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November 21, 2016

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November 21, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving
From our tribe to yours, we hope everyone has a blessed and restful Thanksgiving break.  The school is closed Wednesday - Friday, and we look forward to seeing all our Apaches back on Monday, 11/28.

$1 Free Dress
If your child would like to purchase a free dress day for tomorrow , Tuesday, 11/22, supporting our 8th grade service project, have them bring $1 to their homeroom teacher.

Holy Spirit Tournament Champs!
The basketball season started on a high note with the Holy Spirit Basketball Tournament.  Both A-team boys and girls competed, both teams coming home as tournament champions.  Congratulations to the Apaches for all their hard work!  
Apaches A-Team
Lady Apaches A-Team

Football/Cheer ONLY!
Your commemorative DVD is ready in the front office. Please come by and pick it up. If you would like to order a DVD (or an additional one), please let us know in the front office. Please consider a monetary donation for all the hard work put into the production and chronicling of our undefeated season.

Catholic Life Sweepstakes
The Catholic Life Sweepstakes Raffle is in full swing!  This Raffle is free fundraising for our school because every dollar goes back to SMS. Our goal this year is $15,000. If each student sells 13 tickets, we will meet our goal! All families are asked to sell raffle tickets during our two week push from November 18-December 9. There is extra incentive to sell over the Thanksgiving Holiday because if students sell $5,000 after Thanksgiving, we will have a school party where we get to see the Principal Pucker for Poultry (Kiss a Turkey) and Pie the Priest (Father Kris) and select teachers. Let's get out and ask others to buy a chance to win a truck, car or $20,000 Visa gift card. One $1,000 gift card winner will be chosen from the St. Mary's sales.  We also have some terrific prizes for our top ticket sellers.
If you would like to sign up for one of the mass selling times or the Lighted Parade Village, please volunteer at . Thanks for helping us strengthen our school!

Lighted Christmas Parade and Village
SMS will have a float in the Christmas Parade on December 2. If your student would like to ride and represent St. Mary's, in uniform, please sign up by calling Mignonne Frantzen at (830) 890-8868 or email at . We would love to have all of our students but due to safety and float size, we will only be able to allow the first 25. If you have a 3K or 4K student, a parent needs to plan to ride or walk with the float.

Little League Registration
FBG Little League Registration v2.jpg

If you are showing livestock at the Gillespie County Livestock Show in January, the online entries website is now up and running! You may go to the Gillespie County Agrilife Extension Website and find the tab for the entries plus instructions to enter. The deadline for those entries is December 9, 2016.

Macy's Believe Campaign
St. Mary's School kicked off the Macy's Believe Campaign last week with a special guest, Zack Reyna, who has championed the Santa letter-writing campaign for the last four years. See his inspiring story here:
For every letter written to Santa, Macy's will donate $1 to the Make-a-Wish Foundation.  Please turn in letters to the front office by December 6th.

Parents Day Out
Mrs. Vorauer and the students traveling to Washington, D.C. this summer are hosting a parent's day out on Saturday, December 10th to help raise money for their trip. In anticipation of the holiday season (and shopping), bring your kiddos, ages 3 and up to Mrs. Vorauer's room from 10-3. Childcare is donation-based- pay the value of getting your shopping and gift-wrapping done in peace! RSVP here: or by email to to save your child's spot!
Parents Day Out- eBlast.PNG

St. Mary's Window Flags
You don't have to hide your Apache pride.  Support our 8th grade service project and purchase an Apache window flag.  They are $20 each and are available in the front office.

HEB Cards
SMS parents are selling HEB gift cards after each mass in front of the church.  This is a fundraiser that pays 5% back to our school.  Raise money for SMS by shopping and spending what you already do!

Parker Uniform: Cyber Sale
Parker- Cyber Sale.PNG

Other Events for Your Calendar-
Thanksgiving Break- 11/23-11/25
Catholic Life Raffle- 11/18-12/9
3K-5K Christmas Program- 12/6 @ 6:00 in Holy Family Center

Lunch Menu Update: For some reason, our lunch schedule stopped on 11/18 on RenWeb.
11/22: PK-8th: Cheese Taquitos, salad, pinto beans, cookie, milk
11/23: 11/25: No School; No Lunch
11/28: PK-8th: Texas Chili, cornbread, salad, cookie, milk
11/29: PK-8th: Nacho Grande, pinto beans, salad, cookie, milk
11/30: PK-8th: Italian Meatball Sub Sandwich, chips, salad, ice cream, milk

The Apache Basketball schedule has been set and can be seen on our website at:

Our Lady of the Hills
Hawk's Roost
OLH One Act Play troupe advanced to State competition, held at the Cailloux Theatre in Kerrville November 19 th . They won state runner-up for their division. SMS graduate Dana Stableford was selected Best Actress . OLH competed against 7 other schools in the state competition. Congratulations to the Hawks and Apache Alum, Dana Stableford!

St. Mary's Catholic School
202 S. Orange Street
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
830 997 3914