St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church
Weekly E-Blast
July 4, 2024
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PO Box 445 (mailing address)
8818 SW Miley Road (physical address)
Wilsonville, OR 97070
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Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 7, 2024
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Preparing for Sunday
St. Francis subscribes to a weekly service called Preparing for Sunday, which provides some brief commentary on the bible readings for the upcoming weeks. It can be found on the Sermons & Services page on the St. Francis website ( . I encourage all of you to consider looking at it prior to Sunday, particularly if you are a lector for the week.
Father Brendan
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A Quick Note While Brendan is on Sabbatical
Dear Church Family, should you have any needs/questions while our dear Father Brendan is away on sabbatical, please know that I am here to support you. Please feel free to call/text me with your needs/questions and/or if you prefer, please leave a message with Jodi Laug at the main office and she will contact me. Wishing all a safe, relaxing, and joyous summer! Susy Mekarski, Senor Warden
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Participants in this Week's Services | |
Serving at 8 am
LEM: Peggy Danford
Intercessor: Marilyn Morgan
Lector: Peter Wallmark
Lector: Deb Fritts
Ushers/Greeters: Jim and Mary Kirk
Altar Guild: Jean Atwell and Traci Cronkrite
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Serving at 10:30 am
LEMs: Susy Mekarski and John Wisecaver
Intercessor: Terri Hoffmann
Lector: Kay Sharp
Lector: Marianne Burnside
Ushers: Bob Sharp and Richard Martens
Usher/Videographer: John Vaught
Welcome Table: Bruce Hamlin and Gary Thompson
Altar Guild: Linda Ocheltree and Joe Schiwek, Jr.
Flower Guild: Jane Domagalski and Nancy Stephenson
Coffee Hour Hosts: Ed and Marianne Burnside
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This Week at St. Francis
Thursday, July 4 - Office Closed
7:00 pm - AA Men’s Group
Sunday, July 7
8:00 am - Spoken Eucharist
9:00 am - Adult Formation
10:30 am - Eucharist, Live Eucharist on YouTube/Facebook
12:30 pm - Misa
5:00 pm - Taize
Monday, July 8
7:30 pm - AA
Wednesday, July 10 - Church and Parking Lot CLOSED
Thursday, July 11 - Church and Parking Lot CLOSED
5:30 pm - Guys and Gals Nite Out
Friday, July 12 - Church and Parking Lot CLOSED
Sunday, July 7
8:00 am - Spoken Eucharist
9:00 am - Adult Formation
10:30 am - Eucharist, Live Eucharist on YouTube/Facebook
12:30 pm - Misa
5:00 pm - Taize
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If you would like your announcements to be included in this newsletter, or in the Sunday bulletin, please email them to the office at by Tuesday evening (7:30 pm). Please include a contact person within the announcement in case there are questions. Announcements will run for two weeks or until the event takes place.
Summer Office Hours
Office hours through the summer will be 9:00 am - 2:00 pm.
I will be out of town from July 29 - Aug 3. If you need anything during this time, please reach out to Susy Mekarski. I will be checking the email while I am away.
Parking Lot Closure
The parking lot will be completely closed for three days on July 10, 11, and 12 for a seal coat to be applied. There will be no access to the church on these three days. The office will be closed. Please plan accordingly if you need anything from the church prior to these three days.
An All-Parish Breakfast
Please join us for a parish breakfast on July 14 at 9 am, or as soon as you can come! Years ago, when we were searching for Brendan, our parish breakfasts helped us care for each other in the waiting. While we wait for Brendan to come home this summer, let’s do it again! If you can, please bring some fruit, juice, sweets, or egg casserole to share. If you forget or eat your treats the night before, please come anyway! If you worship at 10:30am, please consider helping to set up at 8:30, and if you worship at 8am, please consider helping to clean up! It will be so wonderful to all share breakfast! There is a sign-up sheet in the Information Center.
Ladies Lunch
Our next Ladies Lunch will be on Tuesday, July 16, at 11:45, at Springridge. A sign-up sheet is in the Information Center.
Questions? Contact Peggy Danford or Sandi Thompson.
Adult Formation
Adult Formation features discussions and reflection derived from the Lectionary readings used in each morning's worship service. Participants may benefit from previewing the Lessons as posted each Thursday in the "St. Francis E-Blast." Norm Shrumm is the convener/discussion leader. Please join us!
Taizé Prayer at St. Francis
For a time of prayer, reflection, and peace, please join us for Taizé prayers at the Cross of San Daminano. Come at 5:00 pm for the service or 4:30 pm if you would like to sing through the chants prior to the service.
Our next Taizé Prayer service will be Sunday, July 7.
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Did You Know? - Ceiling Panel 8
During the Crusades, Francis journeys to Egypt, but fails to convert the Muslim Sultan in 1219.
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Ministry Prayers – Bell Choir
Each week, in our Prayers of the People, we pray for a ministry here at St. Francis. This week, we pray for our Bell Choir. The Bell Choir at St. Francis is a dedicated group of individuals with a variety of backgrounds. They come to rehearsal each week knowing that, if they are absent, there is no one to ring their bells. Some have decades of musical experience; some have very little musical knowledge or experience. What may be unique to handbell ringing is that the position one plays can be matched with the experience and ability of the ringer so that each person has an appropriate challenge and sense of accomplishment with every piece.
St. Francis has many handbells that we are not currently using, so it is very easy to add a new ringer or two any time. This group shares the joy of offering their gifts and talents with the church community through handbell music, while having a bit of fun and laughter along the way! If you are interested in joining, please contact Wendy Shrumm.
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Wilsonville Food Bank
The food bank is in need of CEREAL, TOILET PAPER, and TISSUES. They do NOT need peanut butter at this time. They also do not need fruit, rice, or pasta, and cannot store fresh fruit. Do not put any type of fresh fruit in the cart. It goes bad before they can use it. Please put any donations in the cart in the Narthex. A volunteer takes the food to the Food Bank every Tuesday.
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