Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 and 10:30 a.m.
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Celebrating 186 years of Service
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Last Sunday's celebration of Episcopal 101 graduates:
David Bartman, Brent and Megan Besemer, Thom Burke, Tracy Donahue, Barbara Gordon, David and Beth Hamm, Cindy Kok, Jane Kotarski and Dan Stauffer, Emily and Shane Kouri, Pamela Leddick, Melanie Lozer, David Molinari, Ceci and John Mumma, Joshua Roach, F. Gunnar Nordgren, Calvin Wiersma and Elizabeth "Betsy" Zandstra
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Announcements and Celebrations | |
Celebrating Mother Sue York, August 4, at both Services and special Social Hours. We have been blessed to have her serving among us for the past sixteen years and wish her much peace, happiness, relaxation, and a little more good work to do, since you can't stop Mother Sue or her huge heart for the people of God.
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This Sunday, July 28, Social Hour Celebration of Thon's experiences with us during his first year of field education and being a student with the Diocesan Academy. It has been a privilege for St. Mark's to be Thon's field placement. He will have a second year of field placement and may return to St. Mark's, pending arrival of a new rector.
| Additional Parking is available again in the GRCC ramp across from the public library, using the curved entrance off Fountain Street. Parking is free, without needing a pass, until 2:00 p.m. Any cars remaining in the lot after 2:00 p.m. will have to pay to exit. | |
Jesus Christ Superstar –
Join In the Fun!
Calling all children in third grade through high school teens –
be part of St. Andrew’s and St. Mark’s production of an iconic musical phenomenon! Scan the QR code on our bulletin board or contact Monique Salinas directly by email or 616-890-1164.
Rehearsals: August 1-15, 5-8 p.m., at St. Andrew’s
+Save the Date!
Performances: August 16 at 6:30 p.m. , August 17, 2:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
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Do You Want to Stay “In the Know” with Vestry Activities? Great!
Vestry Person of the Day: Bring your questions or ideas to the Welcome Desk, to Dan McDonald or Brian Topolewski after the 8:00 a.m. Service, or Laura Kozminski after the 10:30 a.m. Service.
The Vestry also welcomes any parishioner to Vestry meetings that are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month (with the exception of July) at 6:30 p.m. Vestry Minutes from each previous month’s meetings are always posted on the bulletin board next to the main entrance.
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Children's Formation in Summer: Four-year-olds through 4th graders will join their parents for the beginning of the service. Make sure to get a special activity bulletin on your way in! Following the Gospel reading, children are invited to exit the Sanctuary for a lectionary lesson in St. Mary's Chapel and game time in the garden (weather permitting) before returning to the Service for Eucharist. Children under four are welcome in nursery care, in the pews or soft-play area. | |
Downtown Food Pantry: We so appreciate all your contributions and urge you to continue helping if you can. The Downtown Food Pantry’s Director, Becky Stein-Wells, suffered a stroke earlier this summer and can use our help and prayers as she continues to recover. See below for the needed food items for the month, although all food items are appreciated and used! Just bring your cans or boxes to church with you and leave them by the basket just inside the Sanctuary doors. ~Outreach Ministry |
Safety and Security Monthly Ministry Update
Tourniquets can help save lives, if done correctly: Find out! You never know when summer adventures may be interrupted by injury.
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Is Education for Ministry (EfM) for You? EfM offers you a small, mentored group setting for college level study of our Christian tradition. EfM is for adults of any age, and no prior knowledge of scripture or theology is required. The four-year curriculum fosters spiritual growth through study, reflection, prayer and worship. It develops a theologically informed, reflective and articulate laity. Contact the church office or Doug Karsen for more information. | |
Church Finance Information
As we enter the summer months, we kindly ask for your continued support through pledges and offerings. Additionally, the financials are available for your review on the bulletin board. Thank you for your ongoing support of St. Mark's mission and ministry!
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All staff, Vestry and volunteers in contact with vulnerable youth or adults must re-certify with Safe Church every 3 years. For the online, self-directed platform, reach out to Kate or Jeff for instructions.
Zoom opportunities for this training are forthcoming from the diocese.
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Be the Help & Grow Our Community! | |
St. Mark's partners with Westminster's Downtown Food Pantry. Items needed for July: peanut butter and jelly. |
St. Mark's Volunteers:
St. Mark’s relies upon a significant volunteer effort to fulfill its mission – within the congregation and in the community. There is an online form to see volunteer opportunities you can fill out to alert staff and ministry leads. If you prefer a more personal option, do not hesitate to reach out to Mike or Kate, 616-456-1684. Thanks to all our ongoing volunteers!
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New to St. Mark's? Welcome!
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Sunday Services at 8:00 a.m. and at 10:30 a.m. (recorded live)
Healing Prayer during Holy Communion, near the piano in the South Transept
Mid-week Eucharist at noon on Wednesdays from September-May
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St. Mark's Episcopal Church is a growing, welcoming, and affirming community of faith in a vibrant urban community. In our worship and in our service to the community, we proclaim that all people are worthy of God's love. We celebrate and uphold the dignity of all people whose ethnicity, cultural heritage, and denominational traditions are examples and celebrations of God's love. We welcome visitors and parishioners from all social, political, and educational backgrounds, and all abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. We affirm all people and celebrate diversity, as we work to fulfill God's love for all people as a community of faith. | |
Parking and Restrooms on Sundays
Please respect the handicap parking spaces at St. Mark’s, especially on Sundays. These are needed by many parishioners.
Consider the free metered parking on Pearl, Ionia, Lyon, Fountain and other streets near the church. The small Kendall College lot across Division from the church is available when the gate is open. Paid options include the upper and lower levels of the GRCC building on Fountain Street, and the Ellis Parking Lot at 210 Ionia just west of Lyon Street. For Sundays only, white validation tickets for the Ellis lot can be found from an usher or greeter.
Main floor restrooms are limited. The second floor has additional restrooms.
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Sunday Children's Opportunities
During the 10:30 Service, in the Lower Level.
For more info and to volunteer, contact the church office.
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Grand Rapids Episcopal Youth
For info on virtual and in-person youth group meetings as well as events and activities, contact Jeff Brown, Director of Youth Ministries at
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Thank you for your continued
support of St. Mark's!
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Ways to Give to St. Mark's
1.) Mobile App Square Cash - Cashtag: $stmarksgr Web address:$stmarksgr or use the top QR code
2.) Online at our website at through PayPal
3.) Electronic Giving (email Pam for form – see the attachment in our e-news)
4.) Vanco Mobile App from any mobile device (Search: St Marks Episcopal Church - no punctuation) or use the QR code below
Or go to (use invite code EVDBRF)
5.) Pay by text - text 616-205-9714 from your phone and send in a payment
6.) Mail in a check to the church
7.) Gifts or Transfer of Stock
8.) Remember St. Mark's in your Estate Planning
9.) Life Insurance or Gift Annuities
10.) IRA/Retirement Accounts
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