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Friday - May 10, 2024

Bicentennial Concert

The Dexter Bicentennial Concert is this Sunday afternoon, May 5th at 4 pm, in the Dexter High School Auditorium. Works on the program include a piece commissioned especially to commemorate this celebration. Two other pieces are included, “Threads of Joy” and Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. The Dexter Symphony Orchestra performs with the Ann Arbor Civic Chorus which will include members of several other area choruses. Don’t miss it!

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Clergy Search Updates

Your Search Committee is making progress. They have scheduled a meeting with our representative from the Diocese, Canon Ellen Ekevag. This meeting will center around how to implement and lead small group discussions with our congregational members. These small groups will gather priorities and insights about what we are looking for in the future and in a new Priest.


The Bishop's Committee was notified this week there is a candidate for our Interim position. Initial inquiries and discussions have happened and we are working to have the entire BC meet with the candidate via zoom. 


We will continue to keep you posted on our progress as we navigate these paths.

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Bach Concert

Next Friday, May 17th, a concert of the fugues from Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier will be presented at noon, at First Baptist Church in Ann Arbor, as part of their concert series. Alice VanWambeke will be performing along with Gail Jennings (who has subbed for us at St. James’) and Shin-Ae Chun, organist at First Baptist, will perform the Bach fugues alternately on harpsichord, piano, and organ. The concert is free, with a voluntary donation. Would love to see you there! Alice

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Opportunities for Bible Study

2 Tuesdays in May: Meeting on Zoom, 6:30, May 14 and May 21, will visit the final sermon of Jesus. On May 14, John 13 and 14 is the passage to be read, and on May 21, John 15 and 16. All are invited to join us for an hour-long talk about the relevance to us of these passages. Bible Study is a Spirit aid from the church and also a church community. These short studies are an opportunity to give it a try. Contact me (Kathie Sandmaier) via email ( or text (723-216-4015) for a zoom invitation.


Wednesday Bible Study will resume on May 29, 11:00 am, in person in the church library. Beginning on May 29, the Book of Tobit will be introduced. Found in the Apocrypha, Tobit is a wisdom book, a history book, and an occasionally very funny book. If the Apocrypha is a big puzzle to you, let me know and I will give you a crash course. The Sessions will carry on through the summer months and I am going to try to record each session to help everybody keep up. Try it - you will like it. My contact information is above.

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“Oneness: A Prayer for Peace” will repeat at 4:30 pm on May 25 on the church lawn. We were blessed to have 8 people at the first one, representing 3 churches. We prayed for maybe 15 minutes and retired to the church library for punch, cookies, and conversation about what we had just done. We liked talking together. The prayer contains no politics and nothing that would offend another faith or belief system. Last Saturday of each month at least through the summer. Good prayer, good talk and good community. 

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Streaming Camera

Bishop's Committee has approved a proposal to purchase a camera to improve the quality of our videos on Sunday (and on YouTube), and to allow filming from the back of the church. The cost of the camera, software, and cabling is $1900. BC approved use of $1200 in special purpose funds for this purchase; we're hoping we can raise the remaining $700 from individual donations. If you would like to help, please make checks payable to St. James' and add "camera" to the notes. Thank you!

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Mothers' Day Donations

Mothers' Day is right around the corner. Each May we collect items for FIA that will make the life of a mother a bit easier. This year we are repeating our in-gathering of feminine supply items. As many of you now know SNAP benefits can NOT be used for any paper or health items, we know there is a constant need for tampons and pads (all sizes). FIA distributed our collection for the better part of last year. Please spend the month of May collecting items that we can deliver to Faith in Action on May 27th . Our goal is 150 packages. Thank you!

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Summer Lunches @ The Church at Crossroads

We are signed up for three dates to serve lunch, provide an art activity and companionship at Church of the Crossroads in Detroit. Please save these dates: Tuesday, June 25, Wednesday, July 17, Wednesday, August 14. We will need at least 6 volunteers per event, and there is menu and shopping prep before the event. If you’d like to volunteer for any of this please contact Jackie 734-276-1153. If you can earmark monetary donations for food expenses that is always a valuable contribution too!

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Photo Directory

We would like to put together a photo directory for St. James'.  

Please forward photos (formal or informal) to the office at  

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Parish Contacts

While we work on recruiting an interim rector, if you have any needs, questions, or concerns, please contact:

Pastoral Emergency: Jackie Shock or Julie Lowery

Worship: Wendy Arntson

Finances: Lynne Slager

Reimbursement Requests: Janet Cook

Building & Grounds: Len Arntson

Flowers: Robin Meloche

Music: Gwangwon Park

Christian Formation: Kathie Sandmaier

Outreach: Jackie Shock

Fellowship and Pastoral Care: Wendy Arntson

Administrative Requests/Questions: Franklin Vines-Lowe

All other questions: Jackie or Julie

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Prayers are Needed For:

  • For peace in the world, especially the Middle East and Ukraine.
  • In the Diocesan cycle of prayer, Trinity Church, St. Clair Shores, and All Saints’, Brooklyn.
  • In the Anglican cycle of prayer, The Anglican Church of Burundi.
  • Bob Kahle (friend of Brenda Thalacker)
  • Callie Swan
  • Connor Gates (Louise French’s cousin) 
  • Deb Wilson
  • Debbie Stoll
  • Duane Nagel and family
  • Elizabeth (Deb's cousin)
  • Ellen
  • Gia Kullgren (Alice Van Wambeke’s daughter)
  • Jenny Decker and family (Julia Shea’s granddaughter) 
  • Joel and family (Margaret Breeden’s nephew) 
  • Kyle Abraham (Barb’s grandson) 
  • Linda C.
  • Pam and family (Janet Cook’s cousin)
  • Ramona (Deb’s friend)
  • Rhea Rosenbusch
  • Ruth and Ron (Roger Parker’s sister and brotherin-law)
  • Russ Soffredine and family ( 
  • Wendy Arntson’s brother-in-law)
  • Sherry Novak (Kristen’s sister-in-law)
  • The Milton and Pung families 
  • Virginia
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