St. Louise School Weekly Bulletin

School News for April 18-24, 2024

A Note from Mr. Fuerte

Dear Families,


2024-2025 Homeroom Requests


In May, teachers will get together to create next year’s grade Pre-K-8 homeroom class lists. Teachers create new rosters for next year by mixing up the current group of students in each grade and adding any newly admitted students. A friendly reminder to parents that as you are trusting the teachers this year with caring for and teaching your children, I hope you can trust them in making decisions next month on which children to place in which classrooms. Current grade level teachers will get together and decide how best to create the next grade level’s class placements for the fall. They consider many things such as: making sure there is a balance of boys and girls; kids with strong academic skills and those that need extra help. They also know which teacher would be the best fit for your child and take into account students who would be best served by being separated from certain classmates or grouped with certain others.  


If one little change is thrown into the mix, such as a parent requesting that their child be in a specific class, a “domino effect” takes place and more changes need to be made to keep the balance mentioned above. It’s not an easy task to create new class rosters for the succeeding school year. Therefore, I need you to trust the knowledge of our teachers in choosing the class placement that will be best for your child and best for the entire class of students.


However, should you have an important point you want us to consider for the best learning-atmosphere placement for your child next year, you have an opportunity to send me this information no later than April 30. This year we have a new online form for formal requests. Please click on the link and fill out your 2024-2025 teacher requests. 2024-2025 Formal Requests

Please do not talk to a teacher about this, as all requests must come through me, and I will then work with the teachers to do our best to meet your request, assuming we agree and we’re able to work through the “domino effect.” Additionally, I ask that your written request focuses on what type of "learning atmosphere placement" you want us to consider; please don't just name the "teacher" you want your child to have. I do keep track of the number of requests a parent has made for a child's class placement request, as it would be too complex to accommodate a family's multiple requests during their one child's K-8 era. Thanks for your understanding, trust, and support.


Walk-A-Thon Coming in 3 weeks!


The countdown is on to this year’s Walk-a-Thon! This awesome fundraising event begins with “Spirit Week” May 6-10 leading up to the actual walk on Friday, May 10.   We will have a fun-filled week including free-dress theme days and other exciting activities. Look for all the details of how to participate in the bulletin and red envelope next week!

Auction Update - Help us choose next year's Auction Theme!

Join us in shaping an unforgettable evening of education and entertainment—CAST YOUR VOTE NOW for this year's immersive auction theme! Voting ends on April 25th!

Get ahead with limited early bird ticket access and be ready to seize procurement and sponsorship opportunities launching in May.

Vote for the Auction Theme!

Nominations Needed – Volunteer Extraordinaire


We have wonderful volunteers at St. Louise School, and each June we honor three of them with the Volunteer Extraordinaire Award. I am asking both you and the faculty to nominate volunteers to be considered for this award. Nominees should have a history of dedicated, positive volunteering for the St. Louise School community. Past recipients of the award (who are still current school parents) include: Rebecca Nightingale and Edna Hewett. Do you have a fellow parent(s) to nominate? If so, please fill out your nomination at the following link: 2023-2024 Volunteer Extraordinaire Nomination All nominations need to be turned in by May 15, 2024. Thanks for your help!


Blessings for a wonderful weekend!


Mr. Mike Fuerte


Parent Testimonials - Help us Spread the Word about St. Louise!

Reviews and testimonials that publicly share stories about parent, caregiver, student, and teacher experiences at St. Louise are critical for helping new families discover our school and understand what it’s really like. We are asking you to leave a brief review on Niche to help other families consider St. Louise for their child. 

Click here to be taken to a web page where you can leave your review. It only takes a few minutes! 

Here a few helpful tips for a strong review:

  • It doesn’t need to be long—2-3 sentences is plenty!
  • Be specific about your role in our community (e.g., parent/caregiver, grade, how many years you’ve been part of the community, etc.)
  • Write about your own personal experience interacting with teachers and staff members
  • Write about your child’s experience in and out of the classroom or personal/social/emotional growth
  • Write about the St Louise community/culture

That’s it! And as an added bonus, you’ll also be entered to win $1,000 from Niche for sharing your family’s story. Click here to leave your review today!

What is the Annual Fund?

Annual Fund bridges the gap between what we charge for your child’s tuition and the actual cost of providing an excellent education. Our school has felt the impact of inflation, and we need your support to continue to pay our teachers a competitive wage. Please make your required donation now.


Last day to customize pages & place orders is

April 21 - Don't miss out!

Stock up on Dennis Uniform Logo Items

50% Off while supplies last!

Items included in the sale are: Red Cardigan Sweater, Red V-Neck Sweater, Red V-Neck Sweater Vest, Full Zip Red Fleece Jacket, and 1/4 Zip Red Fleece Pullover,

Save the Date

Parent Education Night

St. Madeleine Sophie, May 2

Help the 8th grade raise funds to help offset the cost of

graduation activities!

Calling all 6th through 8th graders - Don't miss out on the CROWD Finale!

current 5th grade students are invited to join too!

Charger Shout Out - Library Superheroes & Another KofC Free Throw Champion!

Congratulations to Mika H. for winning her age group at the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Shooting Competition! Way to go Mika!

Spring After School Clubs, CYO Track & Field and Summer Camps - Sign Up Now!

Science Club with

Mr. Fuerte & Mrs. Herridge

Grades - 2-3

Dates - Thursdays 4/25-5/16

Time - 3:00-4:00

Cost - $100

Max 12 Students

Sign Up for Science Club Here

Art Club with Mrs. Walker

Print Making

Grades - 3-6

Dates - Thursdays 4/25-5/23

Time - 3:00-4:30

Cost - $125

Max 20 Students

Sign Up for Mrs. Walker's Art Club Here

CYO Track & Field - Grades 4-8

2024 Spring Track Signups Are Now On! This year, we are again having joint practices with the Sacred Heart team, we have an all new completely refurbished practice field, and, new this year with CYO, two qualifying meets instead of just one! This means you get more great coaching, more chances to compete, more opportunities to meet new people and make more friends, and have more fun! It's all MORE in '24! Sign up today!

Contact Mark Zappala for more information.

Sign Up for CYO Track & Field Here

Parents' Club News - Charger Cards

Mark your Calendar!

  • April 17 - Treat Sale
  • April 18 - Matilda Performance at 6:30pm
  • April 19 - Matilda Performance at 6:30pm
  • April 25 - Mass on the Solemnity of St. Mark at 9:30 (grades 4-8)
  • April 27 - Saturday Spruce Up 8:30-11 (Sign Up Below)
Subscribe to the School Calendar Here

We LOVE our Volunteers!


Saturday, April 27 8:30-11:00

Do you love gardening?

Bring your family and help spruce up the St. Louise grounds!

You can earn volunteer hours for each member of your family that works.

Sign Up to Help at Saturday Spruce Up!

A Note from Fr. Gary

Dear Friends at St. Louise,

We often call Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist the “Easter sacraments.” What does it mean when we say that? First, those seeking initiation at seven years of age or older most often receive all three of these sacraments at the Easter Vigil, the greatest Mass of the Easter Season. Their preparation is usually through a cycle of two Easters, going through careful preparation and through various rites and celebrations to prepare them to be baptized. The early Church usually did not separate the three sacraments of initiation, and even we do now (for instance when people are baptized as infants), the three sacraments are still deeply united as the sacraments of initiation into the fullness of Christian life. Regardless of when or how these three sacraments are celebrated, they are still “Easter sacraments” in that they open our lives to the Easter or Paschal Mystery of Jesus’ suffering death and resurrection.

The Paschal Mystery is what helps us to understand the meaning of our own Baptism and Confirmation and of our active participation in the Eucharist. In Baptism we die with Christ, dying to our sin and rising with him to new life. The rite of Baptism makes a permanent or “indelible” mark on our souls. We are completely changed, from slaves to adopted children of God, from condemned to God’s chosen ones, from being subject to death in our bodies to being temples of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation “seals” and strengthens what we were first given in Baptism, so that through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we will be witnesses of his love in our lives. Christ died and rose once, so we are baptized only once. As with Baptism, Confirmation leaves an indelible, spiritual mark, perfecting our common priesthood with Christ, and so is given only once. The Eucharist, however, is the sacrament that we receive frequently, to strengthen us with Christ’s own body and blood. Every time we eat his body and drink his blood, we proclaim his death until he comes again.

Easter is the season when we reflect more intently on our Baptism and Confirmation, as we live these life-giving sacraments every day of the year. Everyone is invited to join in the Confirmation Mass on Monday, April 29, at 6:30PM. Archbishop Etienne will preside. Be sure to notice that is the only Mass that will be celebrated that day, since I will be at the Palisades all day at a conference for Vicars of Clergy in the Northwest.

Blessings on our Easter celebration of 50 days!

Fr. Gary Zender

See What Happening Around Campus!

The Annual 5th Grade History Makers Presentations were AMAZING!

Awesome job 5th grade!

5th Grade had a great time eating lunch on the deck this week. Each grade will have opportunities to get out of their classroom to have group lunches (both classes in the grade together) on the deck for the rest of the school year - ask your student about it!

Thank you St. Louise Sponsors!

Antezana Garvizu Family

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