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March 22, 2017


Continuing TONIGHT! Lenten service, simple dinner and program

Tonight, Wednesday, March 22, we will start with the service at 6:00 PM, a simple dinner of soup and bread at 6:30, and the program at 7:00 PM. This year's program will be
"The 5 Marks of Love: Living Life Marked as Christ's Own", put out by the Society of St. John the Evangelist and Virginia Theological Seminary. "In this six week series, we will be examining and reflecting on the ways in which God's Life and God's Mission express themselves in and through us. We will look for signs of God's presence and activity in our lives, in our communities, and in the world around us."

If you cannot attend on Wednesday evenings, you can
subscribe for free to the daily videos from the
Society of St. John the Evangelist. The videos are available now at 


Progress on Truro Institute
In his Pastoral Address to Annual Convention in January, Bishop Shannon S. Johnston spoke of his hopes for the establishment of an Institute or School for Peace and Reconciliation at Truro Church in Fairfax City. He referred to that possibility as an answer to our call "to be peacemakers and bridge-builders in a divided society and world."
The Institute would be supported by both the Diocese and the congregation at Truro that is part of the "Anglican Church in North America" (ACNA). That congregation has been leasing the church campus from the Diocese. An initial focus of the Institute would be working together on reconciliation among Christians, Muslims and Jews.
The discussions between leaders of the Diocese and the congregation have been progressing well. They are a follow-up to more than two years of discernment -- meetings, discussions, prayers and shared meals between members of the Diocese and the ACNA congregation.
Agreement on a plan for moving forward could be reached in the near future. More details will be shared as they become available.


January 2017 Highlights
  • 2017 St. John's Budget approved
  • Roof repair authorized
  • New road signs to direct visitors to St. John's approved
  • Replacement Post Office box with required specifications was located
  • Request for additional Grant Committee members to help find opportunities and make submissions

February 2017 Highlights
  • Progressive Dinner to be held May 20th
  • Upcoming land dedication at outdoor service in June
  • Investigating refinance of current mortgage

We can prepare our hearts and minds by
reading ahead 
for the Sunday Service lessons 
Sunday, March 26, 2017 
 The Fourth Sunday in Lent

The Old Testament:
1 Samuel 16:1-13 
God surprises his prophet Samuel by sending him to anoint the youngest son of a large family to be the new king. He protects Samuel in this work despite reasonable fear of death by King Saul. 
The Epistle:
Ephesians 5:8-14 
God has come into the world through the person of Jesus Christ, bringing light and redemption to every corner of the globe. 

The Psalm: 23
The Gospel: 
John 9:1-41
Jesus stirs up trouble when he restores a blind man's sight. Pharisees and the man's own parents are skeptical and angry, while the now-seeing man is driven out of town, is found by Jesus, and becomes a disciple. 

(Rm. 205) 
During the Service
Lectionary Forum
for adults meets in the
 Library at 10:50 AM
   Joint Sunday School
  Each week, St. John's children join with three of our Ministry Partners: 
Fairfax Chinese Christian Church, Wellspring United Church  
of Christ
& Grace Baptist Church 
 for Sunday School from
10:50  - 11:45 AM.  
We now offer 3 classes:
  PreK- 2nd grade
Rm. 205;
 3rd - 8th grade
Rm. 215;
 9th - 12th grade
  Rm. 206 
St. John's Men's Group
The Men's Group will have its first organizational meeting this Saturday, March 25 at 12:00 noon in room 207/208. At this meeting, the group will decide the focus of the group and where and when to meet. Please contact Andrew Wade or Bob Faithful for more information. If you are interested in joining this group but can't come this Saturday, please let Andrew or Bob know so you will be contacted about future meetings.
Come make palm crosses
On Saturday, April 8, you are invited to come and make palm crosses out of the palm fronds for Palm Sunday. We will meet at 9:00 AM in 207/208.
Easter Egg Hunt
As we have done in the past, we will have an Easter Egg Hunt at 12:00 noon on Easter Day, April 16, and we will be joined by some of our Ministry Partners. At this time we would like to ask for  donations of individually wrapped candy only ( we NOW have enough plastic eggs). If you can help, please drop them by the church office.
Prayers, please....
Please keep Arirang Senior Center in your prayers as they continue to try to recruit more clients.
Lent Madness is back!
What do Raymond Nonnatus, Augustine of Canterbury and Martin Luther have in common? They are winners in Lent Madness!! You can read the profiles of these lesser known saints, as well as subscribe to the profiles of upcoming saints and then vote for your favorite! The winner for each day is posted the next day. Go online at www.lentmadness.org 
Our bracket form is posted in the breezeway! Stay tuned to see who will win the "Golden Halo" at Easter!
Education for Ministry
"EfM is a distance-learning program for adult Christian formation through theological education and reflection offered by the School of Theology at the University of the South, Sewanee, TN." We need 6-12 people to start a group. The entire program is 4 years, but each participant signs up for a year at a time. Interested? There are brochures in the breezeway explaining the program or you can speak with Carol. If we have enough interest, we would like to start a group here in September. Please let Carol know  by May 1 if you are interested.
Did you know.....
.....that St. John's sponsors two children through "Save the Children"? The sponsorship is $20 per month per child. Donations are always gratefully accepted. Checks should be made out to St. John's, with "Save the Children" in the memo line.
Sunday Servers
We will be having several extra services during Holy Week and we will need EM's, ushers, crucifers, lectors, acolytes, etc. Please check the online sign-up sheet and fill in where you can help.

as LEM, Crucifer, Lector, Usher, Verger, Torch Bearer at a Sunday Service.

click here:
You will receive an automatic reminder a few days in advance. ( If you would like to become an altar server, please see the Rev. Carol Hancock.)

for coffee hour after the Sunday Service in the Breezeway.

 click here: 
You will receive an automatic reminder a few days in advance. Coffee hour is an important part of fellowship - staying connected with each other and welcoming newcomers.

for a Sunday service throughout 2017.

click here:
You may sign up here to donate the flowers to be used on the altar for each of the Sundays in 2017. Click to read additional info before signing up.


Sunday morning Lenten class
Join us on Sunday mornings during Lent at 10:50 AM in Carol's office to discuss the book "24 Hours that Changed the World" by Adam Hamilton. The book looks at the final day of Jesus' life and the people he encountered. Books are available for $3.00. Each book comes with a short DVD filmed in the Holy Land and highlighting places where the final events in Jesus' life happened.
Another Lenten resource
Episcopal Relief and Development puts out daily devotions during Lent. You can sign up online to receive them each day in your in-box. Go to www.episcopalrelief.org click on "church in action", then "church campaigns", then "Lent". This will bring you to the page to sign up to receive the daily devotions for free.

Every Wednesday evening, we have a service of Holy Eucharist and healing at 6:00 PM. The service is about 30 minutes. It is a perfect alternative for those who cannot come to church on Sunday mornings, as well as a good spiritual boost in the middle of the week. Come join us!

Thought for the day:.
It was Karen's idea to paint a "Bridge of Hope" mural on the side of the rectory garage, which was attached to the church. The mural was intended to raise awareness and funds for the ministry of Cristosal in El Salvador. Karen is an accomplished artist and could have completed the mural herself, but instead she drew the outline and then with a paint-by number scheme invited the parish and community to make the vision a reality.  
With every brush stroke, volunteers from ages three to eighty-six worked to complete the mural. We were painting a mural of a Bridge of Hope, but we were also building bridges of relationship between young and old, new and longtime friends. Participating in this project reminded me that how we do ministry is as important as the ministry we are seeking to accomplish.
Am I willing to go slower if it will allow others to participate? Am I willing to let go of taking the credit so that the community can say, "Look what we did together!" Karen could have painted the mural without us, but she knew that the building of bridges within our community was what would make the mural truly extraordinary.
- Susan Copley
Rector of Christ Church in Tarrytown, New York.
My email address is stjohnscvpriest@gmail.com,
and the office number is 703-803-7500.  
May our ministry together spread God's love to all whom we encounter.

       - Carol
       The Rev. Carol Hancock

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