The Bridge
The weekly newsletter of St. Mark's Lutheran Church by The Narrows                  
   January 18 , 2017 
Sunday Worship      
To hear podcast recordings of our Sunday Sermons
Click Here
St. Mark's Staff
Phil Rue, Visitation
Ingelaurie Lisher, Youth and Family
Music Ministry
Contemporary Music Ministry
Manager of Finance and Operations
Office Coordinator
Just Shopping

Just Shopping is an Internet Fundraising Program at St. Mark's. It's part of a three-tiered plan to eliminate our building debt by 2023. On-line purchase made through our website with affiliate companies helps pay off our building loan. Thank you for your support and please share this internet shopping opportunity with your family and friends! For more information, click here to visit our website. 


       Contact Us  
St. Mark's Lutheran Church by The Narrows

6730 N. 17th St.
Tacoma, WA 98406

Office: 253-752-4966
Preschool: 253-752-4929
Join our mailing list.
Wednesday Night Church Night Tonight!

5:00pm Little Angels Choir (CR)
5:15pm Dinner: 
Chef Surprise, Suggested Donation $5
5:30pm Joyful Noise Choir (CR)
6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal (S)
6:00m Jubilation Choir, grades 3-5 (CR)
6:15pm Holy Moly (YR)
6:15pm Midweek Renewal (PCC)
7:30pm Prayer Service (PC)

Childcare is provided from 5-8pm for children up to 5 years of age while parents attend meetings, Bible Study and worship.

Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting the 29th!

You are invited to the St. Mark's Semi-Annual Congregational meeting on Sunday, January 29th at 12:15pm.  Lunch will be served!  
Offering of Letters this Sunday

11.3 million children in theU.S. are now at risk for hunger.  As our new President begins his work and Congress digs in as well, they are required to set the 2017 budget.  Bread for the World recommends a combination of creating more living-wage jobs and a strong safety net for those still left behind.  The Bread for the World table in the narthex will have specific information and materials for writing letters of advocacy to our elected officials. Contact Herman Diers
Women of St. Mark's

Please join us on  Wednesday, Jan 25th at 4PM  in the Library to discuss the distribution of the Bazaar funds.  We welcome input from all.  The funds will be distributed as in the past years, half for church needs and half for community needs.  If you are unable to attend, please email me ( ) with your suggestions.

Hat, Socks and Gloves Needed

In spite of generous donations during the holidays, Family Housing Network has run out of hats, socks and gloves during our recent icy weather. They have an immediate need for these items. If you can donate any, please take them to their office at 5050 South Tacoma Way, weekdays between 9 and 5. Or you may drop them at our church office and someone will deliver them. Thank you!

Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting

All those interested in being part of the Prayer Shawl Ministry are invited to meet on Wednesday 1/18 from 1:30-3:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room.  Bring your projects and join us.  Coffee, tea and cookies will be provided.  Questions Torun Parker 253-749-7830,

St. Mark's Preschool Enrollment

St. Mark's Preschool will begin accepting enrollment paperwork for the 2017-18 school year in February. Current preschool families and children or grandchildren of St. Mark's Church members can register beginning February 1st; registration for the surrounding community will open on February 15th. Children must be two-and-a-half by Sept 1st to enroll in the 2/3s class; age 3 by Sept 1st to enroll in the 3/4s class; or, age 4 by Sept 1st to enroll in the PreK class. Please turn in paperwork as well as a non-refundable $75.00 registration fee to Anne Zimmerman. Registration paperwork can be found online ( or in the church office. Please contact Anne with questions (253) 759-4929

Empowering Life's St. Valentine's Celebration
Saturday, February 11th from 6-8pm.
Piano bar entertainer Kacey Evans will be back for Empowering Life's annual fundraiser. Join us for elegant desserts, a silent auction and an opportunityto learn more about how (beyond backpacks with school supplies) we at St. Mark's are helping women incarcerated at the Washington Correction Center for Woman (Purdy) and Mission Creek Correction Center for Women in Belfair... and their families.
            $15.00 is the suggested donation. Auction item donations are appreciated.
            Make your reservation at table in the narthex or contact Joan Nelson at or 253-208-3307. Or, send your check to Empowering Life, PO Box 1803, Gig Harbor, WA 98335.

Make Your Shopping Dollars Go Further

If you shop on Amazon for the holidays, please consider designating St. Mark's (or your other favorite charity) to receive the money Amazon donates from each purchase. Login through and type in "St. Mark's Lutheran by The Narrows" to select our church. When you shop at, you'll find the exact same prices, selection and shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. 

Chase the Chill!

This is our second fall/winter of knitting and crocheting scarves and hats to give to those who are living outdoors or in shelters. We have an abundance of donated yarn for this ministry.  Please stop by our overflowing yarn table in the Narthex to pick out a skein or two to take home, then bring back your finished gifts and we will distribute them.  If you have any questions about this project, please talk to Eleanor Sherry or Linda McKeller.  You will find us at the yarn table!  Thanks for helping us keep others warm.   

Children and Youth Faith Formation
Coming up...
  • Synod Youth Gathering (grades 7-12)-Feb. 3-5th Cost: $130.00 per person. Sign up with a $60.00 deposit by Jan. 8th if you are attending.  Registration forms on the youth board now.  

Adult Faith Formation

Adult Forum-Sundays 9:45am in the Parish Commons Classroom
January 22- Coffee and Conversation with your Church Council-- in preparation for our semi-annual congregational meeting on January 29th.  Join congregational leaders to discuss plans for mission at St. Mark's in 2017.  Bring your questions!

Adult Class- Sundays 11am in the Parish Commons Classroom
January 22-February 26: "Matthew for Everyone" Guided by the work of N.T. Wright and our own insights, we continue exploring the Gospel of Matthew.  What is the wisdom, the challenge and the promise that Jesus shares in this story?  How do we incorporate it into our lives?
Wednesday Midweek Renewal;  6:15pm in the PCC
Our Muslim Neighbors - Using the work of seventeen Muslim and Christian scholars, we will examine reliable information about what Muslims believe, how they live out their faith, and how we can all participate in building relationships across the lines of faith

Tuesday "Fully Alive" Bible Study; 5:15pm in the Fireside Room
led by Sherry Maiura.  

Women's Bible Study; 9:30 am in the Parish Commons Classroom
In the new year they will be studying Martin Luther's Small Catechism  For more information contact Ida Hagen, 253-759-0569 (

Noon Wednesday Text Study Luncheon in the Parish Commons Classroom.  
At Bible Study Luncheon men and women read and discuss the scripture texts appointed for the upcoming Sunday. The pastor who will be preaching on the texts guides the conversation.

Fred Meyer Giving

Did you know that Fred Meyer stores has a Community Rewards Program?  For more information on how to connect your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to giving at St. Mark's, click here. 
Flower Chart 2017

The flower chart for 2017 is on the bulletin board outside the office.  You are invited to sign up for a Sunday to place flowers on the altar to celebrate, honor or remember special people and occasions in your life.  You have a choice of providing the flowers yourself or paying $40 for an arrangement to be delivered by Safeway.  Thank you.

Have an item for the bridge?
Send it to by 8am on Tuesday. All items will be run for 2 weeks prior to the relevant date and will be edited for length. Don't forget to send your member notes and news!