The Bridge
The weekly newsletter of St. Mark's Lutheran Church by The Narrows                  
 November 15 , 2017 
Sunday Worship      
To hear podcast recordings of our Sunday Sermons
Click Here
St. Mark's Staff
Phil Rue, Visitation
Ingelaurie Lisher, Youth and Family
Music Ministry
Contemporary Music Ministry
Manager of Finance and Operations
Office Coordinator
Just Shopping

Just Shopping is an Internet Fundraising Program at St. Mark's. It's part of a three-tiered plan to eliminate our building debt by 2023. On-line purchase made through our website with affiliate companies helps pay off our building loan. Thank you for your support and please share this internet shopping opportunity with your family and friends! For more information, click here to visit our website. 


       Contact Us  
St. Mark's Lutheran Church by The Narrows

6730 N. 17th St.
Tacoma, WA 98406

Office: 253-752-4966
Preschool: 253-752-4929
Join our mailing list.
Wednesday Night Church Night Tonight!
Dinner-  5-6:30pm 
Suggested Donation $5:Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Corn and Salad. 
Little Angels- 5-5:30pm
Joyful Noise- 5:30-6pm
Jubilation- 6-6:45pm 
Holy Moly- 6:15-6:45pm 
Midweek Renewal- 6:15-7:15pm 
Holy Moly - 6:15-6:45pm
Evensong- 7:30-8:00pm 

Joining our Staff! 
We are happy to announce that Katie Cootsona and Emillie Binja will be joining our St Marks staff this week. Katie will be our new church office receptionist on Thursdays and Fridays. She is replacing Nikki Spaulding, who did an outstanding job in this position. Emillie will be taking over Teresa Handy's responsibilities for hospitality on Sundays, as Teresa shifts her work hours to cover important things during the week. Please help us welcome Katie and Emillie in their new roles at St. Mark's!

The Church Office Is Now Open Sunday Mornings!
The church office will now be open Sunday mornings from 9:30am-11am.  Feel free to stop by! 
Baptismal Welcome! 
On Sunday we welcomed Aubrey Alivia Spaulding to the family of Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism.  She is the daughter of Jeff and Nicole Spaulding.  
Greetings from the Guatemala Habitat for Humanity Team
Submitted by Elizabeth Skarshaug

Eighteen members of the Guatemala Habitat for Humanity Team arrived in Guatemala City on November 3, 2017 to work for one week building clean air stoves for ten families. The team also created a secure foundation for a four-room home for an additional family. The Habitat team returned home on November 12, 2017.

Clean air stoves are part of healthy home kits, which include three parts: clean air stoves, a water filtration system, and latrines. Our Habitat team built two clean air stoves per day for the five days we worked. Two teams of four people worked on each of two stoves per day while the other ten team members worked on creating the foundation for a four room home. The eighteen team members rotated to different duties each day in order for us to experience all aspects of the work the Guatemala affiliate wanted us to complete.

WELCA Thanksofferings!
Women of St. Mark's Thankoffering Sunday  is this week November 19th. During the Offering, women will be invited forward to place a special offering in the basket in thanksgiving for all of the blessings of this past year. 

Women of St. Mark's
Thank you again to all who helped make the Bazaar a success this year.

We made over $10,500 and after expenses will have $9,500 to distribute.
Please email any requests for funds or suggestions for distribution to Barb Meyers at We will meet later this month or early December to discuss distribution.  Once we have a date, it will be posted. 

Our upcoming Advent Brunch is on December 2nd, from 9:30 AM until 11:30 AM.  There is a table set-up for sign-ups and we will begin collecting money starting Sunday, Nov. 19th.  Tickets are $10 per person.  Brunch will be provided by John and Bonnie Wascher.  There will be a music program and we will provide materials for you to make a special Christmas Card.  

Questions or suggestions?  Contact Barbara Meyers at  253-756-9352.

Tacoma Lutheran Holiday Bazaar
Wonderful Holiday Bazaar at Tacoma Lutheran Retirement Community. November 17 and 18, 9:30-4:00 each day. Lots of handmade items, gifts, beautiful jewelry and Christmas items. Please join us!

Habitat for Humanity is looking for volunteers!

Our local Habitat affiliate invites you to come help build houses in the Tillicum neighborhood. Earlier this summer, teams from St. Mark's worked on the Building on Faith house, and now even more houses are being built in the same area. There are two ways to get involved: If you would like to pick a date and join others who will be at the site that day, you can visit the web site ( ) and use the VolunteerUp module to sign up. Or, you can volunteer to be part of a group from St. Mark's by contacting Deborah Herforth (email , or phone  206-372-1433 ). Please come out and join the fun! 
Family Housing Network Coming December 30th

St. Mark's will again host up to five homeless families from December 30, 2017  to January 6, 2018.  Volunteers are needed to prepare rooms, host the families, provide meals, help with child care, help in the kitchen,  and clean up at the end of the week! Thanks to all of the faithful volunteers who have committed to this ministry over the last four years and to those of you who signed up on Sunday, October 29.  We welcome new volunteers to join us!   The sign up table will be available again on the following Sundays:  November 19, 26, and December 3.  Elizabeth Skarshaug

Chase the Chill Update!
This week we donated 40 scarves and 20 hats to the Community Youth Services-Pierce County program to be given to the teen homeless shelter which provides beds for youth ages 12-24. It's been a cold few weeks which a rainy forecast so they were very happy to receive our boxes of knitted and crocheted warmth. We will continue to donate hats and scarves during the fall and winter. During these months please leave your finished items on the table outside the office and feel free to pick up another skein or two of yarn for your next project. Thank you! 

Children and Youth Faith Formation
Wednesday Nights at St. Mark's for children preschool age to 5th grade: 
  • Little Angel's Choir (Preschool/Kindergarten): 5:00-5:30pm
  • Joyful Noise Choir (1st-2nd gr.): 5:30-6:00pm
  • Jubilation Choir (3-5th gr.) 6:00-6:45pm 
  • Holy Moly for children 5-8yrs old 6:15-6:45pm 
Thursday Nights at St. Mark's for youth grades 6-12:
  • 6:30pm Youth Choir meets this week with Cooper in the Choir Room. 
SR ALYVE Game Night 5:30-7pm- Friday, November 17th at the church. Bring your favorite board or card game to play. We will be in the Youth Wing. Dinner provided. Sign up by November 12th if you plan on attending. 
May Holden Youth Weekends Registration  form is on the Youth Board-For youth grades 9-12. Registration form and deposit due Dec. 31st.  Please indicate which weekend works best for you and we will go with the one that works best for the most people. 
Synod Youth Retreat Feb. 9-11th at Camp Arnold- grades 7-10th Registration form on the Youth Board. Deposit due Dec. 15. 

Adult Faith Formation

Adult Forum-Sundays 9:45am in the Parish Commons Classroom
Nov. 19: In the Adult Forum this week, John Avery will lead a discussion on the theme of Christian advocacy that we've been investigating this month. We will take up from last week's discussion on the Biblical basis for advocacy, review the Covenants of Presence and then launch into a discussion about being a Community of Moral Deliberation and a Community of Direct Action. As before, we seek and value all viewpoints as we come to terms with what it means to be Christians called to action in a world of turmoil. John is a long-time member of the Peace and Justice Committee of St. Mark's and a faculty member of Green River College in Auburn, WA. 

Adult Class- Sundays 11am in the Fireside Room
This Fall, as our 11am Adult Class, Dr. Traci Drake will offer Year 1 of Crossways, a faith-enriching, life-changing course that serves as your 'road map' for an unforgettable journey through the entire Bible.   To order the set of Learner books, please contact the church office.    The cost for books each trimester is $20.  Participants are asked to cover whatever part of that cost they are able to pay.

Wednesday Midweek Renewal; 6:15pm
Radical Lutherans, Lutheran Radicals--Throughout history there have been individuals whose deep roots in Lutheran theology have led them to counter-cultural action and social transformation. Using a book by Jason Mahn, we will explore the thinking of Martin Luther, Dorothy Soelle, Soren Kierkegaard and others.  What can we learn from these ancestors that might help us live as faithful Lutheran Christians today? All are welcome. 
Tuesday "Fully Alive" Bible Study; 5:15pm in the Fireside Room
 We will  begin reading and discussing Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio, a study of  our strength in Jesus to overcome the obstacles and habits that hold us  down. Questions, Sherry Mauira 253-303-1681.

Women's Bible Study; Wed. 9:30 am in the PCC1
We are ladies with varying faith and bible experiences, who help each other by sharing our questions and insights.  With our current study, As It Is in Heaven by Greg Laurie, a thought-provoking book, we are studying God's will for us here on earth.   For more information, contact Linda Durant, , or (253) 363-8202.

Noon Wednesday Text Study Luncheon in the Parish Commons Classroom. 
Gather for lunch and for conversation and study around the texts that will be hear in worship the following Sunday. Conversation will be guided by who will be preaching, and by the insights and questions of the group.  

Thank you St. Mark's!

Dear Friends, 

On behalf of those we serve, I thank St. Mark's Lutheran Church by the Narrows for your recent gift.  

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service will always strive to protect and empower those in our care.  Working across our national network, we support refugee children and families with immediate aid on their arrival, ensuring access to shelter, healthcare and community resources.  We find safe, loving homes for children who have been orphaned or separated from their parents due to war or conflict.  we make sure that each family has cultural orientation, job-readiness training, English classes, and other resources needed for successful long-term integration into their new communities.  

With your support, LIRS has resettled more than 500,000 refugees and migrants over the last 77 years, warmly welcoming them in their new homeland.  Today, we stand steadfast in our commitment to provide refuge to those feeling violence, war and persecution- regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or religion.  Thanks to you, we can continue to make a difference in the loves of our new neighbors.  

In faith,  Linda Hartke, President and CEO


Have an item for the bridge?
Send it to by 8am on Tuesday. All items will be run for 2 weeks prior to the relevant date and will be edited for length. Don't forget to send your member notes and news!