Healing Eucharist Wed at 10:30 a.m.

followed by

Walking with the Word Bible Study

Wed at 11:30 a.m.


Church office hours:

Monday - Thursday

10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Closed Fridays

Please note the church office will be closed Mon, Sept 2 for Labor Day.

"But those who look into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and persevere,

being not hearers who forget but doers who act--they will be blessed in their doing.

James 1:22-23

September 1, 2024 - In This Issue

  • Vestry Corner: Wilhelmina Wilson
  • Children's Chapel Begins Sept 8
  • Children's Choir Practices Begin Sept 8
  • Youth Group Sundays 5-7pm
  • September Outreach Co-Op Needs: Macaroni & Cheese
  • Men's Trivia, Restaurant Foyers, and Lunch Bunch

 Sunday, September 1, 2024

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II

9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast

9:30 a.m. Christian Formation Classes

All ages ++

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II**

Or view the service on FB Live

Service Bulletin

**Nursery available for young children

Feature Photo of the Week:

Flat St. Matt Approves This Message

Flat St. Matt found a message of love and kindness he wanted to share. Spread the word: Kindness makes a difference in God's world!

Photo credit: Nancy Griner.

Sundays 9:30 - 10:15 a.m.

++Christian Formation Classes for all age groups. If you have not yet registered, no problem! Attend your class and you can register at that time.

  • PreK through 5th grade classes meet in the Christian Education wing
  • Grades 6 - 12 meet in the downstairs classrooms (under the parish hall)
  • Adult classes: Bible Study in the library; Book Study downstairs in the undercroft; FamJam in the parish hall

No Youth Group This Sunday Due to Labor Day Weekend.

All youth aged 6th-12th grade are encouraged to attend next Sunday from 5-7pm in the Undercroft.  Come have supper and join in the fun activities! For more info, please contact Mandy Johnson or Amanda Livermont.


Wilhelmina Wilson

I bring warm greetings to my St. Matthews Church Family in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. St. Mathews Episcopal Church is truly indeed the place where God’s people can go and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit. 

 Over the years I have come to experience the presence of God through building relationship and caring for each other no matter what. I am always spirit filled whenever I attend church and when I leave, my faith is reinforced.

The outpour of love and outreach of the people is very welcoming and special. It’s the kind that makes you feel like you have a family away from home.

The celebration of birthdays, wedding anniversaries, lifting of prayers for the sick and shut in and identifying with members during times of difficulties demonstrate the love and passion that we share as a family.

I was pleased when we selected a youth leader to plan and execute youth activities. As we know, our youths are our future generation. This will help keep them fully engaged and involved and thereby fostering the continuous growth of St. Matthews Episcopal Church.

I am so grateful to be a part of this family and pray God’s blessings upon all of our undertakings.

Peace and Blessings always, 

Wilhelmina Wilson

Around St. Matt's

Children's Church!

Beginning September 8 at 10:30 a.m. St. Matthew's will begin a Children's Church during the first half of the service. Children ages 3/4 (pre-K) through 2nd/3rd grade will be invited to follow the verger out of the sanctuary after the Collect to attend a service in the choir room that is geared to their age group, rejoining their families at the Peace. Children's Church will be a place to explore the rituals and traditions of our worship in an age-appropriate way, helping them to understand the parts of the service and why we do some of the things we do. For more information, or to offer your help with this ministry, please contact

CALLING ALL YOUNG SINGERS!! Children, ages 3 through third grade are invited to join St. Matthew’s Children’s Choir. Rehearsals will be held from Noon to 12:45, following our 10:30 worship service on Sundays, beginning on Sunday, September 8th. We will meet in the Choir room. We can’t wait to sing with you! For more information, contact Deb Herron at (678) 801-0885 or Karen Whitehead at (678) 591-1604.

We're Having a Potluck Lunch on St. Matthew's Day!

Potluck Sign-Up for an International St. Matthew's Day Celebration

On September 22 after the ONE SERVICE at 10:00 a.m. we will be celebrating our parish on St. Matthew's Day with an international flair! We have folks from all over the world who attend St. Matt's, and we are inviting you to sign up and bring your favorite dish that represents your country, culture, or heritage to share! Signup sheets are on the bulletin board in the hall outside the office. Please sign up and let us know what country the dish will be from, so we can set up an around-the-world event on the 22d!

If you have questions please contact Warren Drury or Clay Olbon. 

PS--Don't forget to email your Flat Matt photos to the church office by Monday, Sept 16. Prizes will be awarded at the St. Matt's Day Celebration Potluck!

Are you new to St. Matthew’s? St Matt’s 101 is for you!

Beginning September 29 with a luncheon and tour of the church campus after the 10:30 service, and running through October 20 during the CF hour, there’s a class you won’t want to miss. During these sessions you’ll learn about the history of our parish and a brief history of the Episcopal Church, as well as about the many ministries and fellowship activities of the parish. This class is open to all new or prospective members of St. Matthew’s. Please RSVP to the invitation sent out recently by calling or stopping by the church office during office hours so that we may get a head count. If you haven’t received an invitation to the class and wish to attend, please contact the church office. The class will meet in the undercroft.

This season Father Tim is leading a study of Elaine Pagel's, book: The Gnostic Gospels . The book is available in bookstores and through Amazon. If you have wondered what Gnostic Gospels have to say, this study is a good introduction to the subject. Please join us on August 17th to see if this is a subject that engages your interest. We are a lively group in which no question is a silly question and where curiosity and discussion is encouraged.

Cafe Theology meets the first and third Saturday each month in the library from 10-11:30 a.m. 

September dates: Sept 7 & 21.


September Co-Op Food Pantry Needs

For the month of September, the item St. Matt's has been asked to concentrate on is Macaroni and Cheese. Thank you! You can drop your donation in the barrels in the hallway near the parish hall, or donate via Realm or by check made payable to St. Matthew's. Please note Outreach/Co-Op. Thank you!

Contact: Cheryl Wheeler or Dottie Merrifield if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support in helping the Co-op feed those in need.

Men's Trivia 1st & 3rd Wednesdays each month @ 7:00 p.m.

Next dates: Sept 4 & 18 at 7:00 p.m.

McCray’s Tavern, 100 N. Perry St. L’ville

All men of the parish are invited. Contact: Levi Livermont, Jay Jones

Restaurant Foyers 2nd or 3rd Friday each month at 7:00 p.m. at various restaurants in the area

Next date: Friday, Sept 13

Magazzino Delle Pizza, 137 S Perry St, Lawrenceville, GA 30046

Watch for registration on Realm to help get a head count, coming soon.

Individuals and couples, good food and fellowship. Contact: Warren Drury or Rebecca Bowen

Lunch Bunch 3rd Thursday each month at 12 noon at various restaurants in the area

Next date (please note Date CHANGE): Thurs Sept 26

Miller's Ale House, 1486 Scenic Highway, Snellville, GA  30078

Everyone is invited. Contact: Joan Kengla Please let Joan know you will attend.

Birthdays and Anniversaries Sept 1-7

Birthdays: Francis Bolay, Susan Carson, Melanie Vore, Bobby Williams, Christiana Kumbu-Smart, Larry Bottomley, Mason Vencil, Sharlett Rouse.


Anniversaries: K. Ray and Madaline Harrison, Deborah & Jim Stallings.


Sunday Breakfast Host Sign Up –

Thank you for all who have signed up!

Breakfast this Sunday morning: Open

Did you know there are 3 ways you can sign up to use your time and talents to help with Sunday Breakfast?

You can contact Trisha Voiles, you can Sign up on the list in the office hallway bulletin board, or you can click on the below links for sign up genius.

To sign up to host in September, click here.


To request a Commitment Form,

please click here.

If you experience any problems accessing any links in the newsletter, please contact the church office.
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church | Website
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