St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church
Weekly E-Blast
August 22, 2024
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PO Box 445 (mailing address)
8818 SW Miley Road (physical address)
Wilsonville, OR 97070
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Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 25, 2024
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Preparing for Sunday
St. Francis subscribes to a weekly service called Preparing for Sunday, which provides some brief commentary on the bible readings for the upcoming weeks. It can be found on the Sermons & Services page on the St. Francis website ( . I encourage all of you to consider looking at it prior to Sunday, particularly if you are a lector for the week.
Father Brendan
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A Quick Note While Brendan is on Sabbatical
Dear Church Family, should you have any needs/questions while our dear Father Brendan is away on sabbatical, please know that I am here to support you. Please feel free to call/text me with your needs/questions and/or if you prefer, please leave a message with Jodi Laug at the main office and she will contact me. Wishing all a safe, relaxing, and joyous summer! Susy Mekarski, Senior Warden
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Participants in this Week's Services | |
Serving at 8 am
LEM: Marilyn Morgan
Intercessor: Mary Kirk
Lector: Marilyn Morgan
Lector: Dale Rushton
Ushers/Greeters: Rebecca Engen and Jeff Krausse
Altar Guild: Ron and Sue Coleman
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Serving at 10:30 am
LEMs: Susy Mekarski and John Wisecaver
Intercessor: Linda Ocheltree
Lector: John Meissner
Lector: Linda Ocheltree
Ushers: Rob Campbell and Clair Wilkins
Usher/Videographer: Richard Martens
Welcome Table: Nyla Emory and Ann Frazier
Altar Guild: Kathy Miller and Joe Schiwek, Jr.
Flower Guild: Linda Hammersley and Sandi Wilson
Coffee Hour Hosts: The Martens and Sharp Families
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This Week at St. Francis
Thursday, August 22
7:00 pm - AA Men's Group
Sunday, August 25
8:00 am - Spoken Eucharist
9:00 am - Adult Formation
10:30 am - Eucharist, Live Eucharist on YouTube/Facebook
12:30 pm - Misa
Monday, August 26
10:30 am - Bell Choir Rehearsal
7:30 pm - AA
Wednesday, August 28
7:00 pm - Choir Rehearsal
7:30 pm - AA
Thursday, August 29
7:00 pm - AA Men's Group
Sunday, September 1
8:00 am - Spoken Eucharist
9:00 am - Adult Formation
10:30 am - Eucharist, Live Eucharist on YouTube/Facebook
12:30 pm - Misa
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If you would like your announcements to be included in this newsletter, or in the Sunday bulletin, please email them to the office at by Tuesday evening (7:30 pm). Please include a contact person within the announcement in case there are questions. Announcements will run for two weeks or until the event takes place.
Join the Choir
Rehearsals for the 2024-25 choir season will begin on August 28 at 7:00 pm. Membership in the choir is open to all persons interested in choral music regardless of your past musical experience. There are no auditions. All we ask is that you make a commitment to regularly attend rehearsals on Wednesday evenings and Sunday services. If you are interested in joining the choir, please speak to our Director of Music, Jon Holland, or send him an email at so he can prepare a folder of music for you in advance, or just show up on Wednesday evening.
Dinner Church is Back!
We will gather for Dinner Church on September 29, at 5:00 pm, in the Parish Hall. Father Brendan will make the main dish and we will have a potluck for sides, salads, and desserts. There is a sign up sheet in the Information Center. We will have dinner, break bread, and celebrate the Eucharist.
Sunday School
Sunday school will be starting again on September 15th at 10:30 am. We will continue with the curriculum from Augsburg Press, which combines Bible stories and fun activities. We look forward to a year of learning with our St. Francis young people. If anyone would like to help with the program, please let us know.
Linda Tasker and Jane Domagalski
Adult Formation
Adult Formation continues this fall with a look at Strengths and Spiritual Gifts. Join us beginning September 8 and we’ll work to identify our strengths and gifts and look at how they can be useful in the world. We all have them, and the world needs them.
Taizé Prayer at St. Francis
For a time of prayer, reflection, and peace, please join us for Taizé prayers at the Cross of San Daminano. Come to the church at 5:00 pm for the service or 4:30 pm if you would like to sing through the chants prior to the service.
Our next Taizé Prayer service will be Sunday, September 1.
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Did You Know? – Eucharistic Candle Holders
The Eucharistic candle holders were donated by Preston and Irene Bailey.
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Ministry Prayers – Finance Committee
Each week, in our Prayers of the People, we pray for a ministry here at St. Francis. This week, we pray for our Finance Committee. Finance is a subcommittee of the Vestry. We assist in the development of the annual budget each fall. Throughout the year, we meet monthly to review receipts and expenditures, looking for trends and monitoring conformance with the budget. We also oversee the church's investments to ensure maximum return from safe and secure investments. Our goal is to provide a more detailed oversight and analysis than what might be reasonably expected from individual Vestry members. We have a member of the Vestry on our committee who provides a summary of our findings at the monthly Vestry meeting.
Are you interested in joining this Ministry? Contact Richard Martens for more information.
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Time to Save Jeans and Winter Clothing for St. Timothy, Brookings
A heads-up about our support for the St Timothy, Brookings, outreach program. This parish in Southern Oregon ministers to the many homeless people in their area. In September, we will be collecting warm winter clothing and blue jeans. Please save the following:
- Rain gear — tops and bottoms
- Winter jackets
- Blue jeans — all sizes
This year we will not be collecting fleeces or other clothing. St Timothy has told us that they have enough of those items and are limited in storage space.
Please hold your donations until September. If you bring them now, they may get mixed up with donations for William Temple House.
If you have no clothing to donate, St Francis Outreach is also happy to accept cash donations, which will either be used to purchase appropriate clothing or sent directly to Brookings for other homeless needs. (Please mark any such donations for St Timothy, Brookings.)
Questions? Please contact Ann Frazier at 503-657-0739 or
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William Temple House
We will no longer be able to collect and distribute donated items to William Temple House. At this time, we do not have volunteer drivers so the program must be suspended. If you are interested in continuing this program, please speak with Gary Thompson to get more information.
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Wilsonville Food Bank
The food bank is in need of CEREAL, TOILET PAPER, and TISSUES. They do NOT need peanut butter at this time. They also do not need fruit, rice, or pasta, and cannot store fresh fruit. Do not put any type of fresh fruit in the cart. It goes bad before they can use it. Please put any donations in the cart in the Narthex. A volunteer takes the food to the Food Bank every Tuesday.
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