We are a spiritual oasis, welcoming and striving
to serve all in the hope, JOY and love of Jesus Christ.
We are an open & affirming community.
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St. George's
May 9, 2024
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A New St. George's Website is coming very soon ...
Many, many thanks to
David & Liza Veeneman
and the Digital Ministry Team
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St. George's Community Preparedness/
Disaster Resilience Team
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My Dear St. George-ans:
As part of our Community Preparedness/Disaster Resilience team efforts, we are inviting everyone to, if you have not already done so, join OC Alert, by going to the website.
Click here to joinl
AlertOC is a mass notification system designed to keep Orange County, California residents and businesses informed of emergencies that may require immediate life saving actions.
By registering with AlertOC, time-sensitive voice messages from the County or City in which you live or work may be sent to your home, cell, or business phone. Text messages may also be sent to cell phones.
AlertOC can send out messages to email accounts and TTY devices as well. AlertOC is operated by the County of Orange in collaboration with local cities.
If you would like to join our Community Preparedness/Disaster Resilience Team,
please let me know.
Thanks and Blessings,
Rev. Pat
UPDATE: The Church Member Questionnaire form may be found in Breeze at the following link:
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My Dear St. George-ans:
You may remember, at the Annual Meeting, I shared that St. George's is part of an overall diocesan effort to ensure church resiliency in case of unexpected disaster.
Bill Hartman, the People's Warden, is leading our team, which has included Raquel Pettersen, Joyce Swaving, our facilities director, Chuck Day, an administrative assistant volunteer, and myself.
We enthusiastically welcome new members to help us in this effort. Please contact Bill if you are able to join us. We have been meeting via Zoom once a month.
As part of this work, we will be asking each member of the church to fill out a survey for our records. Among other things, the form will ask for information about:
* Emergency contacts, should the need arise to contact loved ones;
* Medical conditions and current medications, if a medical emergency occurs during a worship service, this will enable us to provide more complete info to paramedics/health care professionals. Such information will be strictly confidential, updated as necessary, and shared only as much as you are comfortable;
* Certifications -- who among us is certified in CPR and/or First Aid and who might have professional health care skills;
* Current and past professional/work experience; a list of gifts and skills of members of the community to enable us to better serve one another.
We also plan to:
* obtain a defibrillator for the church and to offer training for its use;
* consult with local authorities to help us assess campus safety and disaster plans;
* coordinate disaster plans with the schools and other campus occupants;
* join the local emergency alert system;
* offer training;
* obtain a list of and begin to stock standard emergency supplies.
You will receive the survey form very soon. Please make every effort to fill it out completely so we may be better able to serve you and our community.
We invite your participation!
The team meets again, with the diocesan cohort, at
7PM, on Wednesday, May 1, via Zoom.
If you would like to join us, please let me know.
Thanks and Blessings,
Rev. Pat
UPDATE: The Church Member Questionnaire form may be found in Breeze at the following link:
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Seventh Sunday of Easter
Ascension Sunday
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10AM Service
On-line via YouTube, Facebook, Constant Contact Link
No Zoom Worship
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Kathie Killen
Joyce Swaving
William Southern
Willie Munoz
Elaine Williams
Jean Klein
Muriel Witham
Jean Klein
Liza Veeneman
David Veeneman
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A Message From the Digital Ministry Committee
For those who are a part of our on-line community, the implementation of the new audio/video system has gone very well.
We are planning a monthly Zoom coffee hour for the on-line community immediately following the 10AM service.
Please check back here for the next Sunday we will be hosting a Zoom coffee hour.
Please grab a cup of coffee and join us!
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Zoom Coffee Hour This Sunday | |
Helping Hands and Hearts
available to assist you
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Helping Hands and Hearts ministry wants you to know
St. George's volunteers are available
to provide short-term meal service, transportation for local medical appointments, and light food shopping.
Parishioners or family and friends of parishioners can initiate a request for service by calling or texting,
Muriel Witham at (805) 302-1834.Or by sending an email to murielwitham@gmail.com."
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"Stepping Into Our Future" is this year's theme. Our goal is $255,000, which represents approximately 10% more than this year's pledges of almost $230,000.
Pledges received so far: 73 = $220,070.
This represents 86.3% of our goal.
We invite you to prayerfully discern how you might share your time, talent and treasure. It is kindly requested that pledges be submitted as soon as possible so that the church's financial position moving forward can be more quickly ascertained.
Please drop your pledge cards off at church or contact Mark Szen for further assistance. He may be reached at:
Pledges may be made at:
Blessings as we move forward building upon the success
of St. George's!
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St. George's Men's Breakfast
Friday, May 17
9:30AM in Bourne Hall
All are Welcome
Contact: Allan Williams
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For Communion - follow the Ushers! | |
Wafers will be offered at the altar rail. The ushers will guide you.
Please consume the wafer once you receive it. LEMs will then be offering wine in small pre-filled cups.
Simply take a cup, consume the wine, and discard the cup in the basket indicated on a side table. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to consider the health of our parishioners. Thank you.
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Vicar's Bible Study
on hiatus the next 2 weeks
because of schedule conflicts
via Zoom
Where does the Gospel touch our lives today?
for Zoom link, contact Rev Pat at: revpatmccaughan@aol.com
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12PM, Online Healing Service
led by the Daughters of the King
& the Order of St. Luke
Link available via the office.
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Wednesdays at 1PM
Talk of Ages
conversations about the experiences of maturing.
In-person on campus
The Hospitality Room
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Laundry Love
outreach to our community
1st Wednesdays
of each month
at 5PM
Sparklean Laundromat
23532 El Toro Road
Lake Forest
Contact: Kathie Killen
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outreach to our community
4th Wednesday
of each month
Faith Episcopal Church
27802 El Lazo
Laguna Niguel
Contact: Kathie Killen
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If you have an excess of fruits and/or vegetables from your gardens or trees, please consider sharing it with Seeds of Hope Farm who will deliver it to South County Outreach. If you need it picked or picked up, please contact Muriel Witham for further assistance.
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South County Outreach Food barrels in the Narthex
(preferred foods below)
also needed:
Pantry volunteers
Volunteer drivers for food 'rescue'
Contact Xitlaly Luna (Laly),
Volunteer Manager at
xluna@sco-oc.org or 949-687-2408.
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The Book Club meets the second Tuesday of every month (May 14) at 1:30PM in the Hospitality Room. May's selection is "Due To a Lack of Interest, Tomorrow Has Been Cancelled" by Irene Kampen.
All are welcome and bring a friend!
For information regarding the book club contact Barbara Boberg at
bobergbarbara0 (that is a zero)@gmail.com.
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The Prayer Shawl Ministry Invites You in 2024!
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the third Sunday of every month at 9:15AM in the Hospitality Room. All are welcome!
Please contact Libby Meyer at libby.meyer@yahoo.com for further information.
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** UPDATE: Knitters Needed!! **
As the saying goes, supply must keep up with demand. The prayer shawls are VERY popular but the Prayer Shawl Ministry does not have enough knitters to create them and keep up with that demand.
If you are a knitter, please consider joining this valuable ministry whose beautiful shawls provide comfort and peace to so many of those in need.
Please contact Libby Meyer for further information.
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Opportunities in the Diocese | |
Immediate Family
Andee Alexander
Mary Ashbaugh
Clara Baker
Mercedese Bantz & Beth Dancy
Chuck Day
Barb & Bernie Deichmann
Diane Duray
Leslie Etheridge & Nick
Metche Franke
Kirk Gaebel
Amy Givan
Charlie & Jeanne Hastings
Lynn Holland
Priscilla Kastner & Barry Brown
The Kitts & Cruzan Families
Emett Loera
Marian Luker
Paula Magnuson
Ramona Manofsky
Rev. Pat McCaughan
Jeri & Kim McGill
Bill & Linn McLaurin
Willie Munoz & John Benton
Judy Nixon
Victor Ramirez
Cynthia Ryder & Family
Dennis Simms
Chalys Stephens
Extended Family
Pat Andrews
John Ballesteros
Jacqueline Barth
The Bonacci Family
The Burnett Family
Will & Maria Cannon
Erin & Rae Cantu
Lisa Cassaro
Megan & Tony Clesceri
Dorothea Conlon
Bob & Joan Cozza
The Right Rev. Michael Curry
Cindy Davidson
David Dearing
Myrna Dillon
Susan Driscoll
The El-Awar Family
Fred Etheridge
Judy Fanaff
Calum Forment
Florence & Jessica Gellman Terry Gerard
Curtis Givan
Helen & Emerson Glover Debra Gold
Sue Guldenschuh
Doug Hastings
Cindi, Jeff & Brian Hausheer
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Extended Family
Alvin Hayes Charlotte Hill
The Hill Family
Calum Forment
Terry Gerard
Anna Hilliar
Fay Huff
Bob Ipema
Jeanne Janowsky
Andrew Johnson
Barney Jones
The Jones Family
Maria Juroe, Tony & Family
Eden Avery Kastenbaum
Kathy Kellerman
Rose Kellerman
Jerry and Linda Kimmel
Janice Kyser
Amy Kroegen
Art & Ruth Lander
Sandi Languth
Elaine Lawrence
Phuong Le
Cleta Lender
Emery F. Lewis, Jr.
Ira Lewitter
Kim Lilyquist
Janice McCaughan
Grayson Mooney
Patrick Mooney
Jackie Nguyen & Family
Fred O
Hillel Pitlik
Nahid Rafi
John & Ginny Ressor
The Ryan Family
Angela Schmeider
Al Sindone & Family
Gayle Smith
Joanne Sommer
Marilyn & Bob Spencer
Blake Stephens
Rev. Cliff Swartz
Anne Taylor
Evie & Ben Templeton
Jessica Thompson
Thanh "TC" Tran
The Tran Family
Joanna Utas
Mary Veeneman
Catherine Veeneman
Kay Vogel
Brittany & Emme Walter-Scheid
Webster Family
Lois Williams
Jan Wold
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Please contact Leslie Etheridge with names to be added or deleted from the Prayer List. | |
May Birthdays
01 - Antonio Marquez
02 - Mark Szen
03 - Kathie Killen
05 - Mary Kay Beck
06 - Andrea Alexander
06 - Norma Opgrand
07 - Aislin DeFraine
09 - Beryl Johnson
09 - Lorida Kovacs
10 - Antonio Perez
12 - Nicolas Torres
13 - Aveline Wiley
15 - Milo McMurtray
21 - Mike Bray
21 - David St. Clair
25 - Rev. Pat McCaughan
26 - Amy Givan
27 - Joan Down
27 - Joanne Yeager
27 - Lynda Zadra
28 - Priscilla Kastner
May Anniversaries
02 - Nigel & Hazel Wager
23 - Sherry & Kent Wright
30 - Rev. Pat McCaughan & Rev. Keith Yamamoto
To update the list,
Call the office:
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Church Name Tags Available
If you need a new name tag, or an upgrade of your current one, please contact the office.
Please note that if you are having a name tag upgraded or changed, please bring in the old hardware. We can use it, and thank you.
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St. George's Choir Invites New Singers/Dedications
We welcome participation in the ministry of music at St. George's.
Support our music program by dedicating an anthem in honor of a loved one or to commemorate a special occasion.
Dedications may be made in the offering plate, at the church office, or on-line. Please indicate clearly the occasion and note that it is for the music program.
If you would like to join the choir, please see Choir Director Emmett Loera for further information and a brief interview. Rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings at 8:45AM in Hammond Hall.
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Rev. Pat's regular hours are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and, of course, Sundays.
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Unable to see Sunday services on Facebook or the weekly link?
Difficulty getting to the website?
Contact the office at
(949) 837-4530
to get an email copy of the
Sunday Bulletin and Video
after the Service.
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To receive
a copy
of our financial reports, please contact
(949) 837-4530.
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Thank You for your Continued Support
of the Church Financially
Pledges in cash or check, may be mailed to:
St. Georges Episcopal Church
23802 Avenida de la Carlota
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Thank you for all you do and blessings to all during these difficult times. We will get through this together.
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Opportunities for Ministry:
Altar Guild: An opportunity to learn about the inner workings of the Eucharist, liturgical seasons, care of the sacred vessels, weekly set-up for worship. Contact Kathie Killen.
Bishop's Committee: An opportunity to learn about the
Book Group: meets monthly for discussion of current books. For info, contact Barb Boberg at bobergbarbara0@yahoo.com
Bridge Builders: join in connecting St. George's with our local community.
Caring Visitors: Offers a confidential, comforting presence for those facing challenges. For info, contact Rev. Pat.
Communications - volunteer needed to help with e-news and/or bulletins. For info, contact Rev. Pat.
Community Connections - ways to connect our ministries together. Contact: Sue Stewart at susanshawstewart@gmail.com.
Digital Ministry - volunteer needed to help adjust the sound system during worship. Contact Sue at: susanshawstewart@gmail.com.
Daughters of the King (DOK) - dedicated to prayer and to serve our community. Contact Amy Givan at AmyGivan1@gmail.com
Financial Ministry - Helping to Review Monthly statements for the Finance Committee: Contact Mark Szen.
Flower Ministry - learn how to make beautiful arrangements to adorn our altar. Contact: Christy Kellner at: christy.kellner@cox.net
Flowers 4 Friends - repurpose altar flowers and deliver to our ailing and homebound members. Contact: murielwitham@gmail.com
Green Thumb: join the team of water-bearers who help keep our campus looking refreshed. Contact: murielwitham@gmail.com
Hands of Grace Soup Kitchen 4th Wednesdays, 5PM, at Faith, Laguna Niguel, contact Kathie Killen at: lagunakak@comline.com
Helping Hands and Hearts. Short-term meal service, transport to local medical visits & light shopping for homebound. Contact Muriel at: murielwitham@gmail.com
Laundry Love Lake Forest, 1st Wednesday, 7-10PM, Sparklean Laundromat, 23532 El Toro Road, Lake Forest. Contact Kathie Killen at: lagunakak@comline.com
Loving our Neighbor Ministry - Put faith to action as we learn about and celebrate our diversity. Contact: Colin Stewart at: colin48stewart@gmail.com
Men's Ministry - the Men's Ministry gathers for breakfasts, hosts Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and other events. Contact Allan at allanwilliams1953@gmail.com
Music Ministry - Join our growing choir! Contact: Emett Loera at emett.loera30@gmail.com
Newcomers/Hospitality - Be a welcome and friendly face to those who visit us and want to know more about us. Contact Muriel Witham: murielwitham@gmail.com
Outreach. Contact Sue at: susanshawstewart@gmail.com
Prayer Shawl Ministry - meets 9 a.m. third Sundays. Contact Libby Meyer.
Seeds of Hope Farm Ministry: Volunteers needed to help prepare, plant and cultivate the gardens. Contact Muriel Witham
South County Outreach Food Pantry. Donations taken weekly. Financial contributions welcome. Visit website at: sco.org
Talk of Ages: an ongoing conversation about the joys and challenges of maturing. Contact Chuck Day: mickoday@yahool.com
Transportation Ministry: Parishioners needed to assist with rides to and from church; and to donate funds to help others reach church via public transportation. Checks may be made out to St. George's, with "transportation" in the memo line. Contact: Bob Howe.
Worship Team - volunteers to read the Lessons, Ushers to help parishioners during the service and Lay Eucharist Ministers to assist the Priest. Contact Amy Givan at Amy Givan1@gmail.com
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Church-wide Opportunities | |
Episcopal Relief & Development is in contact with Episcopal and Anglican partners throughout the world in response to natural disasters like Maui wildfires, the flooding in Libya and communities affected by hurricanes as well as human violence like the war in Ukraine and ..
Please pray for everyone impacted by storms and violence. You may donate at: episcopalrelief.org
For over 80 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working together with supporters and partners for lasting change around the world. Each year the organization facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for close to 3 million people struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the expertise and resources of Anglican and other partners to deliver measurable and sustainable change in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.
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Episcopal Public Policy Network | |
The Office of Government Relations holds a weekly conversation about the policies and legislation for which it is advocating and how Episcopal Church policies intersect with those issues.
Sign up for regular emails and register for weekly policy network calls. Thursdays, 1-1:30 p.m. EDT, here.
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Share it in the e-news!
Please call the office for further information at (949) 837-4530
or contact Mike Ziegler at michael.ziegler@cox.net.
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St. George's Episcopal Church
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