The Bridge
The weekly newsletter of St. Mark's Lutheran Church by The Narrows                  
   October 18 , 2017 
Sunday Worship      
To hear podcast recordings of our Sunday Sermons
Click Here
St. Mark's Staff
Phil Rue, Visitation
Ingelaurie Lisher, Youth and Family
Music Ministry
Contemporary Music Ministry
Manager of Finance and Operations
Office Coordinator
Just Shopping

Just Shopping is an Internet Fundraising Program at St. Mark's. It's part of a three-tiered plan to eliminate our building debt by 2023. On-line purchase made through our website with affiliate companies helps pay off our building loan. Thank you for your support and please share this internet shopping opportunity with your family and friends! For more information, click here to visit our website. 


       Contact Us  
St. Mark's Lutheran Church by The Narrows

6730 N. 17th St.
Tacoma, WA 98406

Office: 253-752-4966
Preschool: 253-752-4929
Join our mailing list.
Wednesday Night Church Night Tonight!
Dinner-  5-6:30pm 
Suggested Donation $5: Potato Bar, Chili, and Salad
Little Angels- 5-5:30pm
Joyful Noise- 5:30-6pm
Jubilation- 6-6:45pm 
Holy Moly- 6:15-6:45pm 
Midweek Renewal- 6:15-7:15pm 
Holy Moly - 6:15-6:45pm
Evensong- 7:30-8:00pm 

Reminder From Pastor Shjerven
There will be no Midweek Renewal class tonight, October 18th.  We will resume next Wednesday, 10/25, at 6:15pm.

Parking Update

  As you are undoubtedly aware, the City recently restriped N. 17th  Street, making room for bike lanes on both sides. This eliminated parking on the south (Church) side of the street. We contacted the City to see if we could get a waiver to be able to park there just on Sunday mornings. The short answer is no - and the police can cite anyone who parks there. While this clearly causes inconvenience during Sunday services, please remember the City's decision was made by attempting to balance the needs of all local stakeholders. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jennifer Droubay in the Church office.

Faith Journey Begins Soon!  
Faith Journey meets on Sundays  at 12:15 or Wednesdays  at 6pm. Each session includes a meal.   Faith Journey is an open-ended process of spiritual discovery that gives all visitors at St. Mark's an opportunity to explore their diverse stories in light of God's story and to listen for Christ's call.  The series of twelve weekly gatherings begins with a time of getting acquainted, with the stories and questions of participants setting the framework for conversation.  
As we progress, there will be time each week to hear God's Word together and to discuss its meaning and relevance for our daily lives.  
Finally, we allow time for each person to reflect on his or her own unique calling to live and serve in the way of Christ.  
If you are interested in more information, or would like to join a Faith Journey group, please contact Pastor Jan Ruud at 
September Financials Update

Offerings for the month of September were $8,020 below budget, bringing us to $22,611 below budget for the first quarter of our fiscal year. Offerings are 11.3% less than over the same period last fiscal year. We are very grateful for each and every offering entrusted to us and continue to ask that you give to support our church's mission as you are able. The first quarter has had a bit of a rough start, but we are confident that as a congregation we will be able financially to meet our collective ministry goals.
Expenses for the month continued to be below budget, bringing us to $9,591 below budget year-to-date. Expenses are 6.2% lower than spending during the same period last year.
The net effect of the above is that the fiscal year-to-date income less expense result is approximately $12,000 lower than budgeted. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jennifer Droubay or Mike McKeller in the church office.

News From the Back Pack Program

Fall is upon us and we are in full swing filling 52 food bags a week!  We have added a new elementary school  in our area to our program. Sherman Elementary has not been able to find anyone to take on the needs of their hungry young people. We are providing 5 food bags each week for them. We will be contacting churches in their area to see if any of them will partner with us in this program.

We want to thank you for your support of money and food. Without you we would not be able to keep filling the needs of hungry youth. 

As we attempt to keep our program sustainable we are always looking for grants and churches to partner with. If your employer has a  program for giving to worthy causes such as ours please present our program to them. We can help you with information you might need to share with them. Also, if you are a Thrivent member you might be able to get us $250 each year. Some members of our congregation have done this in the past. We can help you with that as well.

Once again, thank you for your support for our Food Backpack program. If you want to get involved please talk with Jean Steingrebe, Sharon Klancke, or Suzy Reynolds or just show up on Wednesdays at 10:00 am at St. Marks, or stop by our table on Sundays. 

Jean Steingrebe, email:

Family Housing Network Adoptions

Family Housing Network is looking for donors to adopt families to provide Thanksgiving baskets and/or Christmas gifts this coming holiday season. They hope to provide for 70 to 80 families this year. Information about family size and gift preferences will be provided. A $50 limit had been placed on individual Christmas gifts. If you would like to make a difference for one of these families, please contact Kevin Gavalis at  or 253-244-4653 by November 3. Thank you!
Chase the Chill
We will continue to donate hats and scarves during the fall and winter. During these months please leave your finished items on the table outside the office and feel free to pick up another skein or two of yarn for your next project. Thank you! 

Bread for the World Offering of Letters
You are invited, and encouraged, to participate in the 2017 Offering of Letters in support of Bread for the World, Sunday, Oct. 22nd.  Bread for the Word advocates with the U.S. Congress in support of programs that address issues of hunger and food insecurity both  in the United States and globally.  Congress is in the process of considering the budget for next year.  There is a chance that food safety-net programs that have existed for many years, such as SNAP, WIC, global nutrition, and refundable tax credits, are on the chopping block.  We need our congressional representatives to accurately represent our point of view.  Writing letters to our congressional delegation will help.

Mental Health First Aid Class, October 21

Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour training that introduces participants to  common risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems and specific illnesses like anxiety, depression, substance use disorders, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Participants will learn a five-step action plan, ALGEE, to support someone developing a mental illness or experiencing an emotional crisis and connect them to appropriate professional, peer, social and self-help care.
Mental Health First Aid is included on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices. Learn more at

News From Tacoma Lutheran Retirement Community

Tacoma Lutheran Retirement Community would like to invite the congregation of St Mark's to participate in classes at the Chihuly Family Art Center on the TLRC campus. We have many wonderful offerings as listed below. To join a class or for more information, please call Diane Schurr at 253-267-5760.
Wednesdays at 1:00 - Ceramics
Fridays at 10:00 - Acrylic Painting
Saturdays at 9:30 - Pen and Ink Drawing
Tuesday, Oct 24 - Card Making
Mondays at 1:00 - Come and bring your knitting or other handwork
We look forward to having you join us for a class soon!

Bandage Rolling Group
We have a bandage rolling group that meets at the Art Center at Tacoma Lutheran every Wednesday morning from 10 to 11.  If you can spare an hour to help us it would be wonderful.  The bandages are shipped to Global Health Ministries in Minneapolis and from there around the world to Lutheran Hospitals.  They are gratefully received 
as these are very needed.  Elaine Rodning

Women of St. Mark's Bazaar!

Next week on October 24th we are having a Craft Night!  This will be the last one before our Annual Bazaar.  We will be finishing up the Snowman Candy Bars and creating garlands from Skandia fabric.  Bonnie will be providing the fabric, we will be gluing together the rings to make the garlands.

Our Annual Bazaar is on Saturday, Nov. 4th.  We will be selling handmade items, books and collectibles.  We will be serving Swedish pancakes for breakfast and soup for lunch brought to you by the Wascher's.  We will need pies for the lunch and lots of baked items to sell at the Bazaar.  

Please join us for Lefse making on Thursday, Nov 2nd, or join us on Friday, Nov. 3rd for set-up.  Fill put a sign-up sheet to help us prepare for the Bazaar.

This Bazaar helps our congregation and our community.  Sign-up sheets to help or just let us know what you are contributing to sell at the Bazaar.  Visit our table in the Narthex to fill out a sheet.  Great time to recycle your books and find something new!  

Items can be dropped off at the church on Friday Nov 3rd.  We don't have a lot of storage space so please try to bring everything to the church on Friday.  We will be setting up the Parish Commons and pricing items that day.

Children and Youth Faith Formation
Sunday School 9:45-10:45 am Children 3 years old to 4th grade meet in the CFC/Preschool Wing; Grades 5-8th meet in the Youth Wing; 9-10th grade youth will walk to Cutter's Point Coffee (bring $$ for a treat or 2 and wear weather appropriate clothing); 11-12th grades meet in the Fireside Room.
Wednesday Nights at St. Mark's for children preschool age to 5th grade:
  • Little Angel's Choir (Preschool/Kindergarten): 5:00-5:30pm
  • Joyful Noise Choir (1st-2nd gr.): 5:30-6:00pm
  • Jubilation Choir (3-5th gr.) 6:00-6:45pm
  • Holy Moly for children 5-8yrs old 6:15-6:45pm
Thursday Nights at St. Mark's for youth grades 6-12:
  • 5:30pm Youth Group-meets the 1st & 3rd Thurs. of each month in the PC (10/19; 11/2 &16; 12/7)
  • 6:30pm Youth Choir-meets every week with Cooper in the Sanctuary or Choir Room.
3rd year Confirmation students:
  • Wednesday, Oct. 25 Serve Dinner at Peace Community Center. Meet at St. Mark's at 4:45pm, we will return by 6:45pm.
  • Saturday, Oct. 28 10-11:30am Brunch/Rehearsal for students and families at St. Mark's. RSVP by Oct. 22
  • Sunday, October 29 Affirmation of Baptism during the 11:00am worship service. Plan to arrive at St. Mark's by 10:30am.
8-12th grade youth...It's not too late to register for the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering!   June 26-July 2, Houston TX. Details, costs, registration form, etc. are on the youth board. Non-refundable deposit of $150.00 due by ASAP to reserve your spot. Questions? Contact Ingelaurie Lisher at 253-752-4966

Adult Faith Formation

Adult Forum-Sundays 9:45am in the Parish Commons Classroom
Oct 2: Living Lutheran in the Pacific Northwest: What Happens When the Distinctive Marks of Lutheran Theology Intersect with the Culture and Landscape of the Pacific Northwest.  Led by Pastor Ruud.  

Adult Class- Sundays 11am in the Fireside Room
This Fall, as our 11am Adult Class, Dr. Traci Drake will offer Year 1 of Crossways, a faith-enriching, life-changing course that serves as your 'road map' for an unforgettable journey through the entire Bible.   To order the set of Learner books, please contact the church office.    The cost for books each trimester is $20.  Participants are asked to cover whatever part of that cost they are able to pay.

Wednesday Midweek Renewal; 6:15pm
There will be no Midweek Renewal This Week, 10/18. 
Tuesday "Fully Alive" Bible Study; 5:15pm in the Fireside Room
We will begin with a Biblical search: "Who am I in God's Eye" Please join us.

Women's Bible Study; Wed. 9:30 am in the PCC1
We are ladies with varying faith and bible experiences, who help each other by sharing our questions and insights.  With our current study, As It Is in Heaven by Greg Laurie, a thought-provoking book, we are studying God's will for us here on earth.   For more information, contact Linda Durant, , or (253) 363-8202.

Noon Wednesday Text Study Luncheon in the Parish Commons Classroom. 
Gather for lunch and for conversation and study around the texts that will be hear in worship the following Sunday. Conversation will be guided by who will be preaching, and by the insights and questions of the group.  

Thank you!

People of St. Mark's, Thank you for your recent gift to Lutheran Community Services Northwest.  Your generosity deeply impacts the lives of your neighbors, while also rippling across multiple programs and populations.  You have chosen to make a powerful difference in our community and we are grateful to you.  

In the South Sound region, our Home Care and Senior Companion Programs help seniors and people with disabilities live active, healthy lives while retaining their independence.  Meals on Wheels delivers nutritious food to people who have difficulties shopping for and preparing meals.  Caregiver Services provides support and community to those caring for an ailing loved one. Refugee Reception & Placement helps individuals and families who have survived the horrors of war and displacement establish a stable new. life.  

We want you to know that you are an important partner in our mission.  Thank you for believing in health, justice and hope.  

Sincerely, Trudy Sorensen and Jamie Schilling, 
Thank you!

People of St. Mark's, "How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it. " 

Your kindness changes the lives of the people we serve in fundamental ways.  You have lots of opportunities to make change in the world and I am so honored by your donation to Associated Ministries.  

Because of your generous support, Associated Ministries is able to respond to the needs of thousands of people.  You are the source of hope and wonderful possibilities for families who are grappling with homelessness.  Most families want to make their own way and just need a little bit of help to do that.  Your kindness makes all the difference for them and encourages us in working with people who have the most significant needs imaginable.

Thank you for making their success possible. 

Sincerely, Michael Yoder, Executive director
Member Notes and News

Elizabeth Busch-Conway and Eleanor Sherry will be participating in a Piano Trios Recital at the Annie Wright Schools.  Elizabeth will perform Saturday, October 28th at 3pm. Eleanor will perform Sunday, October 29th at 3pm There are no ticket sales but donations are accepted at the door.  

Have an item for the bridge?
Send it to by 8am on Tuesday. All items will be run for 2 weeks prior to the relevant date and will be edited for length. Don't forget to send your member notes and news!