Celebrate the 50 Days of Easter with New Life!!!
 Saint Joseph Adult Faith Formation Newsletter
In This Issue
Parish Fair
Year of Mercy
Prayer/Meditation Groups
Book Club
Marriage Encounter
Esther Ministry
Young Adults
Multi-Parish Adult Faith Opps
Senior Ministry
Social Media
There's An App for That
Web Resources
Sharing Your Gifts
RE Office Hours
Quick Links
Join Our List
April 2016

Happy Easter!  Our Lord, Jesus has Risen!  He has overcome darkness and evil and even death!
I don't know about you, but I often feel that after Easter, it's anti-climactic!    Lent is over, Easter family celebrations are done, Spring Break is over and life goes back to "normal".  Why don't I feel "New life?"
But, as I reflect on scripture, especially the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles:  Two  of my favorites:  Doubting Thomas and Emmaus Story,  I am positive that is NOT what God had in mind for us!  What is the GOOD NEWS?  Not that we go on in life - day by day -just by getting by, but to THRIVE!  To have life to the full!  I ask myself (yes, I do talk and answer myself!) What would make my life truly JOYOUS? 
What things drive me crazy?  Push me to the brink?  Here are some of mine:

How do I keep this NEW LIFE going?  By praying, keeping my eyes on God, reading His love letter to me (the Bible), by Reconciling with God and my brothers and sisters - asking for forgiveness when I turn away, by celebrating Mass and recognizing Jesus is truly present and wants to me with me! 
The GREAT NEWS is that I am a child of God and am truly loved - no matter what I do or don't do.   Jesus died so that I could be with Him in all eternity!  This is GREAT NEWS!!!
Today is a NEW DAY!  Our Church is a great Do-Over Church.  The sacraments keep us closer to God if we live them! 
It's like going from living life in black and white, to beautiful, glorious Color! 
My prayer for you this Easter Season (it lasts until Pentecost on May 15th) is that EVERY MORNING, you put your God-glasses on and see the MYSTERY and BEAUTY He has in store for you that day!  Live the JOY! 

Easter Blessings to you and your family!

Nancy Longo  
St. Joseph Parish Fair!  April 15-17

Rummage Sale: 
We are in need of items to sell during the Fair, so clean out that closet and garage. We'll be collecting your donated goods every Saturday from 8-10 am in front of the hall.  Furniture/Clothes/Games/etc. We can't accept any items that plug in/NO electronics. 
Craft Boutique: We need vendors for the Craft Boutique which takes place Sat. & Sun. during the Fair. If you know anyone interested in selling their goods/wares please contact Sheila Vail for details at Sheilavail@verizon.net 
Volunteer sign up : We are asking every Parishioner to volunteer one 3 hour shift PLEASE. 
Sponsorship opportunities are available now. Please go to our website for a form. All information can be found on the Fair website: http://www.stjosephlb.org/fair/ 
Any questions please email Kraig & Kim Jondle or Conny Frost at: sjparishfair@gmail.com or connyf@internationalaero.com 
Jubilee Year of Mercy - 
How have you experienced Mercy this past month?

What can we do?  Well, 2 things come to mind!
  • First, let's take advantage of God's Great Mercy - by going to the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a family.
    • Each Saturday from 4-4:45 we offer this beautiful Sacrament.
  • 2nd - who are you angry with?  Forgive them!  It's what God asks of us during the Lord's Prayer:
    • Forgive us our trespasses - as we forgive those who trespass against us!
  • Free app: 365 days of mercy at www.osv.com/yom
Prayer Groups and Meditation
  • Meditation every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m in the School Library. ALL ARE WELCOME! "Be Still And Know That I Am God" Newcomers please call Marie Mitchell (310) 490-4012 for directions.
  • Tuesday- at 9am or Thursday - at 7pm Bible Study continues with Catholicism Series in Library - All are welcome!
  •  Mom's Prayer and Fellowship group
    • Chris Serrano meets with women at her home once a month to study scripture and share faith!  Please join them!  Call Chris  at 562-243-6959 for more information.  To be held at St. Joseph- Parish Life Center
      on Sundays at 4 pm First meeting to be held on February 21, 2016
      (following dates to be determined by the group)  See Flyer for more information
  • New Program for Moms:  MOMNIPOTENT- Find Peace,Balance and Joy!  Is being a mother what you thought it would be? The exhaustion, monotony, mounting unfinished projects, loss of a sense of self ... Too many moms feel disillusioned and overwhelmed.  To be held at St. Joseph- Parish Life Center on Sundays at 4 pm First meeting to be held on February 21, 2016 
    (following dates to be determined by the group)  See Flyer for more information
  • Sundays from 10:30-11:30am - Faith Conversations in the PLC.  Join Chris Dominguez as he leads in ways to grow closer to God this Lent!  Coffee Bar!
Want to learn more about your faith?  We are having a Faith Formation Center here at St. Joseph on Thursday nights and 3 Saturdays - beginning May 5 - June 25th.  Here is the Flyer!  

RCIA News Congratulations to our newly Baptized and Confirmed and received Eucharist for the 1st Time!   If you are thinking about being a Catholic or know someone who is, please call Sr. Eva at the parish office, 562- 594-4657. 

Stephen Ministry News Now that St. Joseph has become an enrolled "Stephen Ministry Parish," training will commence for those who feel a call to provide one-to-one Christ-centered care to hurting people. A special invitation goes to all our bereavement group, especially those who wish to be involved in a weekly prayer support way. Call Sr. Eva for more information.
CURSILLO Weekend Retreat   - So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away: behold new things have come.  2 Corinthians 5:17  

Men and Women of St. Joseph ParishIs your heart on fire for Christ?  Is it filled with the Holy Spirit?  Or is your heart like a candle in the wind, flickering and barely alive?  If you want to experience what the disciples felt on the day of Pentecost, then give yourself the gift of a Cursillo and light your heart on fire!  
  See our Cursillo page on the website.    Contact Dcn. Shane @ sfcuda@yahoo.com, or OCCursillo.org  
The next Cursillo weekends begin Apr. 14 and July 14 (Men), and Apr. 28 and July 28 (Women).
St. Joseph Book Club - 
and Fr. Jim Clarke speaking at St. Joseph

We will be reading Pope Francis' new book:
 The Name of God is Mercy.

We will be selling the books after mass for the next two Sundays.

We will have our discussion on April 13 in the PLC.
Everyone is Welcome!


Marriage Encounter Weekend
Husbands, give your wife a special gift! Plan a weekend just for the two of you! Enrich your marriage by attending a Marriage Encounter Weekend . Weekends fill up quickly, so we encourage signups . Apply online at www.ilovemyspouse.net or contact Sarah & Jacob Flores, 562-923-7335, or Ginny & Boon Hazboun, 562-861-7562.  
Esther Ministry  
ESTHER MINISTRY - We are fortunate in Long Beach to have a wonderful task force dedicated to the cause of eliminating human trafficking in our area, as well as bringing about awareness and education on this devastating crime against humanity.

For more information or to be added to our contact list, you may email Marianna Wescott at: wescottfam@yahoo.com.
We welcome all young adults, ages 18-39, to join the Long Beach Catholic Young Adults, a ministry serving Long Beach parishes. LBCYA seeks to reinvigorate the Catholic young adult ministry in faith and love of Jesus Christ through service, spiritual development, and social fellowship. 

  April 13, St. Joseph                  April 6, St. Cornelius

Monthly Young Adult Mass & Fellowship at St. Bartholomew
  Save the date! Monthly Young Adult Mass!
The next 3rd Sunday Monthly Mass is April 17, 2016 at 5:30pm at St. Bartholomew. More information please contact Kelsey at service@lbcya.or g.  Dinner Follows!
HIKE Join us Saturday, April 9, 2016 for a Hike and enjoying God's wonderful creations in nature!
Retreat for Young Adults: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Young Adult Ministry in Rolling Heights is hosting a weekend long retreat for young adults April 22-24. For more information visit their website at  http://www.seasrhyam.com/complete-in-you-retreat-2016 

Ongoing Events for Young Adults through Christus Ministries - "Bridging Young Adults and the Church"  http://www.christusministries.org , Email:  christusministries.org.  Christus Offers the following:
  •  Weekend Retreats
  • Conversations & Prayer
  • Leadership Training
  • Service & Justice
  • Faith Formation
  • Amazing Fellowship with other young adults
Please feel free to submit prayer intentions through the prayer box on the website.

Contact Information
Website:  www.lbcya.org
Email:  info@lbcya.org
Please feel free to contact us at anytime, we are here to serve and don't forget to like us on Facebook!
  or contact Jason Pillon at coordinator@lbcya.org.

 Follow them on    facebook  - Long Beach Group   Facebook - Los Angeles and 
Multi-Parish Adult Faith Opportunities!
have gathered together to share our calendars for Adult Faith Formation Opportunities with you, our parishioners and neighboring parishes.
Feel free to find the opportunities that interest you and fit into your schedule.  
  April  Calendar for Multi Parish Adult Faith Formation
For more information about AFF - contact: Adult Faith Formation Team

Introducing... St. Joseph Social Club 
Your host: St. Joseph Senior Group 

1st & 3rd Mondays from 11:00 am - 2:30 pm.  - 
Parish Hall - Bring a Friend!

    • St. Joseph Social Club Hosted by the St. Joseph Senior Group 
    • Join now for a fun 2016 $10 a year Membership 
    • Meeting and Social gathering with games and fun 11:30-2:30 
    • Come to meet old friends and make new friends, and bring a friend with you. 
    • New Members Welcome! NOTICE: THERE WILL BE NO MEETING ON APRIL 18. 
    • Next meeting will be May 2, 11:30-2:30. 
    • All regular meetings: 11:30 to 2:30. Bring your brown bag lunch. Drinks & dessert provided. Free bakery items to members
    • For information call: Marilyn North 429-8891
Social Media for St. Joseph Religious Education
and St. Joseph Youth  Ministry - Let's Share Faith!

Religious Education Social Media:

Follow us on Twitter

Like us on Facebook





 St. Joseph Religious Education Website link:



It's really for all adults - Let's share faith together - keep connected the other 167 hours a week!

There's an App for that!
What if we treated our Bibles like we treat our cell phones?
You Can!  It's on your Smart Phone!  Either IOS or Android!
Check it out!  Download the App for Free!   Laudate!  two versions of the Bible - New American, Douay-Rheims.
Laudate also has Daily Mass Readings, Liturgy of the Hours, Order of the Mass, Calendar with daily readings, Rosary and Chaplet, How to go to Confession, Stations of the Cross, Basic Catholic Prayers,Latin Prayers, Catechism, Catholic Media, EWTN & Vatican Documents.  Everything you wanted to know about being Catholic but were afraid to ASK!  You are now smarter than a 5th Grader!!!

Free app: 365 days of mercy at www.osv.com/yom
Web Resources for Adults

I have created a new webpage just for Adult Faith Formation - It has articles, videos, and other websites to learn more about your faith...check it out!

Is Your Faith Stale?  Does the Catholic Faith confuse you?  Are you bored?  Check out this website:  

Want some help Integrating your Faith with your everyday life?  
Check out  Integrated Catholic Life
Articles about Marriage and family -  (Balancing Family and Work, Stages of Marriage, Marriage Resources, Try a 5-point Tune-Up for your Marriage)

  Check out the For Your Marriage Website for issues on Marriage.
Find out more on   Synod on Family.

GREAT Christian MUSIC in the CAR!
 KFSH 95.9 FM is a great station and you never have to worry about what is going to be said!   FAMILY FRIENDLY!  Great Christmas Songs about JESUS!
AIR1 - 90.3 FM is another Christian Station in LA.  Enjoy!

Do you want to do something worthwhile? Try passing on our Catholic Faith to the younger generation! It is so rewarding!
Liturgy of the Word for Children -  9am Mass & 12:30 mass- you help young children understand the Readings once a month! 
ChildCare during 9am-10:30 or 12:30 mass

Email Nancy Longo for more information. nancylongo52@gmail.com

Faith Formation Office 

We are here to serve you!  

Monday-Thursday - 8:30-3:30pm - Sundays from 8:00-12:30 pm

Michelle Johnson
Administrative Assistant
Nancy Longo
Director of
 Faith Formation

 If you need to reach us - try emailing us at:

religioused@stjosephlb.org    or leave a message at (562)598-0519  - We will get back to you as soon as possible!  It is always best to call before you drop by - to make sure we are there! 


It is probably easiest to contact us via email.  My personal email is nancylongo52@gmail.com - you can always reach me there.  Also, my cell phone number is (562)822-8779 - you can always contact me at this number!  

faith sign
St. Joseph Faith Formation Department is here to empower and support Adults and families in their ministry to form and teach their children about God and the Catholic faith. 

This is a life-long process that includes us as adults, too!  We never stop learning and growing in our faith!  

If you have any questions or needs that we can help you with, please feel free to email us or call us!  We are here to serve you!

May God bless you with His abundant Love, Peace and Joy as we grow more like Him every day during our journey of faith!

Nancy Longo
Director of Faith Formation