5.10.24 St. Michael -

St. Gabriel Newsletter

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May Month At A Glance

May Lunch Menu

2023-2024 School Year Calendar

Tentative 2024-2025 School Year Calendar

Message from the Principal

Dear St. Michael-St. Gabriel Families and Friends, 

We want to thank so many of our families who sent in cards of gratitude and small gifts for our teachers and staff for our appreciation week. Those small gestures mean so much to everyone!

Next Monday and Tuesday, those students who need to take the Summer IREAD exam will be assessed. We ask that parents make sure their students are present and on time to school so that we can complete this exam in a timely manner.  We also want to wish good luck to our eighth graders as they begin taking their final exams next week. Because of their earlier graduation, they must begin their exams earlier than the rest of our junior high students. If your junior high student did not receive his/her exam card this week, please reach out to Mrs. Areal about your account. 

All are welcome to join us for our Spring Art Show on Thursday, May 16th from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. This is a great time to see the work of our students this year. 

If you are looking to complete some service hours for this school year, I am looking for some volunteers to help with Race Day parking on May 26th and also for our 8th grade Graduation reception on May 28th. Please reach out to me directly for more details. 

While we are nearing the end of the year, help us to keep your students focused on all they still need to complete this year, so that we might finish on a strong note.

God Bless,

Mrs. Ramos

Queridos Padres y Amigos de San Miguel-San Gabriel, 

Queremos agradecer a varias de nuestras familias que enviaron tarjetas de agradecimiento y pequeños obsequios para nuestros maestros y personal durante nuestra semana de apreciación. Esos pequeños detalles de gratitud significan demasiado para todos!

El próximo lunes y martes se evaluará a aquellos alumnos que necesiten realizar el examen IREAD de Verano. Les pedimos a los padres que se aseguren de que sus estudiantes estén presentes y lleguen a tiempo a la escuela para que podamos completar este examen de manera oportuna. También queremos desearles buena suerte a nuestros estudiantes de octavo grado en los exámenes finales de la semana próxima. Ya que su graduación será antes, deben comenzar sus exámenes antes del resto de nuestros estudiantes de secundaria. Si su estudiante de secundaria no recibió su tarjeta de examen esta semana, comuníquese con la Sra. Areal para más información de su cuenta.

Todos son bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros en nuestra Exposición de Arte de Primavera el jueves 16 de mayo de 6:30 a 7:30 p.m. en la cafetería de la escuela. Este es un buen momento para ver el trabajo de nuestros estudiantes este año.

Si está buscando completar algunas horas de servicio para este año escolar, estamos buscando algunos voluntarios para ayudar con el estacionamiento del día de las carreras el 26 de mayo y también para nuestra recepción de graduación de octavo grado el 28 de mayo. Comuníquese conmigo directamente  para obtener más detalles. 

Mientras nos acercamos al final del año, ayúdenos a mantener a sus estudiantes enfocados en todo lo que aún necesita completar este año, para que podamos terminar con una nota sólida.

Dios los bendiga,

Sra. Ramos

Faith & Service
Prayer for Students

Lord our God,
in your wisdom and love
you surround us with the mysteries of the universe.
Send your Spirit upon these students
and fill them with your wisdom and blessings.
Grant that they may
devote themselves to their studies
and draw ever closer to you,
the source of all knowledge. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

R/. Amen.




The month of May is a special time we spend celebrating the women that have given us life, raised us, supported us, and shown us great love: our mothers. Catholics, in particular, also give homage to a special mother, our heavenly mother, The Blessed Virgin Mary. Because the entire month of May is dedicated to Mary, all of our Junior High has begun a remarkable devotion to Mary. The Three Hail Mary Devotion is a short prayer that is said at the beginning of every Religion class and is meant to honor Mary and ask for her intercession. Since Mary loves all of her children, this is a great way to learn about her and ask for her help. As children who would like to learn more about Christ, what better way to learn about him than through the one who nurtured and carried him in her womb. 

The Blessed Virgin revealed this to St. Gertrude the Great: "To any souls who faithfully prays the Three Hail Marys, I will appear at the hour of death in a splendor so extraordinary that it will fill the soul with heavenly consolation." 


El mes de mayo es un tiempo especial que dedicamos a celebrar a las mujeres que nos dieron la vida, nos criaron, nos apoyaron y nos mostraron un gran amor: Nuestras madres. Los católicos, en particular, también rendimos homenaje a una madre especial, a nuestra madre celestial, la Santisima Virgen Maria. Debido a que todo el mes de mayo está dedicado a Maria toda nuestra secundaria ha comenzado una notable devoción a Maria. La devoción de las Tres Avemarías es una oración breve que se dice al comienzo de cada clase de Religión y tiene como objetivo honrar a Maria y pedir su intercesión. Como María ama a todos sus hijos, esta es una excelente manera de aprender sobre ella y pedirle ayuda. Como niños que quisieran aprender más sobre Cristo, qué mejor manera de aprender sobre él que a través de quien lo crió y lo llevó en su vientre. 

La Santísima Virgen reveló esto a Santa Gertrudis la Grande: “A todas las almas que recen fielmente las Tres Avemarías, me aparece en la hora de la muerte con un esplendor tan extraordinario que llenara el alma de consuelo celestial”.


Our field days are quickly approaching, and we could certainly use some help with each of these. Our Junior High field day will be Wednesday, May 22nd, and our elementary field day will be Thursday, May 23rd. If you would like to help with one or both of these events, please click on the appropriate link below. Remember that all volunteers must be Safe Parish trained to help. 

Junior High Field Day:


Elementary Field Day:



Nuestros días de campo se acercan rápidamente y ciertamente nos vendría bien un poco de ayuda con cada uno de ellos. Nuestro día de campo de la secundaria será el miércoles 22 de mayo y nuestro día de campo de la primaria será el jueves 23 de mayo. Si desea ayudar con uno o ambos eventos, haga clic en el enlace correspondiente a continuación. Recuerde que todos los voluntarios deben estar capacitados para poder ayudar con el entrenamiento de Parroquias Segura. 

Dia de Campo para Secundaria: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A49A4A82DABF58-49402691-junior 

Dia de Campo para Primaria: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A49A4A82DABF58-49402641-elementary

Yearbook Sales

Yearbooks are in! If you wanted to purchase a yearbook, but missed the March deadline, it is not too late! Yearbooks are now $25 and can be paid to the office. There are limited quantities in the office. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Caudill at scaudill@indyarchangel.org.

National Junior Honor Society Service Project

Next week, May 13th-17th, our National Junior Honor Society will be collecting items for Birthline, which is a ministry organization through the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, which serves pregnant women and mothers of infants. Please click on the link below to learn more about ways in which you can donate. 


Please call our Guidance Office, 317-924-4333 ext 420, to schedule your registration appointment if you have not already done so.

Cardinal Ritter's summer uniform sale is scheduled for Friday July 12th from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm & Saturday July 13th from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Tommy Hilfiger will also be taking orders. Gym Uniforms, school uniforms, and Spirit Wear is sold at this time. This is also when we hold the Used Uniform Sale put on by Parent Club.

SMSG Scrapbook



Our PreK students visited Coach DesJean's P.E. class at Cardinal Ritter this week and learned how to play balloon volleyball.

SMSG 2024




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8th Grade Trash Bag Sales

It’s that time of year when we know many of you are beginning to bag up your leaves and clean out your gardens. If you are interested in purchasing trash bags from the school office, we are selling rolls for $11 a piece. All proceeds go to fund the eighth grade class trip. An initial order form was sent home with all students this week, if you are interested in purchasing any.  We do sell these bags throughout the year as well, so you may consider purchasing some in the spring as well.
Trash Bag Order Form
Box Tops for Education

In case you haven’t heard, the collection of Box Tops is now moving away from the traditional clipping of Box Tops to now scanning your receipt! The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses technology to scan your store receipt to find participating products and then instantly adds the Box Tops to our school’s earnings online. Simply go to your app store and download the Box Tops for Education app. Then choose St. Michael School (3352 West 30th Street, Indianapolis). It’s easy and saves you time! For more information, click here.
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