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The Leaflet for this week's service can be found by going to 

Summer Worship Schedule


10:00 am ~ Eucharist

Calendar of Events

June 23rd - Fr. Bruce Montgomery, Supply Priest

June 27th - Booth at Somerville Family Pride Night

June 30th - Parish Pride Family Picnic

July 14th - Blood Drive

Summer Schedule

Starting on June 2nd there will be only one Mass on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. There will be no incense on these Sundays.

Fr. Rob on Vacation

Father Rob, Fausto, and Zac will be on vacation from June 10 to June 26. They will be visiting friends in Rio de Janeiro, and enjoying the beautiful beaches and other attractions in that "Cidade Maravilhosa"- and Father Rob will have plenty of opportunities to improve his bad Portuguese.

Father Rob and Fausto will be back for the Mass on Sunday, June 30 - and we will end Pride month with a special Parish Pride Family Picnic, which will take place immediately after the Mass.

Summer Coffee Hour

Summer coffee hour will be held on the front porch. Iced tea/lemonade and baked goods will be served. If you can host a coffee hour during the summer, please email Alison.


  • Once again the Outreach Committee is volunteering at the food bank. The dates for this year are August 3rd, and the 17th. A sign-up sheet for the August dates will be up this Sunday. The hours for volunteering are from 9:30 am to approximately noon. If you have any questions, please contact Anne Marie Verdiramo.

  • The Food Bank is in great need of food items, paper goods, and toiletries for our neighbors in Somerset County. Cash and checks are also greatly appreciated. There’s always a container on the stairs leading up to the choir loft. Any questions, please contact Kathy Shanklin.

Sight and Sound Theatre Trip Opportunity

Juanita Hawkins has planned a trip to the Sight and Sound Theatre in October. Please email the church office if you are interested, and they will send you a form to fill out. The deadline is August 15th to sign up.

Family Pride Night in Somerville

June 27th, 5-9 p.m.

St. Martin's will have a booth at the Pride Night in Somerville. If you can help out, please email Alison.

Fr. Bruce This Sunday

We would like to have some little sandwiches and desserts for this week's coffee hour. Please email me if you can contribute something.

Senior Moments Group

Four members of the Senior Moments Group attended a Bingo Session at St. Mary's Byzantine Church on Wednesday. We all had a lot of fun and Juanita even won a Jack Pot. We all agreed that we should continue to pursue establishing Bingo in St Martins.

Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns.


Len Cacciatore


Youth Closet Clean-Up

Thanks to our youth, Natalie, Colin, and Alex for decluttering the closet in the Education Wing. Job well done!

Parish Pride Family Picnic

We are planning the Parish Pride Family Picnic for Sunday, June 30th. The church will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, beverages, and lawn games. Please email Alison if you can attend and bring a side or dessert.

Audit Committee

The vestry and I are forming an audit committee to accomplish two tasks:

1) Assist with the audit for 2023 and 2) Audit the church books for 2021 and 2022.

Marlene Ficzko is chairing the audit committee and Jim Agosto has also agreed to serve on this committee.

We need one or two more people to help. Diocesan Rules do not permit a member of the current vestry to serve on this committee.

If you have a financial background and can help, please let Father Rob know.

Visit our Parish Prayer Webpage

Please send your prayer intentions to Philip at Also, if you want a name removed, you can email Philip.

St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Church Directory
Contact information for Fr. Rob or
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