St. Louise School Weekly Bulletin

School News for March 21-27, 2024

A Note from Mr. Fuerte

Dear Families,


This Sunday we celebrate the Sixth Sunday in Lent known as Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday. It is on Palm Sunday we enter Holy Week as we welcome Jesus into our lives and ask him to allow us to share in his suffering, death, and Resurrection. Holy Week presents to us the actual events of the dying and rising of Jesus. As we prepare for Holy Week’s events, we are allowing Jesus to forgive our sins and also deepen our relationship with God and strengthen our Faith as disciples of Jesus. As we prepare for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and the Triduum, I ask that you reflect on what Jesus sacrificed for us, knowing that he did this for our salvation for the love of us and for God.

Annual Fund – Update

Thank you to all the families who have already made their commitment to the Annual Fund! As of yesterday, March 20, we are at 42% of our school families. As you know, we work very hard to keep our tuition as accessible as possible for our community, yet we need to compensate our teachers for all their hard work providing the excellent education we have come to expect. The Annual Fund is one of our required fundraisers that helps achieve that goal. I’m looking forward to seeing 100% participation.


If you haven’t had a chance to make your Annual Fund donation, send in your check today or click here to contribute now


Planned Absence – Easter Break


Families who will be extending their Easter Break by- three or more school days will need to fill out a planned absence form. You may find the planned absence form for K-3 here and 4-8 here. Planned absence forms should be completed ahead of time and no later than 5 days before the absence begins. Thank you for adhering to our planned absence policies.

Have a Blessed Weekend,


Mr. Mike Fuerte


Tuesday Testimonials

Be sure to follow St. Louise School on Facebook and Instagram, then like and share our Tuesday Testimonial posts for a chance to win a limited edition glassybaby, or charger card!

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Did you know tuition covers just 65%

of our operating costs?

Your donation could be double. Please take the time to match your gift if your company offers this benefit.

Give to the Annual Fund

High School Volleyball registration is now open. High School Volleyball is Co-ed and a great way to reconnect with your St. Louise classmates.

Games are on 4/21, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 6/6, and 6/9. Registration ends 3/31. Please contact Joni Hoffman at with any questions.

Seattle CYO Athletics (

Register Here

Did you miss out on ordering Burgermaster Lunch at the Auction? It's not too late - order by Tuesday, March 26 !

Order Burgermaster

Chargers C.A.R.E. |S.L.E. Activities for February

SLE February – A St. Louise students is a Community Member Who Honors the gifts of others and values the dignity of others. 

The 2nd graders demonstrated the SLE 4.1 “A Community Member who honors the gifts of others and values the dignity of each person” by participating in Kindness Bingo. The goal was to complete acts of kindness to others, emphasizing inclusion, encouragement, and general care and consideration for peers and adults. This led students to reflect on how they treat and interact with others both inside and out of the classroom, whether with close friends or classmates, and think about how to honor and include each of them. Students enjoyed aiming for Bingos and board blackouts, and consistently demonstrated kind acts throughout the month, earning compliments from Specialist teachers on how helpful and kind they were to each other.

In Mrs. Green’s library classes, students learned about genres, biographies, and their locations in the library. Fourth and fifth grade students practiced looking up biographies in Destiny, and on the shelves. Students learned that biographies highlight the gifts and accomplishments of others. Fourth graders biography research focused on their Person of Faith projects, while fifth graders worked on their History Maker projects.

Charger Shout-Out - Thank you Parents' Club!

Thank you to the St. Louise Parents' Club for providing generous enrichment grants to teachers throughout the year. These grants provide funding for amazing enrichment opportunities for our students such as visiting author workshops, annual Of Cedar and Salmon event, and this past week - School of Toy.

School of Toy’s mission is to nurture a love of learning through joyful toy-building adventures. We strive to inspire the next generation of thinkers and dreamers with programs that engage, enrich, and entertain. The 1st Grade students engaged in Lights and Sound, 2nd grade in creating Pioneers Toys, and 3rd Grade investigated Motion, Forces and Magnets. Thank you to our Parents’ Club for supporting this Enrichment Grant and for all the parent volunteers that made the day a success.

Parents' Club News - Charger Cards

Mark your Calendar!

  • March 22 - Pre-K Concert at 8:45 am
  • March 28 - Holy Thursday Prayer Service at 9am
  • March 28 - Parents' Club Meeting at 6:30 pm
  • March 29 - Good Friday Stations of the Cross
  • March 29 - NOON Dismissal, NO PM Kids' Club
  • March 29 - Report Cards sent home
  • March 31 - Easter
  • April 1-5 - Easter Vacation!
Subscribe to the School Calendar Here

We LOVE our Volunteers!

Thank you to the following volunteers for their help with Vision & Hearing Screenings

Kelsey Novak

Roshel Varilla

Shiji Varuthattil Das

Esperanza Colin

Silvia Macias

Looking for one person to deliver donated items from the Lent Supply Drive to the New Bethlehem shelter in Kirkland. Please contact Ann Marie Sweeney at for more information.

A Note from Fr. Gary & Parish Happenings

Dear Friends at St. Louise,

For the faithful, Holy Week is to the year as Sunday is to the week – and, as the psalms tell us, the faithful here must praise the Lord!

As important as this week is to all of us, many parishioners are not able to come to church on Holy Thursday or Good Friday, or go to the Easter Vigil, because of work, inability to drive at night, or many other reasons. What is the “faithful heart” to do in these cases, to mark this as the holiest week of the year?

Here are some suggestions for those who cannot join us for the Triduum celebrations (these are good even if you are coming to the Triduum, or participating via livestream!):

Prayer: This week, make an extra effort to give time to prayer. You might prayerfully read the Gospel passage for each day (the daily readings are easy to find at Or pray the Stations of the Cross or the Rosary each day. And a few minutes of silent prayer is always a wonderful way to begin or end the day.

Fasting: Remember that, for those who are healthy enough to do so, Good Friday is a day of fasting (eating smaller portions than usual, and no snacking in between meals) and abstinence (no meat). If you are not able to fast and abstain due to health reasons, a heartfelt prayer or act of charity would be a wonderful substitute. The idea is to offer something up to Jesus, who offered his life in his flesh for us.

Almsgiving: The collection for Operation Rice Bowl will happen at the Mass for Holy Thursday, but you are welcome to bring your gift in to the Parish Office any time. This collection helps Catholic Relief Services to touch the lives of those in our world who face the most desperate poverty imaginable.

These are simple ways that we can live as one body, in prayer, fasting and almsgiving, during Holy Week.

Blessing to you all!

Fr. Gary Zender

Please let your family and friends know that our first Easter Sunday Mass is at 7AM.

See What Happened this Week - Principal for the Day, St. Patrick's Day Buddy Class Activities & KofC Free Throw Champ!

Thank you Hailey for being a great Principal for the Day!

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Champion - 8th Grader Andre O.

St. Patrick's Day Buddy Activities!

Thank you St. Louise Sponsors!

Antezana Garvizu Family

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