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Week of May 7, 2023, With St. Martin's

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The Leaflet for this week's service can be found by going to 

Weekly Worship Schedule


6:00 pm ~ Healing Mass (Lady Chapel)


5:30 pm ~ Eucharist – Come as You Are


8:15 am ~ Holy Eucharist – Low Mass

9:15 am ~ Coffee Hour

9:30 am ~ Rector’s Forum

10:15 am ~ Church School

10:30 am ~ Sung Eucharist – High Mass (FB Live)

11:30 am ~ Youth Groups (first Sunday)

11:45 am ~ Coffee Hour

Upcoming Dates

May 11th: LBGTQ+ Picnic at Duke Island Park

May 14th: Mother's Day with Special Coffee Hour


During May, the Outreach committee helps the Food Bank of Somerset County on Saturday mornings by giving food to those who need it. The Outreach Committee was recently informed of changes to the Food Bank schedule. Firstly, they only give out food on the 1st and 3rd Saturday in a month. That means we need more people for this Saturday and the 20th. They no longer need a driver for the van. If you can come this Saturday or on the 20th instead of the 13th and 27th, please come to hand out food.

Tonight's Pride Picnic Hosted by the Somerset County LGBTQ+ Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is holding its annual LGBTQ+ Picnic on May 11th from 5:30-7:30 pm at Duke Island Park. We want to get a group of parishioners together to attend. We will be having pizza and drinks. St. Martin's Pride T-shirts will be available at the event.

Prayer Requests

  • The Wagner Family in Texas asks your prayers for Abigail's friend and teammate Braylee as she battles brain cancer.
  • For Father Rob's childhood friend, pray for the repose of Lisa's soul and for comfort for her family, especially her children and her mother.
  • The Tauro family, on the death of their father/husband Anthony.
  • On the repose of Clay Kellam's grandmother, Marjorie Mace.
  • Carol Kinkead asks for prayer for Liz Eagan who is receiving chemo and radiation for lung cancer.
  • Laura Vernon asks for prayers for Nicole and Dusty McClanahan and their unborn child.
  • Juanita asks for prayers for Jeff Keates
  • Cindy Meyer's brother, David
  • Laura Butrico asks for prayers for Christine Pudimott and Cristina Butrico
  • Marilyn's grandson, Ian
  • Yvonne Comeau's aunt, Pat Sailer, has many health issues.
  • Olivia, prayer request from Fr. Rob
  • Fr. Rob's mother, Evelyn.
  • Bonnie Whalen requests prayers for her 28 yr old grandson.
  • Linda Virtue
  • Chris Semanchik
  • Mary Irwin

Please send your prayer intentions to Philip at Also, if you want a name removed, you can email Philip.

Welcome Brunch

Thanks to the Evangelism and Fellowship Committees and everyone who had a hand in the Newcomers Welcome Brunch. What a wonderful event! There was such a loving and welcoming energy present. Thank you all for taking time out of your busy days to meet some of our 15 newcomers.

Eagle Scout

Congratulations to Charlotte Slye on earning the rank of Eagle Scout. Your St. Martin's family is proud of your achievement.

Death in the St. Martin's Family

With hope in the Resurrection to Eternal Life in Jesus Christ, we announce the passing of Sadie Diliddo, one of the founding members of St. Martin's. Her memorial service will be at St Martin's in the near future. Details will be forthcoming.

May her soul and the souls of all the departed rest in peace, and may Light perpetual shine upon them.

Spring has Sprung

Don't forget to "attend" to the area you signed up to weed on the property.

Graduating Seniors

If you have a graduating senior this year, please send us your information. We want to celebrate their accomplishments.

Trip Opportunity

Juanita and her Retirees' Club may host a trip to the Sight and Sound Theater to see The Christmas Story in November or early December. It would be a Tuesday or a Thursday. The cost would be $180 per person which would include the bus (from the Church) lunch at the Shady Maple and the show. The tickets might be a few dollars less depending on how many people attend as the main cost is the bus. The bus would be a 56-passenger bus equipped with a bathroom facility. We would leave the Church parking lot around 8 am. Whether we go or not will depend on the level of interest. If you think you might be interested, please e-mail Juanita at

St. Martin's has a composting bin at the back of the parking lot, near the garden that Rob Vernon tends. If you would like to compost but don't have a compost bin, please consider using our bin.
Do you need a cleaning person for your home?
Contact Iveth Rodriguez at 908-381-4733
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
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