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April 12, 2017

Easter Egg Hunt at 12 Noon on Easter Sunday
We have plenty of plastic eggs and candy for the Easter Egg Hunt so no more is needed. Thanks to all who donated. If your children, age 12 and under, will be participating in the Easter Egg Hunt, please bring a bag or basket for each child.We will have a special area for children 3 and under and we will be joined by a few of our Ministry Partners.

Finishing up TONIGHT! Lenten service, simple dinner and program

Tonight, Wednesday, April 12, we will start with the service at 6:00 PM, a simple dinner of soup and bread at 6:30, and the program at 7:00 PM. This year's program is
"The 5 Marks of Love: Living Life Marked as Christ's Own", put out by the Society of St. John the Evangelist and Virginia Theological Seminary. "In this six week series, we will be examining and reflecting on the ways in which God's Life and God's Mission express themselves in and through us. We will look for signs of God's presence and activity in our lives, in our communities, and in the world around us."

If you cannot attend on Wednesday evenings, you can
subscribe for free to the daily videos from the
Society of St. John the Evangelist. The videos are available now at 


       * Nursery available both AM services
on Easter Sunday

We can prepare our hearts and minds by 
reading ahead for the Sunday Service lessons
Mosaic of the Resurrection

Sunday, April 16, 2017 
The Sunday of the Resurrection

The Old Testament:
Acts 10:34-43 
Peter speaks to the assembled Gentile crowd, giving testimony of Jesus' passion and resurrection, connecting these events with God's story of redemption throughout history. 
The Epistle:
Colossians 3:1-4  
In Jesus' resurrection, all is made new; therefore, we have power to live with transformed hearts and minds. 

The Psalm:   118:1-2, 14-24 
The Gospel: 
John 20:1-18
Jesus, raised from the dead, reveals himself to his disciples, first to Mary Magdalene, and then to others.

IS PROVIDED IN THE NURSERY for both services on  Easter Sunday morning. 
(Rm. 205) 
During the Service

   Joint Sunday School
  Each week, St. John's children join with three of our Ministry Partners: 
Fairfax Chinese Christian Church, Wellspring United Church  
of Christ
& Grace Baptist Church 
 for Sunday School from
10:50  - 11:45 AM.  
We now offer 3 classes:
  PreK- 2nd grade
Rm. 205;
 3rd - 8th grade
Rm. 215;
 9th - 12th grade
  Rm. 206    
Lots of preparation is happening for the upcoming Easter weekend! This  great group met this past Saturday to make palm crosses out of palm fronds for Palm Sunday, and to fill Easter eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt!

Memorial Service for Barbara Thaler
Long time parishioner Barbara Thaler died on March 22. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, April 22 at 2:00 PM at St. John's. The burial will follow in St. John's Cemetery.
Many thanks go to.....
     -Marcia Evans who made the beautiful red chausable that Carol wore on Palm Sunday.
Did you know....
One of our newcomer families has come to St. John's because they saw a St. John's magnet on the back of someone's car! That's an easy way to do evangelism! If you don't already have a St. John's magnet on the back of your car, please pick one up on the back table in the church.
Presiding Bishop's Easter address    
Our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has put out a short video of his Easter message. Please click on the link below to hear his inspiring address.
Click here for Bishop Curry's address
St. John's Men's Group
The newly formed St. John's Men's Group met for the first time and had a good turnout. Their next event will be Saturday, April 29, starting with breakfast at the church at 7:30 AM. The group will then work to put up two new Episcopal Church signs and install a new mailbox. For more information about the Men's Group, please contact Andrew Wade.
Coming soon.......a new mailbox
We will soon be getting rid of our post office box which will save us money. The new mailbox at the church will be very secure. Please start sending your mail, including your pledges, to our street address: 5649 Mt. Gilead Road, Centreville, VA  20120. Note that the address on your pledge envelopes is the PO Box, so you will need to change that if you mail in your pledge. We will have some address labels available shortly that you can use for your pledge envelopes. We will continue to have our post office box for the next few months while we make this transition.

Save the date!
Our very popular Annual Progressive Dinner will be held on Saturday, May 20 from 5:00 - 8:00 PM. Information and reservation forms are available in the breezeway and need to be returned to Penny Parker by May 7. This is a good opportunity for St. John's adults to gather for food, fun and fellowship.
Prayers, please....
Please keep Arirang Senior Center in your prayers as they continue to try to recruit more clients. The Arirang Senior Center is open to all and they offer a variety of activities and speakers. If you know someone who might benefit from the companionship and activities, please call Arirang at 703-543-6008.

Education for Ministry
Please let Carol know by May 1 if you are interested in this EfM program. So far, only two people have expressed an interest. We need at least 6 to start a group. You don't need to make a commitment by May 1, just an interest to meet for more information.
EfM is a program for adult Christian formation through theological education and reflection written by the School of Theology at the University of the South, Sewanee, TN.  We would like to start an EfM group at St. John's if we have the 6-12 people necessary to start a group. All that's needed is a desire to learn and grow in your faith. There is a good amount of reading to be done each week, but no tests. You will get out of it what you put into it. The topics of study are Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, and Theology. The entire program is 4 years, but each participant signs up for a year at a time. Interested? There are brochures in the breezeway explaining the program or you can speak with Carol. If we have enough interest (we have 2 people so far), we would like to start a group here in September.

as LEM, Crucifer, Lector, Usher, Verger, Torch Bearer at a Sunday Service.

click here:
You will receive an automatic reminder a few days in advance. ( If you would like to become an altar server, please see the Rev. Carol Hancock.)

for coffee hour after the Sunday Service in the Breezeway.

 click here: 
You will receive an automatic reminder a few days in advance. Coffee hour is an important part of fellowship - staying connected with each other and welcoming newcomers.

for a Sunday service throughout 2017.

click here:
You may sign up here to donate the flowers to be used on the altar for each of the Sundays in 2017. Click to read additional info before signing up.

Every Wednesday evening, we have a service of Holy Eucharist and healing at 6:00 PM. The service is about 30 minutes. It is a perfect alternative for those who cannot come to church on Sunday mornings, as well as a good spiritual boost in the middle of the week. Come join us!

Thought for the day:.
I was fortunate to travel to Ghana last year with Episcopal Relief & Development. I joined a group of Episcopalians from the United States to enter into the sacred space of Ghanaian families participating in projects and programs addressing their very own poverty.
Amidst the Ghanaians' very concrete and compelling needs, their wealth of spirit stuck with me like a lump in my throat. Women danced to welcome us in every place, opening their homes, their lives and their very intimate celebrations to a group of perfect strangers. They reminded me what it means to be a woman, a Christian and a person who celebrates the strength of the Holy Spirit while in the midst of suffering. They were the "lovelier be" to me, the heaven I could once again see in another, the softening of a long hardened gaze, the reminder of beauty and the vulnerability of prayer and the promise of a coming dawn.
May we learn to see the heaven in others as we turn toward Christ and the promise of the sunrise.
- Karen Longenecker
Chair of the Executive Council's Joint Standing Committee on World Mission and the Episcopal Relief & Development
My email address is stjohnscvpriest@gmail.com,
and the office number is 703-803-7500.  
May our ministry together spread God's love to all whom we encounter.

       - Carol
       The Rev. Carol Hancock

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