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July 12, 2016

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St. Mary's eBlast
Tuesday, July 12

Hope for the Future Deadline
Attention all parents seeking financial aid for the upcoming, 2016-2017 school year- The deadline to submit your application for financial aid for Hope for the Future is July 15th. Complete your application HERE.

Embroidery/Monogramming Deadlines
Pursuant to the 2016-2017 Uniform Policy, all school uniform shirts shall be embroidered with the St. Mary's School logo.  There are several approved vendors to embroider the school logo.  That list can be found here: (Approved Vendor PDF).  The deadline for some of these are coming up soon, so please get these taken care of as soon as possible!

All immunization records are due to the office for your student's registration to be complete.  Students going into Kinder and 7th grade are due for their booster immunizations.  Updated immunization records must be on file before the first day of school (August 15th), and they must be on file before your Apache football/volleyball player or cheerleader begins practicing in the first week of August.

Classes are filling up!  If you have not yet re-enrolled, please make sure you do so as soon as possible. We're very excited to welcome 25 new Apache families to St. Mary's!

New Family Mentoring Program

Remember What It Felt Like To Be New?
You may have had questions, been unsure of requirements and just needed a friend to feel welcome.
Welcoming the whole family, not just the new student, is a priority to us.  We know that coming to a new school can sometimes be overwhelming for everyone.  To make the experience easier, we have created a New Family Mentoring Program to assist our new families' navigation of our school community.
We have families who have been at SMS for a few years, which means they have been here long enough to be familiar but still remember those first year uncertainties. They will help to share their knowledge and make new parents and their children feel welcome.  Mentor families are asked to call new families on a regular basis to touch base, answer questions that arise and attend the Welcome Back Pep Rally at the end of summer (August 9.)  You might make new, lifelong friends, and of course, you will share the wonderful warmth of the St. Mary's family.
We will assign families with consideration to grades/ages, etc. to make a valuable experience for everyone.  We want to ensure our new families and students feel part of the St. Mary's community immediately, and we are asking YOU to be part of the Mentor program to do just that.
If you are a new family with questions or a returning family wanting to help others, please visit or contact Mignonne Frantzen at 830.890.8868/ to be matched as a mentor or new family.

Save the Date
Get these dates on your calendar now! Save the Date!

Football Camp
Apache Boy's Football Camp will be held at the St. Mary's field, Monday, July 25th through Thursday, July 28th.  Camp for boys who have completed grades 2-4 will be from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.; Boys having completed grades 5-8 will be from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The cost for the camp is $40 ($50 if you want a camp t-shirt).  This is highly encouraged for those planning on hitting the field this year in the royal blue.  Email Coach Loth ( ) if you have any questions.

Volleyball Camp
Apache Girl's Volleyball Camp will be held on Monday, July 25th through Thursday, July 28th.  Girls having completed grades 5-8 will be from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. while girls who have completed grades 2-4 will hit the court from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Murchison-Pahl Gymnasium. If your Apache plans on spiking it to the competition wearing the SMS logo this year, it is highly encouraged that they they attend.  The cost is $40 per camper ($50 if they would like a t-shirt).  Email Coach King ( ) if you have any questions.

Football Dates
Please see the attached SCHEDULE. Some dates and times may be subject to change.
V olleyball Dates
Please see the attached SCHEDULE. Some dates and times may be subject to change.

Other Events for Your Calendar
July Office Hours- M-Th (9:00-12:00); Closed Fridays
August 9th- PTC Kickoff Pep Rally @ 6:00
August 12th- Meet the Teacher @ 2:00
August 15th- First Day of School
August 26th- Gillespie County Fair (School Holiday)
Catholic Arts & Academic Competitions- TBD

For all early release days and school holidays, look here: '16/'17 Calendar

St. Mary's Catholic School
202 S. Orange Street
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
830 997 3914