorted ourselves, our relationships, and our world. The Son of God offered Himself in free obedience to the Holy Trinity, taking upon Himself the full consequences of sin and death to the point of a horrible execution; He did so out of love for us. And thus He opened the way to the Kingdom of heaven, to life eternal, for you, me, and all humankind; indeed, for the entire creation.
And that way is the cross, for if we want to share in the joy of His resurrection, of His victory over death, we must first participate in the struggle, pain, and sacrifice of crucifixion. We must crucify the habits of thought, word, and deed that lead us to worship and serve ourselves instead of God and neighbor. We must kill our pride, our selfishness, and our slavery to pleasure. If we don’t crucify these passions, our souls will be too sick, dark, and weak to share in the glory of the resurrection. Like St. Peter, we will think in human terms, not God’s, no matter how religious or moral we appear to others.
And the reality is that we have no shortage of opportunities to take up our crosses. When we struggle to resist a temptation, when we battle angry thoughts against those who have wronged or somehow irritated us, and when we endure deep sorrows and disappointments with trust in God’s faithfulness and mercy, we take up the cross.
Fortunately, we do not go to the cross alone. No matter what we are tempted to think at times, our Savior is no stranger to temptation, suffering, pain, and death. He sympathizes with our struggles because He endured them. He was literally nailed to a cross, died, was buried, and descended into Hades in order to bring the joy of life eternal to corrupt, weak, imperfect people like you and me through His glorious third-day resurrection. And in order to follow Him to the joy of Pascha, we must likewise take up our cross.
So as we begin the second half of Lent, let us keep our eyes on the prize, looking to the great trophy of our Savior’s victory over sin and death, the cross, through which joy has come into all the world. And even though it is a struggle and none of us does it particularly well, let us put aside our own preferences and obsessions in order to take up the cross through prayer, fasting, forgiveness, mending broken relationships, and showing generosity to those in need. Let us offer our lives in free obedience to the Father, accepting whatever pain and struggle there may be in setting things right in our lives as best we can. And no matter what burdens we may bear, no matter our frustrations and failures, let us press on the joy of Pascha. Jesus Christ participated in death in order to bring us into His life, and we must participate in His death in order to share in the glory of His resurrection. So let us deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Him. For this alone is the way to the brilliant light and eternal blessedness of the Kingdom of God.
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Let the heavens rejoice! Let the earth be glad! For the Lord has shown strength with His arm. He has trampled down death by death. He has become the first born of the dead. He has delivered us from the depths of hell, and has granted to the world great mercy.
O Lord, save Your people, and bless Your inheritance! Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians over their adversaries; and by virtue of Your Cross, preserve Your habitation!
Today is the beginning of our salvation, the revelation of the eternal mystery! The Son of God becomes the Son of the Virgin as Gabriel announces the coming of Grace. Together with him let us cry to the Theotokos: “Rejoice, O Full of Grace, the Lord is with you!”
Now the flaming sword no longer guards the gates of Eden; it has been mysteriously quenched by the wood of the Cross. The sting of death and the victory of hell have been vanquished; for You, O my Savior, have come and cried to those in hell: “Enter again into Paradise!”
To Thee, the Champion Leader, do I offer thanks of victory, O Theotokos, thou who hast delivered me from terror; but as thou that has that power invincible, O Theotokos, thou alone can set me free from all forms of danger
Before Your Cross, we bow down in veneration, O Master, and Your holy Resurrection, we glorify.
HYMN TO THE THEOTOKOS (Instead of “It is Truly Meet…”)
O earth, announce good tidings of great joy: O heavens, praise the glory of God! Since she is a living Ark of God let no profane hand touch the Theotokos. But let the lips of believers unceasingly sing to her, praising her in joy with the Angel’s song: “Rejoice, O Lady, full of grace, the Lord is with you!”
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~Scripture Readings of the Day~ | |
This Week: Matins: Milan Radanovic Epistle: Marko Rocknage
Next Week: Matins: Nick Ressetar Epistle: Dasha Gencturk
EPISTLE: Hebrews 2:11—18 (Annunciation), Hebrews 4:14—5:6 (Cross)
DEACON: Let us pay attention.
PRIEST: Peace be unto all!
READER: And with your spirit!
DEACON: Wisdom.
READER: The Prokeimenon in the Fourth Tone: Proclaim day by day the salvation of our God.
CHOIR: Proclaim day by day the salvation of our God.
READER: v: Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth!
CHOIR: Proclaim day by day the salvation of our God.
READER: And in the Sixth Tone: O Lord, save Your people and bless Your inheritance!
CHOIR: O Lord, save Your people and bless Your inheritance!
DEACON: Wisdom!
READER: The Reading is from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Hebrews
DEACON: Let us attend!
READER: Brethren, for both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying: “I will declare Your name to my brethren; In the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You.” And again: “I will put My trust in Him.” And again: “Here am I and the children whom God has given Me.” Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. For indeed He does not give aid to angels, but He does give aid to the seed of Abraham. Therefore, in all things He had to be made like His brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.
Brethren, seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. For every high priest taken from among men is appointed for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins. He can have compassion on those who are ignorant and going astray, since he himself is also subject to weakness. Because of this he is required as for the people, so also for himself, to offer sacrifices for sins. And no man takes this honor to himself, but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was. So also Christ did not glorify Himself to become High Priest, but it was He who said to Him: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.” As He also says in another place: “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek”
PRIEST: Peace be unto you, reader!
READER: And with your spirit! Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
READER: He shall come down like rain upon a fleece, and like raindrops that fall upon the earth.
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
READER: His name shall be blessed unto the ages, before the sun there is his name.
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
READER: Remember Your congregation, which You have purchased of old!
CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
АПОСТОЛ: Јеврејима 2:11-18 (Благовести), Јеврејима 4: 14 — 5: 6
Ђакон: Пазимо
Свештеник: Мир свима!
Читач: I Духу Твоме!
Ђакон: Премудрост
Читач : ПРОКИМЕН- глас 4 Јављајте из дана у дан спасење Бога нашега.
Хор: Јављајте из дана у дан спасење Бога нашега.
Читач: Певајте Господу песму нову, певај Господу сва земљо!
Хор: Јављајте из дана у дан спасење Бога нашега.
Читач: Спаси Господе, народ Свој и благослови наследство Своје.
Хор: Спаси Господе, народ Свој и благослови наследство Своје.
Ђакон: Премудрост
Читач: Читање посланице Св. Апостола Павла Јеврејима
Ђакон: Пазимо
Читач: Браћо, Онај који освећује и они који се освећују сви су од једнога, зато се не стиди да их назива браћом, говорећи: „Објавићу Име твоје браћи својој, усред сабора песмом ћу те величати.” И опет: „Ја ћу се уздати у Њега.” И опет: „Ево ја и деца коју ми даде Бог.” А пошто та деца имају заједницу у крви и месу, и Он узе најприснијег удела у томе, да смрћу сатре онога који има моћ смрти, то јест ђавола, и да избави оне који из страха од смрти целога живота беху кривци за своје робовање. Јер, заиста се не присаједини анђелима, него се присаједини семену Авраамову. Стога је требало да у свему буде подобан браћи, да би био милостив и веран првосвештеник у служби Богу, како би очистио грехе народа. 18. Јер пошто је и сам страдао будући кушан, зато може помоћи онима који бивају кушани.
Браћо, имајући, дакле, Првосвештеника великога, који је прошао небеса, Исуса Сина Божијега, треба да се држимо чврсто вјере коју исповиједамо. Јер немамо првосвештеника који не би могао састрадати немоћима нашим, него Првосвештеника који је у свему кушан као и ми, али без гријеха. Стога приступајмо смјело пријестолу благодати, да примимо милост и нађемо благодат за благовремену помоћ. Јер сваки првосвештеник који се узима између људи, поставља се за људе на служење Богу, да приноси и дарове и жртве за гријехе, који може да саосјећа са онима који су у незнању и заблуди; јер је и сам подложан слабостима, и због тога је дужан, како за народ, тако и за самога себе да приноси жртве за гријехе. И нико сам себи не присваја ту част, него призван од Бога, као и Арон. Тако и Христос не даде сам себи славу да буде првосвештеник, него Онај који му рече: Син мој јеси ти, ја те данас родих. Као што и на другом мјесту вели: Ти си Свештеник вавијек по чину Мелхиседекову.
Свештеник: Мир свима Читачу!
Читач: I Духом Твоме! Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Читач: Доћи ће као дажд на руно, као капље које орошавају земљу.
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Читач: Име ће Његово бити до века, пре сунца постоји име Његово.
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
Читач: Опомени се сабора Својега, којег си стекао од старине.
Хор: Алилуиа, Алилуиа, Алилуиа
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Luke 1: 24 — 38 (Annunciation), Mark 8: 34 — 9: 1 (Cross)
Now after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived; and she hid herself five months, saying, “Thus the Lord has dealt with me, in the days when He looked on me, to take away my reproach among people.” Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.” Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?” And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. For with God nothing will be impossible.” Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.
When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.” And He said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that there are some standing here who will not taste death till they see the kingdom of God present with power.”
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ЈЕВАНЂЕЉЕ: Лука 1:24-38 (Благовести), МАРКО 8: 34 — 9: 1
А после оних дана затрудне Јелисавета жена његова, и кријаше се пет месеци говорећи: „Тако ми је учинио Господ у дане ове у које погледа на ме да ме избави од срамоте међу људима.” А у шести месец послан би од Бога анђео Гаврило у град галилејски по имену Назарет, девојци зарученој за мужа, по имену Јосиф, из дома Давидова; и девојци беше име Марија. И ушавши к њој анђео рече: „Радуј се, благодатна! Господ је с тобом. благословена си ти међу женама!” А она видевши га, уплаши се од речи његове и мишљаше: какав би ово био поздрав? И рече јој анђео: „Не бој се. Марија, јер си нашла благодат у Бога! И ево зачећеш и родићеш сина, и наденућеш му име Исус. Он ће бити велики, и назваће се Син Вишњега, и даће му Господ Бог престо Давида оца његова; и цароваће над домом Јаковљевим вавек, и царству његову неће бити краја.” А Марија рече анђелу: „Како ће то бити кад ја не знам за мужа?” И одговарајући анђео рече јој: „Дух Свети доћи ће на тебе, и сила Вишњега осениће те; зато и оно што ће се родити биће свето, и назваће се Син Божији. И ето, Јелисавета рођака твоја, и она заче сина у старости својој, и ово је шести месец њој, коју зову нероткињом. Јер у Бога је све могуће што каже.” А Марија рече: „Ево слушкиње Господње - нека ми буде по речи твојој!” И анђео отиде од ње.
Рече Господ: Ко хоће за мном да иде нека се одрекне себе и узме крст свој, и за мном иде, jер ко хоће живот свој да сачува, изгубиће га, а ко изгуби живот свој мене ради и јеванђеља онај ће га сачувати. Јер каква је корист човјеку ако задобије сав свијет а души својој науди? Или какав ће откуп дати човјек за душу своју? Јер ко се постиди мене и мојих ријечи у роду овоме прељуботворном и грјешном, и Син ће се Човјечији постидјети њега кад дође у слави Оца својега са светим анђелима. И рече им: Заиста вам кажем: има неки међу овима што стоје овдје који неће окусити смрти док не виде Царство Божије да је дошло у сили.
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~ The Week Ahead: Scriptures and Services ~ | |
~Prayers for the Faithful~
In Our Prayers
Metropolitan Paul, Archbishop Youhanna, Protinica Ljubica Jockovic, Protopresbyter Rodney Torbic, Popadija Sara Golic, Matushka Barbara Ealy, the child Katie Elizabeth and her parents Mileva and Michael Repasky, the child Metodija and his parents Fr. Dn. Milan and Mira Damljanovic, the child Louise Bare and her parents Zachary & Elizabeth, Shayle York and the newborn Šeren Lily, Kaitlyn Hook and the newborn Bowen William, Cassandra Semic and the newborn Palmer Belle, Mara Bebeau and the child to be born of her, Catherine Lewis and the child to be born of her, Kyranna Baker and the child to be born of her, Michelle Adams, Addy Andy, Lori Bare, Dori & Doug Bert, Jonathan Bertsch, Darlene & Larry Black, Carole Blitva, Stephan and Barbara Blitva, Walter “Bud” Brown, Rebecca Cappetta, Guiliana & Aleksandar Carricato, Susan & Jim Cibort, Leann Cox, Victoria Cox, Art Dils, Tommy & Kara (Blitva) Dorsey, JoAnn Filepas, Anaya Garvin, Christian & Melanie Geib, Michael Geppert III, Nevenka Gojkovic, Dr Andrea Govelovich, Nick & Terry Govelovich, Kata Gruich, George Gutshall, Dan Hazlett, Travis Heilman, Adam Herigan, Edith Herigan, Kay Himes, Nicole Stefan Imschweiler, Susan Jacobs, Slobodan Jovicic, Myong Sook Kim, Spencer Klinge, Dorothy Krnjaich, Henry Laichak, Peter Lalic, Dragan Lalovic, Stella Wren Lappas, Jovan Lemajic, Dick Livingston, Maggie Livingston, Boro Lojpur, Stephen Lundingrin, Penny MacDonald, Dianne & Jim Martin, Rowan Martin, Jack McFall, Marija Miljkovic, Peter Mrgich, George Myers, Katherine Nation, Patty Navarro, Bosiljka Ninkovic, Lila Packer, Daniel Paddock, Vid & Marica Pejcic, Hope Pesner, Kobe Petrovich, Sue Petrovich, Tracy Petrovich, Christopher Radanovic, Linda Rodgers, Logan Roszkowski, Chloe Ruff, Jane Rush, Greg Selman, Michael Schaffner, Maryann Seiders, Steven Semic, Benjamin Shaffer, Tessa Shaffer, John Sheaffer, Branko Smitran, Zorka Starcevich, Tim Stefan, Stevan and Mary Stojic, Patricia & Joseph Sypniewski, Leonard Tepsich, Leroy Tepsich Jr, Savka Trivun, Edie & Michael “Bo” Venesevich, Michael Vishnesky, Rita Vorkapich, Kristina Vukalo, Steve Vulich, Paula Werner, Draga Worman, Beverly Yanich, Tosh Yanich, Dewey Yetter, Mila “Millie” Yezdimir, Marija Zabrodnaya, Jason Zeigler, Ashley Ziobrowski, Demetrios & Eleni Ziogas, Miriam “Mim” Codan Ziolkowski
Those Who Need Special Care
Those to be Baptized
Sloane, Berkeley & Palmer Semic, Barrett Scott, Divna & Danica Mitrovic, Nora & Maeve Van Huysen, Sloane & Šeren York
Our College Students
Sophia Adams, Cameron Barber, Michael Geppert, Anastasija Gligorevic, Cayden Healy, Matthew Hoover, Kalei Howard, Faith Kingsbury, Sophia Mummert, Kobe Petrovich, Christina Radanovic, Ioanna Radanovic, Madison Vorkapich, Anastasija Vukalo
Our Dearly Departed Loved Ones
Goran Stekovic, Louis ’Chuck’ Belic, Florence Ivanoff, Sofija Wuselich, Dr Stevan ‘Rick’ Zivic, Radenko Kuzmanovic, Nathan Rush, Slavko Djordjic, Slobodan Saran, George Radanovic, Edward Hojnicki
~Condolences Offered~
Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!
We offer our condolences to Father Timothy Hojnicki and his family on the repose of his father, †EDWARD HOLJNICKI, who fell asleep in the Lord on Thursday, April 4. May his soul dwell with the righteous, be numbered among the just, and may his memory be eternal!
~Parastos to be Offered~
Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!
†MARSHALL VUJASINOVICH Offered after Liturgy today, by his family, in loving memory of his 6 month repose.
~Vigils Offered~
GAVIN PETERSON Offered in joyful celebration of our precious Gavin’s 7th birthday (April 2). May God grant him many blessings with his beautiful family now and always. Much love from his Babi and Djedo in heaven and the whole family. Many Years! Mnogaja Ljeta!
DOLLY DOCKERY Offered in celebration of Heather’s mother’s birthday with much love from the Heilmans. Many Years! Mnogaja Ljeta!
SANDY MARIJAN Offered in joyful celebration of our dear friend’s birthday (April 10). May our Lord grant her many blessings for many years. Mnogaja Ljeta! With much love from Joyce & Tootsie.
SUE PETROVICH Offered prayerfully for our Kuma Sue that God blesses her with improved health. From your Kumovi Pete, Arlene, Eric & family, and Melanie & family.
DARLENE & LARRY BLACK Offered with love by the Barber, Geib & McLaughlin Families for God’s Blessings during their recovery. We pray that He will bless them with good health. Our Love & Prayers are with them.
TOOTSIE KRNJAICH Offering vigils and prayers for our Kuma Tootsie. May God’s blessings be with her during her rehab period. From her Godchildren, Kat and families.
MICHAEL GEPPERT Offered prayerfully by Mom & Dad for improvement in health and God’s blessings and loving care during his recovery.
†SUG & †JANIE TEPSICH Offered in loving memory of our dear friends’ repose (13 years—April 3) & (2 years—April 8), by Kat Gruich and family. Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!
†VERA RADANOVIC Offered in loving memory of her repose 9 years ago on Holy Saturday (April 11) by Dave, Daria, Jason & Sarah Milletics. Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!
†MILLIE CHRIST Offered in loving memory of my Kuma Tootsie’s repose (3 years—April 13) by Tootsie Krnjaich. Memory Eternal! Vjecnaja Pamjat!
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Please continue to pray for all of those currently being persecuted for Christ's sake in Kosovo, Metohija, Montenegro, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Morocco, China, North Korea, for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ suffering throughout the world, especially in Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Palestine, that they might be comforted with the Joy of our Lord, and for those who are unjustly persecuted that they may be strengthened by the love of Christ which knows no division.
Stewardship Offering Information
Date 3/31/2024
Collection: $3,434.00
Date 3/24/2024
Collection: $3,386.00
Date 3/17/2024
Collection: $3,382.00
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April Birthdays
Doni Cashman (April 3), Fr Dcn Bojan Gligorevic (April 9), Sandy Marijan (April 10), Shirley Hathaway (April 11), Sue Petrovich (April 12), Andrew Imschweiler (April 12), Parker Brosius (April 13), Philip Werner (April 16), Ava Carricato (April 17), Marina Radanovic (April 18), Jessica Barry (April 18), Elizabeth Bare (April 19), Nicholas Govelovich (April 20), Cameron Barber (April 21), Evan Filepas (April 22), Grant Govelovich (April 22), Sladjana Jovic (April 24), Olga Gaydebouroff (April 25), Dragan Lalovic (April 25), Fr Christopher (April 26), Barrett Bernardi (April 26), Logan Livingston (April 26), Angie Bagley (April 27), Luis Radanovic (April 30)
April Anniversaries
Jelena & Justin Bowser (April 21), Russ & Amy Hewitt (April 27)
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Father Chris will continue the adult education classes during lent with his Living the Faith—Responses of the Divine Liturgy, on Sundays after Divine Liturgy.
The Seniors April meeting has been changed to Tuesday April 16, in the Social Hall at 12 noon. Apologies for the short notice. All 50+ youngsters are invited to join. Luncheon is $6. Dues are $5 yearly.
The Choir will be hosting a free will luncheon on April 28, to benefit the church mortgage fund. Please stay and help support the Choir and our Church.
If you would like to purchase an Easter Lily to help decorate the Lord’s Tomb on Great & Holy Friday, please contact Daria in the church office. Cost is $10.00. Also contact Daria if you would like to make donations for red candles, wine, incense, rose oil or olive oil. If you would like the item for the health of someone or in memory of someone, please have your request/money in by April 28 for it to appear in the Pascha bulletin.
SOTAYA is once again selling chocolate covered eggs for Easter. The eggs POSNO (vegan) or REGULAR will be $3 each and can be coated in your choice of white, dark, or milk chocolate. The sale starts TODAY, March 31 and ends Sunday, April 28. To order contact Sladjana at 717-538-2073 or Angie at 717-813-5128.
Our next Council meeting will be on Monday, April 15th at 6:30pm. This is the first of our quarterly meetings with organization presidents in an effort to work together for the benefit of our St. Nicholas Church. All organization leaders are expected to attend, or send a representative.
As a reminder, agenda items may be submitted to Council for monthly meetings through e-mail, letter, phone call or text to Father Chris or any Council member. Agenda Items must be received at least one week prior to the meeting, or they will be put onto the next month’s agenda.
We now have Pascha cards, egg wraps, Tears of the Theotokos prayer bracelets, candles, incense and charcoal available at the Mothers Club Gift Shoppe in the lobby.
Only 4 more weeks until Pascha! But only 3 more weeks to order your meat filled sub or pretzel sandwich!! Pick up is Friday, May 10. Order by signing up on the sheet in the lobby or you can call Nick Govelovich 717-561-1590 or 717-433-4767. Please share with those who may not have email.
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Office hours are Monday thru Friday from 9 am until noon. You may call the office during these hours at (717) 939-3872 or come by the office in person. Office hours will be adjusted when services are occurring during those hours.
Bulletin Deadline is Wednesday at 11 am
Please send all bulletin requests to the church office at
You may also call at (717) 939-3872
The Serbian-American Club is once again offering a scholarship to a graduating high school senior continuing their education. The guidelines and application can be found on the Tutors stand in the Narthex and below. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. The Club is accepting additional scholarship donations which will be added to the amount already collected for the scholarship. If you are interested in donating, see Chris Radanovic.
My heartfelt thank you goes out to my family, church family and friends, for remembering my 90th birthday (March 16) with cards, gifts, flowers, phone calls and balloons. Thank you to the Mothers Club for the beautiful flowers and attached 90th balloon. Thank you to Kata and my Godchildren for the private birthday party, the delicious cake and Happy Birthday balloon. Many thanks to all. With God’s blessings and my love, Tootsie.
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April Charity
Bethesda Women and Children's Shelter
A House of Refuge
For over 34 years Bethesda Women and Children’s Mission has offered a place of healing, change, and hope for women in need of addiction recovery, safety and stability, a new start in life, and place where they can call home.
A House of Change
A Christ-Centered facility, we offer hope to those searching for their purpose and their place in this world, by offering an array of programs and services geared toward reconciliation, renewal and change. Our initial Discipleship and Recovery program is at least ONE YEAR long, and upon completion, women have the option to move to into our Transitional Living Program before moving out on their own.
A House of Healing
We have found that a long-termed recovery program is successful when each individual is permitted to rest, reflect, renew, and re-enter. Time to heal, encouragement for others, and new experiences assist in offering new life to those that come through our doors.
A House of Hope
In addition to internal programming, we utilize local social, medical, and educational services to help each new person to set attainable goals during their stay. Some women, after completing our programming either return to the workforce or continue their education at our local college. Many of our graduates remain in contact through calls, mentoring, or volunteering of their time.
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Synaxarion Reading for the Feast of the Holy Annunciation
We celebrate the Annunciation
of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.
The Angel announced to the Virgin
The great Son of the Father’s great Counsel.
The Angel said, “Rejoice,” to Mary on the twenty-fifth.
God, Who is merciful and loves mankind, is ever solicitous about the race of men. When, as a loving Father, He saw the work of His hands enslaved to the Devil and under his tyranny, subject to the passions and to idolatry, He resolved to send His Only-Begotten Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, to deliver mankind from the clutches of the Devil. Since He wanted to escape the notice not only of Satan, but also of the Heavenly Powers themselves, He entrusted the Mystery to one of the Archangels, the glorious Gabriel, and in His OEconomy He brought it about that the Holy Virgin was purified by the Holy Spirit, for she was worthy of such a favor. When the Angel came to the city of Nazareth, he said to her: “Rejoice, O Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee.” She asked: “How shall this be?” He replied: “The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee.” And she said: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” At the same time as she and the Archangel spoke, she conceived preternaturally in her immaculate womb the Son and Word of God, His enhypostatic Wisdom and Power, by the overshadowing of God and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Thereafter, the Mysteries of God the Word were accomplished by His OEconomy, for our salvation and redemption. By her holy intercessions, O God, have mercy upon us and save us, for Thou art good and lovest mankind. Amen.
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On this day, the Third Sunday of the Fast, we keep the feast of the Veneration of the honorable and life-creating Cross.
Let the whole world entire worship the Cross
through Which it truly knew to worship Thee, O Word.
Every hard and strenuous work is accomplished with great difficulty, which appears especially in the middle of such work; for the effort in this performance brings with it fatigue which makes the accomplishment of the rest difficult. Having arrived with God’s grace at the middle of the Fast, our compassionate Mother—the Holy Orthodox Church—thought fit to reveal to us the Holy Cross as the joy of the world and power of the faithful to help us carry on the struggles of the divine Fast. By its power, O Christ God, preserve us from the crafty designs of the evil one and account us worthy to worship Thy divine Passion and life-giving Resurrection, as we achieve the course of the Forty Days with ease, and have mercy on us, as Thou alone art good and the Lover of mankind. Amen.
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