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Weekly Parish Update

Location Code

(AR) Augustine Room (School Bldg)

(C) Cafeteria (School Bldg)

(CMR) Cafeteria Meeting Room (School Bldg)

(F) Francis Rm (Parish Office Bldg)

(J) Joseph Rm (Parish Office Bldg)

(M) Mary Rm (Parish Office Bldg)

(P) Pavilion

(+) Church

(G) Gym

(OCU) Old Credit Union Rooms (School Bldg)

OCU rooms are in the School Bldg


TUESDAY, JULY 09, 2024

2:00 Senior Meeting (J)

WEDNESDAY, July 10, 2024

6:30 G.A. Meeting (P)

THURSDAY, July 11, 2024

5:00pm Party at the Pavilion (P)

SUNDAY, July 14, 2024

7:30 A.A. Meeting (C)

MONDAY, JULY 15, 2024

4:15 Walking Class (J)

Note From the Editor

Hi Everybody!

As you may know, this is the last issue that I will be editing for Weekly Parish Update. Beginning with the next issue, I'm happy to announce that Tom Leone will be taking the reigns!

You may now send him your articles and announcements for upcoming issues at In addition, Tom will also be taking over as the webmaster for the St. Monica Parish Website. He will be unveiling a newly designed and refreshed version of the website that will serve the parish well for years to come.

I wish Tom and the St. Monica Parish Community nothing but the best in moving forward.


Bob Soeder


From all of her years of experience in a variety of ministerial rolls,

our own Sr. Helene shares with us some of her wisdom and insights, exclusively for our Weekly Parish Updates!

The Land of the Free Because of the Brave


As a New Englander, and a woman who has participated yearly in the reenactment of Paul Revere’s Ride, and the daughter of a Father who fought in the Battle of Iwo Jima, I have a great love for this “land of the free” that has endured from the time I was five-years old. If I learned anything from my dad and his soldier compatriots, it was that, in the words of Elmer Davis, “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”....

Click here to read more.

Webinar: Why Abortion Isn’t Needed for Women’s Health

Jul 9, 2024 08:00 PM

Are you…

  • Hearing news stories about women's lives being at risk without abortion?

  • Looking for answers about how medicine can protect the lives of mothers and their babies, even when facing pregnancy complications?

  • Unsure how to talk to family, friends, and colleagues about the sanctity of life in the current political environment?

Get answers to your questions during this LIVE webinar on Tuesday, July 9 at 8 PM

Learn from leading doctors about medical realities concerning ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, and pregnancy complications--and why Catholic and pro-life health care providers are the best at caring for both mother and baby.

Don't miss out! Register now!

Click here for details.

St. Monica Church | (216) 662-8685 | 13623 Rockside Rd. Garfield Hts.OH 44125