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Weekly Parish Update

Location Code

(AR) Augustine Room (School Bldg)

(C) Cafeteria (School Bldg)

(CMR) Cafeteria Meeting Room (School Bldg)

(F) Francis Rm (Parish Office Bldg)

(J) Joseph Rm (Parish Office Bldg)

(M) Mary Rm (Parish Office Bldg)

(P) Pavilion

(+) Church

(G) Gym

(OCU) Old Credit Union Rooms (School Bldg)

OCU rooms are in the School Bldg


TUESDAY, May 14, 2024

1:00 Women's Faith Study (F)

2:00 Senior Meeting (J)

WEDNESDAY, May 15, 2024

6:30 G.A. Meeting (C)

THURSDAY, May 16, 2024 

4:00 Walking Class (J)

6:00 Rosary (+)

6:30 Guild Meeting (C)

SUNDAY, May 19, 2024

7:30 A.A. Meeting (C)

MONDAY, May 20, 2024

4:00 Walking Class (J) 

7:00 Finance Council Meeting (J)


From all of her years of experience in a variety of ministerial rolls,

our own Sr. Helene shares with us some of her wisdom and insights, exclusively for our Weekly Parish Updates!

It is always the 4th of July in Boston!


One of the greatest assignments in my religious life was traveling to Boston with Sister Claire to begin what was to be a four-year stay at Boston College but became a fifteen-year journey in the city that truly stole our hearts. Since both of us were devotees of American history, every day wore the patina of Independence Day! What we had read about, and I had taught my students, became real right before our eyes!...

 Click here to read more.

St. Monica Church | (216) 662-8685 | 13623 Rockside Rd. Garfield Hts.OH 44125