Office Hours
August, here we come! The school office will be resuming normal
hours of operation beginning on Monday, August 1st. We will be
open Monday through Friday from 8:00-4:00.
New Faces
Mr. Mein is very excited to announce the hiring of two new
additions to the St. Mary's faculty. Mrs. Cathy Eckert and
Mrs. Angela Fox will be joining the Apache family in middle
science and 2nd grade, respectively.
Hope for the Future
Attention all parents seeking financial aid for the upcoming,
2016-2017 school year-
The deadline to submit your application
for financial aid for Hope for the Future has passed. Applications
are in the processing stages, and notifications of awards should
be sent sometime in the middle of next week. Applying for Hope
for the Future automatically applies you for our local,
Adopt-a-Student program. If you did not apply for Hope for the
Future but are seeking financial aid, please print and fill out this
to the front office
by Thursday, 7/28, at 12:00.
Asistencia financeria para familias actualizada:
Porfavor llenen la applicasion para Esperanza del Futuro. La
officina de el Archidiosis los estara notificando con las becas que
seran entregadas a los estudiantes a principios de la proxima
semana. La fundasion de la escuala
ST. Maria de Adoptar a
Estudiantes entregara becas al igual a principios de la proxima
semana. Si usted lleno su applicasion para Esperanca del Futuro
antes de 15 De Julio usted sera considerado para la beca de
Adoptar un estudiante. Si no pudo completarla antes de esa
fecha y desea hacerlo favor de completer la application que se
encuentra en la pagina web:
application llenada a la officina de la escuala antes de el Jueves
al medio dia. Si tiene alguna pregunta favor de llamar al
Whataburger Night
All immunization records are due to the office for your student's
registration to be complete. Students going into Kinder and 7th
grade are due for their booster immunizations. Updated
immunization records must be on file before the first day of school
(August 15th), and
they must be on file before your Apache
football/volleyball player or cheerleader begins practicing in
the first week of August.
Classes are filling up! If you have not yet re-enrolled, please
make sure you do so as soon as possible. We're very excited to
welcome 25 new Apache families to S
t. Mary's!
New Family Mentoring Program
Remember What It Felt Like To Be New?
You may have had questions, been unsure of requirements and
just needed a friend to feel welcome.
Welcoming the whole family, not just the new student, is a priority
to us. We know that coming to a new school can sometimes be
overwhelming for everyone. To make the experience easier, we
have created a New Family Mentoring Program to assist our new
families' navigation of our school community.
We have families who have been at SMS for a few years, which
means they have been here long enough to be familiar but still
emember those first year uncertainties. They will help to share
their knowledge and make new parents and their children feel
welcome. Mentor families are asked to call new families on a
regular basis to touch base, answer questions that arise and
attend the Welcome Back Pep Rally at the end of summer
(August 9.) You might make new, lifelong friends, and of course,
you will share the wonderful warmth of the St. Mary's family.
We will assign families with consideration to grades/ages, etc. to
make a valuable experience for everyone. We want to ensure
our new families and students feel part of the St. Mary's
community immediately, and we are asking YOU to be part of the
Mentor program to do just that.
If you are a new family with questions or a returning family
wanting to help others, please call or email Mignonne Frantzen
a mentor or new family.
Save the Date
Football Dates