11/7: CCW Christmas Bazaar
11/8: Second Sunday Social
11/21: Spaghetti Dinner
Visit our website for more upcoming events and our full parish calendar.
We, the Eucharistic Community of St. Joan of Arc Parish, by the grace of God and throughout our participation in His Word, the church's sacraments, and prayer, seek our eternal salvation.
We live out the doctrines and traditions of our Faith in communion with the holy, catholic and apostolic Church, established by Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
With courage, we follow the example of our patron saint and invoke her intercession as we strive to know God, love God and serve God which moves us to actively promote and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the midst of our every day life.
Phone: (717) 533-7168
Parish Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday
8:00am - 4:00pm*
*Closed Noon - 1:00pm
Sundays: 9:00am - Noon
We strive to keep your information current to better serve you. If there are any changes in your contact information, please remember to update our office.
Growing Into Christ is the strategic plan for our parish to develop to it's greatest potential. Each ministry and organization of the parish is aligned to one of the five Commissions, to foster greater collaboration among parishioners and to connect every ministry to the larger missionary agenda of the parish.
Living Our Faith:
The new Living Our Faith ministry of St. Joan of Arc Church is collecting new/unused greeting cards (holiday and all occassions) with envelopes, as well as 2016 wall calendars. They will be distributed for the personal use of our brothers and sisters in Pennsylvania prisons.
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Parish Life Newsletter |
During this month of November we celebrate a number of wonderful feast days of saints in the Church.
After the solemnity of All Saints and the sobriety of All Souls, we celebrate saints such as Saint Martin de Porres, Saint Charles Borromeo. Saint Miguel Pro, Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.
Each of these saints used their gifts and talents from the Lord to build up the Kingdom of God. I think Saint Miguel Pro is especially relevant to our lives in the modern world. He was a priest living and working during a particularly vicious time of anti-Catholicism in Mexico. And this was not even one hundred years ago! He gave his life for the Church and for God and his last words before he died by firing squad were "Long live Christ the King!"
Most of us will not be called to die a martyr's death but we will all be called to witness to our faith. May this month of the saints remind us of the words of the French Catholic novelist Leon Bloy: "There is only one tragedy in life: to not be a saint!"
Father Al
CCW Christmas Bazaar - Nov. 7th
Join us in the cafeteria for great food (breakfast & lunch!), jewelry, basket raffles, crafts, plants, Christmas items, attic treasures and a the highly anticipated bake sale! Don't forget to mark your calendars and invite your friends!
The CCW Nut Roll sale is also going on. Details are available here
Father Al will be presenting an Advent series on the signs and symbols in the Church. The evening will also include prayer and pasta. Please consider joining us. More information will be available soon.
You can now purchase SJA Wear & other items to support our parish! Items are available for pre-order until November 18th.
Items will be available for pick up in the parish office before Christmas. All proceeds will benefit St. Joan of Arc Church.
These items are only available until November 18.
You may order and pay online or by completing the form here and returning it to the parish office. Thank you for your support!
Director of Religious Education Opening |
St. Joan of Arc Parish has an employment opportunity for a Director of Religious Education (DRE)
The position of Director of Religious Education (DRE) at Saint Joan of Arc Parish is available immediately. This position is responsible for administering the Parish K-8 Religious Education Program. This also includes special needs children. This is a 40 hour work week/10 month position.
Educational / Work Experience:
This position requires a Bachelor's or a Master's degree in Theology, Catechetics, Religious Education, or a related field. Three years of experience as a DRE or a catechist is required. Salary will be commensurate with applicant's experience.
Cover Letter and Resume should be submitted to the Parish Office attention Barbara Hasson or emailed to
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule
Thanksgiving Day Mass will be at 9:00AM and will include the Blessing of Food.
The parish office will close for Thanksgiving at noon on Wednesday, November 25th. The office will reopen on Tuesday, December 1st at 8:00am.
More Saintly Solutions to Life's Common Problems
By: Joseph M. Esper
Holy wisdom to help you solve 30 of life's common problems. In this book you'll encounter over 400 saints who, by their example and intercession, will help you resist temptations, resolve problems, and bear with grace, good cheer, and Christian hope the ones you can't break free of.