St. John's Family News

Week of May 13-19, 2024 | Vol. 83, Issue 20 | @sjbccharlotte

Church Calendar | Give Online | Realm Log-In | Usher Schedule 2 Greeter Schedule 1 Greeter Schedule 2 | Men's Shelter Sign Up | Nursery Schedule | Divine Center Prayer Guide

In this week's Family News (Scroll to Learn More):

  1. Special Guest Amanda Tyler THIS SUNDAY!
  2. Worship in May and Early June
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. A Divine Center Prayer Guide
  5. Summer Sunday School for Children & Families
  6. Shelter Service in May: Need Banana Puddings and Servers, sign up here
  7. Leadership Fair THIS SUNDAY!
  8. Nursery Volunteers Needed for 3rd Sunday in August
  9. Holy Grounds Class Starting in June
  10. Thursday on the Town for June: Register here
  11. Community and State Mission Offering
  12. Senior Adult Picnic in June
  13. Summer Worship Series
  14. Wet and Wild Parent's Night Out in August: Register here
  15. Prayer List, Sympathy, Thanks, and Celebrations
  16. Financial Update
  17. Minister On Call Schedule
  18. Staff Contact Info

This Sunday, We Welcome Amanda Tyler

"Christian Nationalism and the Threat to Faith and Democracy"

McLeod Brown Presentation on Sunday, May 19 at 5:00 PM in the Sanctuary

Religious Freedom is a foundational principle of our nation. Yet, it is a fragile freedom. At various times, this principle has been attacked – sometimes by people who do not understand how their sincere dedication to their religious tradition can trample the freedom of another.

On Sunday, May 19 in morning worship and in the evening at 5pm, we will host Amanda Tyler. She is one of the primary leaders protecting religious liberty today. As Executive Director of Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty in Washington, DC, she stands in the gap, promoting religious freedom for all citizens. Amanda will offer the message on Sunday morning and participate in a conversation with Landis Wade on Sunday evening at 5PM.

Her message on Pentecost Sunday is ‘Holy Pluralism’ and her topic on Sunday evening is ‘Christian Nationalism as a Threat to Faith and Democracy.’ Invite your friends, colleagues, and neighbors to gather in the sanctuary at 5PM as Landis Wade interviews Amanda Tyler in this presentation. This is a free event and childcare will be provided for ages 4 and under.

Amanda will draw on her experiences, conversations with pastors and people of various religions, research, scripture, her Baptist convictions, and her work as a constitutional law expert to help you understand why Christian nationalism is not only an oxymoron, it is a dangerous ideology. She will help you learn how to distinguish Christian nationalism from the teachings of Jesus and to demonstrate how Christian nationalism serves as a cover for white supremacy.

You and people you know need this presentation to be better informed.

By participating in this presentation, you will better understand why patriotism is not the same as nationalism. Religious freedom only exists if it is a reality for everyone. She will offer strategies for holding hard conversations with loved ones and provide practical ways to protect faith freedom for all.


We hope to see you THIS Sunday in worship AND again at 5pm as we welcome Amanda Tyler for our 2024 McLeod Brown Presentation on religious liberty.

Worship in Early Summer at St. John's

Pentecost, Pluralism, and Pretzels

As we move toward the summer, our expressions of worship in the beautiful St. John’s sanctuary will include celebration and inspiration.

  • May 19 - We will welcome Amanda Tyler to the St. John’s Pulpit as we observe Pentecost Sunday. Her message will be entitled, ‘Holy Pluralism.’ Our Worship and Arts Resource Team is planning to introduce a creative symbol to help you reflect on the meaning of Acts 2:1-17. We will welcome our sisters and brothers of Together in Christ International Ministries as we continue our tradition of worshipping in unity on Pentecost Sunday and proclaiming the message of the Holy Spirit creating unity out of pluralistic languages and cultures. (Remember to invite your friends, neighbors, and colleagues to our McLeod Brown Presentation on Sunday, May 19th, at 5:00pm, in the sanctuary as Amanda Tyler is interviewed by Landis Wade on the subject, ‘Christian Nationalism and the Threat to Faith and Democracy.’)

  • May 26 - We join Christians around the globe to observe Trinity Sunday. Rev. Kheresa Harmon will offer a sermon entitled, ‘or, for the Love of Pretzels’ based upon John 3:1-17.

  • June 2 - We will observe our long-standing annual tradition of celebrating with our High School graduates as they serve as worship leaders. Dr. Foust will present a word to the graduates as they transition into young adulthood.

Happy Birthday!

We wish a happy birthday to Grace Harmon on May 18. She is the daughter of Sarah and Ben Harmon.

We wish a happy birthday to Jacob Carney on May 19. He is the son of Amber and Ryan Carney.

Please wish them both a happy birthday when you see them next!

A Divine Center

A shared daily journey for the people of St. John's

As you live through this Christian Year, you may find this resource helpful as you pursue your inner sanctuary, your holy place, your Divine Center. In addition to Daily Scripture Passages, a Daily Prayer Focus is provided for each day so our congregation can be united in scripture and prayer each day through this year.

Here are the readings for this coming week:

  • Sunday, May 19, 2024: Mark 12:13-17, Thank God for Separation of Church & State
  • Monday, May 20, 2024: John 18:33-38, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
  • Tuesday, May 21, 2024: Psalm 105:1, Media Coordinator, Mallory Brown
  • Wednesday, May 22, 2024: 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13, Pray for People Looking for Work
  • Thursday, May 23, 2024: Proverbs 14:23, People with Jobs
  • Friday, May 24, 2024: Matthew 5:13-16, People Discouraged in Their Work
  • Saturday, May 25, 2024: 1 Corinthians 15:58, The Vocation of Our Discipleship

This current list contains readings and focus points for May 19-August 31, the season of Pentecost. Click below to download the guide.

A Divine Center Guide

Summer Sunday School for Children

This summer, we will offer some new and special opportunities for children during the Sunday School hour

For Preschool and Elementary Children:

  • Preschool and elementary-aged children will meet together in Room 221 for a combined Sunday school beginning June 16 and concluding on August 18. We will be learning about the Beatitudes and using Kids Can, an interactive, fun curriculum offered by MennoMedia.

For Babies and Toddlers:

  • Nursery will continue as scheduled babies and toddlers, but we must have volunteers. Volunteers are needed for the 3rd Sunday of June, July, and August. Please contact Kheresa immediately to serve.

One more note:

  • A NEW Sunday school class for 3-year-olds will start fall 2024.
  • Teachers are needed to help Alexandra, Julien, Joy, Hailey, Walter, Amelia, Grace, Annie, and Liam learn about Jesus. Let Kheresa know that you want to serve!

Men's Shelter

Our next service date is Friday, May 17 and we need 3 more puddings and 2 more servers


Just a friendly reminder that St. John's is committed to serving dinner at the Men's Shelter every 3rd Friday of the month.

Sign up below.

Sign Up Here!

Leadership Fair THIS Sunday, May 19

Learn how you can serve at St. John's by coming to Broach Hall this Sunday at 9am


On Sunday, May 19, from 9:00 to 10:15 am, the entire church is invited into Broach Hall to learn about various opportunities to serve and lead.

We are looking for members who will serve on resource teams, task forces, choir, Sunday School Ministry leadership, etc. Orange juice, water, and coffee will be provided.


In Broach Hall, you will find descriptions of Resource Teams. In addition, you will learn how much time is involved to serve on a particular group. You will be able to learn from people who are currently serving so your questions can be answered. You will also find leaders to respond to your questions about needs and opportunities.

Click here to learn about different ways you can serve

If you see a team that interests you in the booklet linked above, you can go ahead and sign up to express your interest below:

Ministries Deacon Panel Teams Sign Up

Pastoral Deacon Panel Teams Sign Up

Administrative Deacon Panel Teams Sign Up

Nursery Volunteers Needed!

3rd Sunday of August ONLY

Nursery volunteers are needed for the 3rd Sunday August only. Please contact Kheresa immediately to serve.

A NEW Sunday Opportunity for Parents

Join the Holy Grounds faith formation experience starting June 16

Haven't found a Sunday School class for you, parents? Is your class taking a summer sabbatical?

Holy Grounds may be the place for you!

Kheresa will begin offering this new faith formation experience for you weekly, beginning June 16 at 9:15am in the Church Parlor. Come for coffee or tea (it's free), fellowship, and prayer in a safe, sacred space. More details coming soon.

Thursdays on the Town

June 13 at 6pm at 1900 Mexican Grill

Parents of children, ages birth - 5th grade, please join us on Thursday, June 13 at 6:00 p.m. at 1900 Mexican Grill (Elizabeth Avenue). Free childcare will be provided. 

Please register and reserve childcare by June 9.


2024 Community and State Mission Offering

Together for Hope and Church World Service

We have raised $6,007 towards our 2024 goal!

This year, we will present our gifts to two mission partners. The first $5,000 will be given to support the work of Together for Hope. All gifts beyond the first $5,000 will be given to Church World Service.

You can give online through Realm or by cash/check in your offering envelope and designating to Community and State Mission Offering.

Senior Adult Picnic Save the Date

Sunday, June 23 in Broach Hall

Senior Adults (75+), save the date of Sunday, June 23rd for the annual Seniors' Picnic held in Broach Hall immediately after the worship service. Details coming soon! Sponsored by Women of the Church.

The Kind of Church Our World Needs

A Summer of Worship with St. John’s Baptist Church of Charlotte

June, July & August of 2024

Weavers skillfully combine different materials to craft durable fabrics and baskets. Similarly, the early Christians wove together Jesus' teachings and lifestyle to form loving communities. Embracing God's love and their love for humanity, they established resilient local churches. In today's world, we as a church, aspire to emulate this model, following Jesus' directive to love one another, exploring its implications in our worship and teachings. Our summer worship will consider various ways we can be this kind of church. Our equipping ministers will offer messages to explore practical applications of Jesus’ example of love.

See this summer's preaching schedule below.

June 9 – A Church of Heartfelt Devotion, by Dr. Dennis Foust

June 16 – A Church that Forgives What Cannot Be Forgotten, by Dr. Dennis Foust

June 23 – A Church of the Vulnerable, by Rev. Kheresa Harmon

June 30 – A Church that Loves in Truth, by Rev. Lee Gray

July 7 – A Church that Models Interdependence, by Dr. Dennis Foust

July 14 – A Church Where Failure is Accepted, by Dr. Dennis Foust

July 21 – A Church that Lifts Up People, by Rev. Lee Gray

July 28 – A Church that Weaves New Clothes, by Dr. Dennis Foust

August 4 – A Church that Embraces Differences, by Dr. Steve Harmon

August 11 – A Church that Really Notices People, by Rev. Lee Gray

August 18 – A Church that Moves the World Forward, by Dr. Dennis Foust

August 25 – A Church that Shapes a People for God, by Dr. Dennis Foust

September 1 – A Church of Beautiful Grace in Action, by Rev. Haley Blackwell

Wet 'n' Wild Parents' Night Out

Saturday, August 10

It’s gonna be wet! It’s gonna be wild! It’s gonna be splashingly fun! 

Parents, drop your kids off at church at 5:00pm on Saturday, August 10. Our SJBC youth, Haley, and Kheresa will slip, and slide, and splash, and giggle, with children 3 years of age through 5th grade.

Childcare for babies - two years of age will be provided by Mon Aye and Zebb Young, two of our WDS teachers. They will be accompanied by SJBC youth.

The cost of the event is $10 per child, which will help cover the costs associated with dinner, snacks, and supplies.

We’ll dry off and be ready to meet parents at 8:00pm.

Register Here

Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations 

Current Prayer Concerns: Arnold Philemon, Jane Winn

Continuing Prayer Concerns: Shirley Ballard, Kelly Belcher, Tom Bryson, Mary Rickenbaker, Jack Crymes, Betty Mullins

Prayers to the family of Pam Sconyers Stallings who died on May 9, 2024, she was a member of St. John's and a once active part of children's and youth activities 

Shepherd’s Center Charlotte thanks YOU for sharing your space with us for our Spring Adventures in Learning. Great things happen as we continue to learn, discover, and grow in an atmosphere of friendship! 

Staff On-Call Rotation

  1. May 13-19: Dennis 
  2. May 20-26: Kheresa 
  3. May 27-June 2: Lee 
  4. Jun. 3-9: Russell 
  5. Jun. 10-16: Dennis 

Financial Update

2024 Full Year Budget $1,211,000

Income received through May 12: $373,757

2024 Community & State Mission Offering Goal: $5,000

Income received through May 12: $6,007

Staff Contact Information

  • Rev. Haley Blackwell, Minister for Youth & Young Adults - 704-333,5428, ext. 2013; 620-515-3558 (cell) (ON FAMILY LEAVE)
  • Rev. Dennis Foust, PhD, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 2012
  • Rev. Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-333-5428, ext. 2015; 704-451-1309 (cell)
  • Rev. Kheresa Harmon, Minister for Children & their Families - 704-333-5428, ext. 2018; 910-890-3392 (cell)
  • Russell Nelson, Minister for Worship & Music - (980) 228-6244 (cell)

  • Mallory Brown, Media Coordinator - 704-477-3349 (cell)
  • Chloe Hall, Children's Choir Director
  • Noel Lance, Organist
  • Amanda Morrison, Church Administrator - 704-333-5428, ext. 0
  • Lydia Olmsted, Weekday School Director - 704-333-5428, ext. 2039

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St. John's Baptist Church | 704-333-5428 | 300 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28204 |