6.7.24 St. Michael -

St. Gabriel Newsletter

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2024-2025 School Year Calendar

Message from the Principal

Dear St. Michael-St. Gabriel Families and Friends, 

While summer vacation has officially begun for our students, we do not want them to forget to complete their summer reading. Additionally, students in Grades 6-8 are required to also complete their Crusader reading journal, which was provided to them by Ms. LaRosa and will be submitted the first week of school. This can also be accessed on our school website. 

The mailings you receive in the next week will contain your child’s report card, as well as possible test scores or Title I progress reports. We will have another mailing in a week or so with our school supply list, as well as a Chromebook purchasing agreement for any student going into sixth grade who would like to purchase a device through the school. As a reminder all students in Grades 6-8 are required to have their own device for their classes. 

Next week, Title I tutoring will begin for some of our students. Please review those times that have been shared with you so that your child arrives on time. Our Title I summer school will last three weeks. 

Finally, many of you have been asking when our first day of school will be, and that is August 12th. Please reach out with any additional questions you may have. 

God Bless,

Mrs. Ramos

Queridos Padres y Amigos de San Miguel-San Gabriel, 

Las vacaciones de verano han comenzado oficialmente para nuestros estudiantes, no queremos que se olviden de trabajar en su lectura de verano. Además, los estudiantes de los grados 6 al 8 también deben completar su Crusaders el diario de lectura, que les proporcionó la Srita. LaRosa, se entregará la primera semana de clases. También se puede acceder a este en el sitio web de nuestra escuela.

Los correos que reciba la próxima semana contendrán la boleta de calificaciones de su hijo, así como posibles puntajes de exámenes o informes de progreso de Título 1. Y recibirán otro envío por correo en aproximadamente una semana con nuestra lista de útiles escolares, así como un acuerdo de compra de la computadora Chromebook para los estudiantes que ingresen al sexto grado y deseen comprar un dispositivo a través de la escuela. Como recordatorio, todos los estudiantes de los grados 6 a 8 deben tener su propio dispositivo para sus clases.

La próxima semana, comenzará la tutoría de Título 1 para algunos estudiantes. Por favor revise los horarios que se le han compartido para que su hijo llegue a tiempo. Nuestra escuela de verano de Título 1 durará tres semanas.

Finalmente, muchos de ustedes han estado preguntando cuándo será nuestro primer día de clases y ese será el 12 de agosto. Comuníquese con cualquier pregunta adicional que pueda tener. 

Dios los bendiga,

Sra. Ramos

Faith & Service
Prayer for Students

Lord our God,
in your wisdom and love
you surround us with the mysteries of the universe.
Send your Spirit upon these students
and fill them with your wisdom and blessings.
Grant that they may
devote themselves to their studies
and draw ever closer to you,
the source of all knowledge. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

R/. Amen.



Newsletter Schedule

June 21st, July 5th,

July 19th, August 2nd

Update to Our Summer Hours

During the summer months, our school office will be open from 8:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. To schedule any financial appointments with Mrs. Areal, please contact the main office at 317-926-0516, or you may email her at mareal@indyarchangel.org .  

Horario de Verano

Durante los meses de verano, nuestra escuela estará abierta de 8:30 a.m. hasta las 2:00 p.m. Para hacer alguna cita con la financiera con la Sra. Areal, por favor comuníquese a la oficina principal al  317-926-0516, o directamente a su correo electrónico  mareal@indyarchangel.org .

Download & Print 2024 SMSG Summer Reading List
Download & Print 2024 SMSG Summer Reading Journal



Friday June 14th 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Saturday June 15th 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Sunday June 16th 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

We will have everything from beds to earrings and baby clothes to backpacks! Come one and all and invite your friends. You can donate online through our website if you do not need anything, but want to support the youth. All proceeds go to the YOUTH MINISTRYI


If you are interested in selling uniforms that your child has outgrown or can no longer wear, you may want to consider selling them at our Used Uniform Sale in July. Simply tag each article of clothing with your name, phone number, and the cost you are asking for each item. Please be sure all items have been washed and are in good shape to sell. Also, volunteers will be needed to assist us with the uniform sales on July 12th and 13th. Please reach out to Mrs. Ramos if you would like to help. 


Si usted está interesado en vender los uniformes de sus hijos porque sus hijos crecieron o no los usan más, usted debería de considerar venderlos en nuestro evento de Venta de Uniformes Usados en julio. Simplemente ponga una etiqueta en cada artículo de ropa con su nombre, número de teléfono, y el costo que desea por cada cosa. Por favor asegúrese de que la ropa la haya lavado y esté en buena condición para venderla.

Click To Download and Print Registration Form

Please call our Guidance Office, 317-924-4333 ext 420, to schedule your registration appointment if you have not already done so.

Cardinal Ritter's summer uniform sale is scheduled for Friday July 12th from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm & Saturday July 13th from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Tommy Hilfiger will also be taking orders. Gym Uniforms, school uniforms, and Spirit Wear is sold at this time. This is also when we hold the Used Uniform Sale put on by Parent Club.

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Now Hiring

The Cardinal Ritter, St Michael-St Gabriel and St Anthony kitchens are now hiring for next school year. Training can start immediately. Part-time employees earn $ and 25% off Cardinal Ritter tuition. Contact Candace at 317-924-4333, ext 439 for more information.

Now Hiring

Full Time Position open on our Maintenance/Housekeeping Team

Primary location: St Anthony Catholic School

Hours: 6:30am to 3:00pm

Tuition discount available.

Please contact Joe Anderson at 317-924-4333 ext. 438

or by email at janderson@cardinalritter.org

8th Grade Trash Bag Sales

It’s that time of year when we know many of you are beginning to bag up your leaves and clean out your gardens. If you are interested in purchasing trash bags from the school office, we are selling rolls for $11 a piece. All proceeds go to fund the eighth grade class trip. An initial order form was sent home with all students this week, if you are interested in purchasing any.  We do sell these bags throughout the year as well, so you may consider purchasing some in the spring as well.
Trash Bag Order Form
Box Tops for Education

In case you haven’t heard, the collection of Box Tops is now moving away from the traditional clipping of Box Tops to now scanning your receipt! The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses technology to scan your store receipt to find participating products and then instantly adds the Box Tops to our school’s earnings online. Simply go to your app store and download the Box Tops for Education app. Then choose St. Michael School (3352 West 30th Street, Indianapolis). It’s easy and saves you time! For more information, click here.
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