2.16.24 St. Michael -

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February Month At A Glance

February Lunch Menu

2023-2024 School Year Calendar

Tentative 2024-2025 School Year Calendar

Message from the Principal

Dear St. Michael-St. Gabriel Families and Friends, 

We want to thank everyone who came to our Black History Month celebration this week. It is important for us to celebrate our differences and to be present to support one another. Your presence illustrated just that to our students, so thank you for making it a priority in your life.

Each Friday during the Lenten season, our students will be participating in the Stations of the Cross. Through the reading of the fourteen stations, our students and staff will be reminded not only of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice for us, but also the agonizing journey taken to that cross.  We are also sending home mission boxes with our students to consider collecting donations for the Missionary Childhood Association, just as we did during the Advent season. 

Next Wednesday is our next PTA-sponsored dress-down day. For $2 students may wear their favorite sweater or sweatshirt with jeans that day. Friday is also our next spirit wear day. 

God Bless,

Mrs. Ramos

Queridos Padres y Amigos de San Miguel-San Gabriel, 

Queremos agradecer a todos los que asistieron a nuestra celebración del Mes de la Historia Afroamericana esta semana. Es importante para nosotros celebrar nuestras diferencias y estar presentes para apoyarnos unos a otros. Su presencia ilustro precisamente eso para nuestros estudiantes, asi que gracias por convertirlo en una prioridad en su vida.

Cada viernes durante la temporada de Cuaresma, nuestros estudiantes van a participar en las Estaciones de la Cruz. A través de la lectura de las catorce estaciones, nuestros estudiantes y personal recordarán no sólo el sacrificio supremo de Cristo por nosotros, sino también el agonizante viaje emprendido hasta esa cruz. También estamos enviando cajas de misiones a casa con nuestros estudiantes para considerar recolectar donaciones para la Asociación de la Infancia Misionera, tal como lo hicimos durante la temporada de Adviento.

El próximo miércoles es nuestro proximo dia de vestimenta informal patrocinado por la PTA. Los estudiantes podrán usar su suéter o sudadera favorita con pantalón de mezclilla (jeans) ese día por $2.

Dios los bendiga,

La Sra. Ramos

Faith & Service
Prayer for Students

Lord our God,
in your wisdom and love
you surround us with the mysteries of the universe.
Send your Spirit upon these students
and fill them with your wisdom and blessings.
Grant that they may
devote themselves to their studies
and draw ever closer to you,
the source of all knowledge. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

R/. Amen.

Congratulations to Our Newest Members of

the National Junior Honor Society!

Dulce Baruch-Pena

 Jerrica McPherson

 Peyton Trisler

Arsema Fitsum

  Nia Simmons

Rhodas Tyrone

Layanna Flemming 

Lizbeth Tagle

Amelia Wisthoff

Felicidades a los Nuestros Nuevos Miembros de la 

Sociedad Nacional de Honor Juvenil !

Dulce Baruch-Pena

 Jerrica McPherson

 Peyton Trisler

Arsema Fitsum

  Nia Simmons

Rhodas Tyrone

Layanna Flemming 

Lizbeth Tagle

Amelia Wisthoff

Volunteers for the Spring Book Fair 

Our Scholastic Spring Book Fair will be held March 4th-8th. If you are interested in volunteering to help as a cashier, please use this Sign-up Genius link to add your name.

Sign-Up Online

Voluntarios para la Feria del Libro de Primavera 

Nuestra feria de Primavera de Scholastic será del 4-8 de Marzo. Si usted esta interesado en voluntariar para ayudar a ser cajera, por favor use la liga de Registro para agregar su nombre.

Regístrese en línea



"Remember you are dust, and to

dust you shall return."

The Lenten season has begun. What will you do to draw yourself closer to Christ?





February 24th


Here’s the link to buy tickets

2024 SMARTY PARTY del Cardenal Ritter

24 de febrero


Aquí está el enlace para comprar entradas

IREAD-3 Testing 

In March, students in Grades 2 and 3 will be taking the Indiana IREAD-3 exam. Earlier this month, the state released their findings that thousands of Indiana students are entering Grade 4 without the foundational reading skills that are needed to succeed the rest of their educational career. Each year, we have hard conversations with families about where their children may be academically, and while retention is always a last resort, please know that continuous work both at home and school, especially in reading, is needed for students to be successful and to progress forward. Our teachers are working to prepare our students for this exam, and any third grade student who does not pass initially will have an opportunity to take the exam again in May. As always, it is our hope to have all students pass and move on to the next grade. Also, know that those students in Grade 2 who pass the exam this year will not have to take the exam as a third grader.  Any second grader who does not pass this exam this year, however, will wait to take it again next March.


En marzo, los estudiantes de 2 y 3 grado tomarán el examen de Indiana IREAD-3. A principios de este mes, el estado publicó que han encontrado que miles de estudiantes de Indiana entran al 4 Grado sin las habilidades de lectura fundamentales que son necesarias para tener éxito en el resto de su carrera educativa. Cada año, tenemos conversaciones difíciles con las familias sobre dónde pueden estar académicamente sus hijos, y aunque la retención es siempre el último recurso, sepa que el trabajo continuo tanto en el hogar como en la escuela, especialmente en lectura, es necesario para que los estudiantes tengan éxito y  puedan progresar. Nuestros maestros están trabajando para preparar a nuestros estudiantes para este examen, y cualquier estudiante de tercer grado que no pase inicialmente tendrá la oportunidad de tomar el examen nuevamente en Mayo. Como siempre esperamos que todos los estudiantes aprueben y pasen al siguiente grado. Además, sepa que aquellos estudiantes de segundo grado que aprueben el examen este año no tendrán que realizar el examen como estudiantes de tercer grado. Cualquier alumno de segundo grado que no apruebe este examen en este año, sin embargo tendrá que esperar a volver a realizarlo el próximo marzo.

Little Raider DayCare

Cardinal Ritter Little Raider DayCare is looking for a Full time Day Care Director. The director will be responsible for overseeing the care of 10-20 children ages 6 weeks to 3 years old. Must have ChildCare experience. Benefits included.

Please send resume to 

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8th Grade Trash Bag Sales

It’s that time of year when we know many of you are beginning to bag up your leaves and clean out your gardens. If you are interested in purchasing trash bags from the school office, we are selling rolls for $11 a piece. All proceeds go to fund the eighth grade class trip. An initial order form was sent home with all students this week, if you are interested in purchasing any.  We do sell these bags throughout the year as well, so you may consider purchasing some in the spring as well.
Trash Bag Order Form
Box Tops for Education

In case you haven’t heard, the collection of Box Tops is now moving away from the traditional clipping of Box Tops to now scanning your receipt! The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses technology to scan your store receipt to find participating products and then instantly adds the Box Tops to our school’s earnings online. Simply go to your app store and download the Box Tops for Education app. Then choose St. Michael School (3352 West 30th Street, Indianapolis). It’s easy and saves you time! For more information, click here.
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