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Friday - August 23, 2024

Thank you!

St. James received a Thank You from the City of Dexter for our participation in the Bicentennial celebration, “Your support played a vital role in making it an unforgettable event.”

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Coffee & Conversation

Thursday, September 19, join the League of women Voters to discuss expanded voting access as a pat of St. James’ “Coffee & Conversation” series. Meet & greet, 6:30 pm; Program, 7:00 pm; Q&A, 8:15 pm. Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome, so invite friends and neighbors! 

For more info, see the flyer below!

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Caring for our campus

Lawn Care help needed: Barb Abraham needs assistance with string trimming the church lawn. This usually takes about an hour. Please coordinate with Barb as to day and time.


Trash and Recycle help needed: Wendy and Len will be gone for about 30 days beginning Sept 20 and need to have someone fill in while they are away. It involves collecting the trash and recycle from various locations inside the Church and transferring them to the appropriate bins. And moving the bins out to the curb after coffee hour. Our trash and recycle pickup is first thing on Monday mornings. Please contact Len Arntson if you are able to help.

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Diocesan Celebration

Canon Jo Ann Hardy has been an important part of the Diocese of Michigan staff. She has been the friendly voice on the phone, a friendly face at Diocesan events. She has been a wealth of information and help when any of us needed some answers. On Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 4 pm, there will be a Service of Choral Evensong to celebrate her 37 years of ministry. If you've been someone who has appreciated Jo Ann's ministry please attend this celebration.

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Episcopal Visit

The Rt. Rev. Bonnie Perry will be worshipping with St. James’ on Sunday, September 29 at our 9:30 am service. She is an amazing person to be around. Please place this date on your calendar for an enjoyable day of worship. Please bring your children and grandchildren. They will enjoy the Bishop's sense of joy. 

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Please prayerfully consider joining in Oneness: a Prayer for Peace on August 24, 4:30 at the church, inside or outside depending on weather. This is a quiet time for prayer, reflection, and fellowship with our St. James’ family and friends from other congregations. 

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Children in Worship

We have been holding atrium the first three Sundays of each month. You haven’t been seeing the Children in church for the service as they now have a longer time to spend with the Good Shepherd in the atrium. On the fourth Sunday of each month, they will be with the congregation for the whole service. On Sunday, July 28 they will be bringing up the elements of the Eucharist (a practice we lost at the time of Covid,) They will collect the offering and process it to the altar. PLEASE have some change, etc in your pockets to put in the plate. We have two 8 year olds and two 5 years olds and need to support their mission of the day. Thanks a few weeks in advance. They have been practicing during atrium time.

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Monthly Socials

Women's Lunches are on the third Thursday of each month and Men's Lunches are on the fourth Friday!

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Prayers are needed for:

  • For peace in the world, especially the Middle East, Ukraine, Latin America, and Africa.
  • In the Diocesan cycle of prayer, St. James', Grosse Isle, and St. Peter's Hillsdale.
  • In the Anglican cycle of prayer, The Anglican Church of Mexico.

  • Callie Swan
  • Connor Gates (Louise French’s cousin) 
  • David Driscoll
  • Deb Wilson
  • Debbie Stoll
  • Duane Nagel and family
  • Duncan Family 
  • Elizabeth (Deb's cousin)
  • Elizabeth Kryder-Reid (Louise French’s Cousin)
  • Ellen
  • Gia Kullgren (Alice Van Wambeke’s daughter)
  • Jenny Calder
  • Joel and family (Margaret Breeden’s nephew) 
  • Linda C.
  • Pam and family (Janet Cook’s cousin)
  • Ramona (Deb’s friend)
  • Rhea Rosenbusch
  • Roger Parker
  • Sue Gunter 
  • The Chumney family
  • The Perkins family
  • The Schaberg family
  • The Soffredine family
  • Virginia
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