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The Leaflet for this week's service can be found by going to 

Summer Worship Schedule


10:00 am ~ Eucharist

Calendar of Events

July 14th, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.- Blood Drive

July 28th, 11:30 a.m. - Women's Group Summer Party

August 5th - Outreach helping a family from HOME (see below)

August 3rd, 17th - Food Bank Volunteers Needed


  • St. Martin’s will once again be participating in helping a family from HOME at the Pluckemin church on Monday, August 5th. We need someone to provide dinner and then someone to provide fellowship to the family from 5-9 pm. If interested, or you have any questions, contact Anne Marie.
  • St. Martin’s will collect sneakers from 5 August until 16 September. The sneakers will be given to the Women’s Literary Club of Bound Brook, which will donate them to GotSneakers for recycling. The club receives a small amount of money to purchase ShopRite gift cards for needy families in Somerset County. All sizes are fine. Please email Kathy Shanklin with any questions.

  • Once again the Outreach Committee is volunteering at the food bank. The dates for this year are August 3rd, and the 17th. The hours for volunteering are from 9:30 am to approximately noon. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Anne Marie Verdiramo.

  • The Food Bank is in great need of food items, paper goods, and toiletries for our neighbors in Somerset County. Cash and checks are also greatly appreciated. There’s always a container on the stairs leading up to the choir loft. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Shanklin.

Women's Group Summer Get-together

July 28th, 11:30 a.m. at Laura Butrico's.

Bring a dish and a pool towel.

New Presiding Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, the current bishop of NW Pennsylvania will be installed as our new Primate on Nov.1. (The Presiding Bishop is the title used by the Episcopal Church for our Primate and Archbishop as a Province in the Anglican Communion.) Our prayers continue for Bishop Curry as he retires and our church as we begin a new chapter with Bishop Rowe.

Sight and Sound Theatre Trip Opportunity

Juanita Hawkins has planned a trip to the Sight and Sound Theatre in October. Please email the church office if you are interested, and they will send you a form to fill out. The deadline is August 15th to sign up.

Red Cross Blood Drive

July 14th, 2024 9 - 2

The need for blood doesn't take a vacation!

Go to and enter StMartinsBW to sign up to save a life.

Changes in the Parish Prayer List

Intercessory prayer is an important practice and a fundamental component of Christian life. Please do not hesitate to send in your prayer intentions to Br. Philip so it is included in the prayers of the parish. Please let him know if the intention is a short-term/urgent need or long-term need. If an urgent need becomes a long-term need, remember to let Br Philip know.

However, please remember to send Br. Philip a message when a prayer has been answered, and/or when a name can be removed.

Prayers for the Dead

We would also like to create a list of names of those who have died, so that prayers may be offered for them on the day of the anniversary of their death. If you would like a name included on this list, please send Fr Rob the name of the deceased, and the date of their death.

Visit our Parish Prayer Webpage
  • Pete Trosko, who has been diagnosed with cancer.
  • The family of Kate Bennett. Kate is a mother of two students (grades 2 and 3) in Alison's school, who died suddenly at 42.
  • A friend of Marlene's, Debbie.
  • Fr. Rob's mother, Evelyn.
  • Anne Marie Verdiramo's brother, Vincent, and her friend, Sharon.

Please send your prayer intentions to Philip at Also, if you want a name removed, you can email Philip.

Audit Committee

The vestry and I are forming an audit committee to accomplish two tasks:

1) Assist with the audit for 2023 and 2) Audit the church books for 2021 and 2022.

Marlene Ficzko is chairing the audit committee and Jim Agosto has also agreed to serve on this committee.

We need one or two more people to help. Diocesan Rules do not permit a member of the current vestry to serve on this committee.

If you have a financial background and can help, please let Father Rob know.

Summer Coffee Hour

Summer coffee hour will be held on the front porch. Iced tea/lemonade and baked goods will be served. If you can host a coffee hour during the summer, please email Alison.

St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Church Directory
Contact information for Fr. Rob or
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