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Dear Friends,

Didn’t the summer pass quickly? Here at Bread and Life we had an interesting summer! We jump started our new and improved digital choice shopping experience, welcomed guests back into the building and had such a wonderful experience with our volunteers from Repair the World Brooklyn, Kingswood University, Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), and St. John's University.

During this first quarter of the new fiscal year, we have seen government support either severely reduced or eliminated for our emergency food programs. The loss of more than $750,000 has caused us to once again re-evaluate how we serve our community. We must find ways to supplement this loss while continuing to serve those in greatest need.

In July we averaged more than 400 families per day accessing the digital choice shopping and provided an average of 750 hot meal packages daily to those on site. Our mobile soup kitchen continues to travel to sites throughout Brooklyn and Queens providing 500 meals daily and our mobile market program sponsored in conjunction with the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation services more than 1,000 individuals weekly through our network partners in all corners of the borough bringing fresh produce, dairy, proteins and shelf stable items to those who cannot access our site and who often go uncounted in the city’s demographics. Overall, we distributed more than 21,864 meals per day during July between all of our emergency food programs. I am amazed at the work that our staff does each day to ensure that no one goes hungry. Our kiosks for shopping are now in multiple languages, affording guest an opportunity to shop in their own language and select the items they need. The patience and flexibility that each staff persons displays is a tribute to their commitment to our mission of never turning anyone away, no matter how difficult the situation, our staff rise to the occasion!

While we know that this fiscal year will present great challenges, we will continue to fight for equitable support from government entities on the local and state levels and join with our Roundtable partners to advocate for greater change. We will continue to welcome the stranger and ensure that no one goes hungry in our community. As we look to September, we are gearing up for our annual Fill the Truck campaign and I hope you will join me in supporting this campaign. With the signifcant loss of government funding, this campaign is more important than ever.

As William Jones says, ,”Act as what you do makes a difference because IT DOES.”

With gratitude,

Sr. Caroline Tweedy, RSM

Executive Director



Hunger doesn't discriminate. It affects children, families, and seniors, across urban and rural areas alike. St. John’s Bread & Life plays a crucial role in alleviating this issue by distributing food, creating sustainable solutions, and advocating for policy changes. By supporting Bread & Life, you contribute to a collective force that addresses hunger and provides immediate relief to those in need. Your contributions, whether through volunteering, donations, or raising awareness, can transform lives, ensuring that everyone has access to nourishing meals and the opportunity for a brighter future.

This Hunger Action Month, let's stand united against hunger. Join us on the frontlines of the battle against food insecurity. Together, we can turn the tide and ensure that no one goes hungry. Your actions, no matter how small, can have a profound impact. Let's make this September a month of meaningful change and compassion.



The impact of our Mobile Soup Kitchen in Red Hook and Williamsburg is immeasurable. As we traverse these neighborhoods, we bring more than just food to the table. We bring a warm smile, a listening ear, and a reminder that the community cares. The meals we serve are a symbol of solidarity, a way of letting our neighbors know that they are not alone in their struggles. With each stop we make, we contribute to the fabric of these communities, weaving bonds of empathy and understanding. Through the simple act of sharing a meal, we uplift spirits, restore dignity, and inspire hope for a better tomorrow. Our Mobile Soup Kitchen isn't just a vehicle delivering sustenance; it's a vehicle driving positive change and making a lasting difference in the lives we touch. Thanks to our friends at Bombas for providing their premium socks to our guests in need.

Click here to view our MSK schedule.



Donate Now!
or text HUNGER to 44321

For volunteering, contact:

Renelle Merstil at rmerstil@breadandlife.org

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