November 8, 2016
Canned Food Drive
We are participating in a canned food drive over the next two weeks to help stock the Fredericksburg Food Pantry in anticipation for the holiday season. This week, we are showing our "Apache Fiber" and "Sacking Hunger" by donating sacks of flour or sugar and bags or boxes of cereal. Please have your student drop these items off with their homeroom teachers.
Calling for Nominations
CPTC is searching for individuals who are interested in running for Vice President. This position is a two year term. Appointee shall serve as committee co-chairperson, help conduct 4 General Meetings a year, assist and be present at all CPTC events, officer meetings and co-chair with President on Turkey Dinner committee.
If you are interested in this position, please contact Brandi Seegers 830-456-3495 to submit your name. Voting will take place at the next CPTC meeting on November 29th, 5:30 in the Holy Family Center.
CPTC Meeting
Please plan on the next CPTC meeting on November 29 at 5:30 in the Holy Family Center. There are many important issues on the agenda, including voting, so please make plans now to attend. 7th grade parents, please plan to stick around for a bit after the meeting to discuss end of year dance planning.
Volunteers Needed
We are getting a committee together to head up our float planning for the Christmas parade, taking place on December 2nd. If you are interested in helping, please contact Mignonne Frantzen at
Catholic Life Sweepstakes Volunteers Needed
We will be kicking off our Catholic Life Sweepstakes Raffle on November 18 with a popsicle party. This Sweepstakes Raffle is
fundraising for our school because every dollar goes back to SMS. Our goal this year is $15,000. If each student sells 13 tickets, we will meet our goal! All families will be asked to sell raffle tickets during our two week push from November 21-December 9, but we have some special selling opportunities for families who can give an hour or two of your time to increase our sales.
Please sign up for a spot to sell at Chase Bank between 9am-5pm this Saturday, November 12.
Please contact Tiffany Roeder at (830) 889-9003 or Mignonne Frantzen (830) 890-8868 with any questions. This will count toward the Helping Hands Volunteer Hours for your family and your child will get the credit for selling tickets, which will go toward the prizes students receive.
4H Meeting- Next Monday
The next St. Mary's 4H meeting will be held next Monday, November 14th at 7:00 in the school cafeteria.
Parents Day Out
Mrs. Vorauer and the students traveling to Washington, D.C. this summer are hosting a parent's day out on Saturday, December 10th to help raise money for their trip. In anticipation of the holiday season (and shopping), bring your kiddos, ages 3 and up to Mrs. Vorauer's room from 10-3. Childcare is donation-based- pay the value of getting your shopping and gift-wrapping done in peace!
to save your child's spot!
Coats for Kids Needs Council
We are in search of new or gently used, clean jackets and coats. There will be a drop-off box by the front office. The weather is starting to get colder, and there are many children in our community without proper cold weather protection. Please take a look through your child's closet and put good use to those jackets and coats that won't fit this winter season.
St. Mary's Window Flags
You don't have to hide your Apache pride. Support our 8th grade service project and purchase an Apache window flag. They are $20 each and are available in the front office.
HEB Cards
SMS parents are selling HEB gift cards after each mass in front of the church. This is a fundraiser that pays 5% back to our school. Raise money for SMS by shopping and spending what you already do! We are also looking for sponsors for our monthly drawing. The October sponsors were Elgin and Kim Durst, and our winner was Lacey Vorauer. The November sponsor is anonymous.
Other Events for Your Calendar-
Early Dismissal- Friday, November 11th @ 12:00
11/29- PTC Meeting @ 5:30 in the Holy Family Center
11/23-11/25- Thanksgiving Break