St. Bede's E-News

We hope that this weekly offering will keep you up-to-date

on the latest information from the parish

and from around the Diocese of Atlanta and wider Church. 

Our e-newsletters are now being archived on our website. 

You can go to and look under the Connect With Us tab

at the top of the home page to find past newsletters.

The deadline for submission to the E-Newsletter each week is Wednesday at 10 a.m.

Please send your submissions ready to go into the newsletter,

text and images attached in an email to the Parish Administrator.

Muriel's email address is

Sunday, May 14, 2023

The Sixth Sunday of Easter

Please join us as we gather together

to worship God this Sunday!

Worship in English

in the Nave at 10 am

Worship in Spanish

in the Nave at 5 pm

We will also be streaming our worship live


St. Bede's YouTube Channel

Make a gift to St. Bede's

by clicking here.

Sunday Formation

for All Ages

Sunday Adult Formation

will be on hiatus this week

for Mother's Day

We will resume next Sunday, May 21

with a presentation by

outreach ministry partner

NETWorks Cooperative Ministry

Join NETWorks Executive Director David Fisher as he discusses the work of this nonprofit cooperative partnership between churches. Parishioner John Entrekin will also share his experiences from volunteering there.

If you would like to learn more

about last week's presentation on the

Lynching Remembrance Quilt Project

please find a video about the project linked below.

Click here to learn more about last week's presentation on the Lynching Remembrance Quilts Project

Sunday Children's Formation

will be on hiatus this week

for Mother's Day

and will resume on Sunday, May 21.

Sunday, May 21 will be the final class for this school year.

The Youth Group

will be on hiatus this week

for Mother's Day

and will resume on Sunday, May 21.

Sunday, May 21 will be the final gathering

for this school year.

Questions, comments, or thoughts, 

feel reach out to Beth Cannon at:


for Multilingual Pentecost Worship at 10 am

followed by a Pentecost Potluck Luncheon

St. Bede's will provide drinks and fried chicken as an entree

and all are invited to contribute a salad, side, or desert.

More information will be available in next Friday's E-News.

Calling all 2023 Graduates!!

We are honoring all of our graduates and want to make sure that you are included. Please email Muriel Diguette and let us know from where you are graduating and what your plans are for the future (further study, career plans, etc.) This can be a graduation from any kind of school or study program. We will list all our grads in E-News.


Ashley Sali graduating from Hybrid Education in Greater Atlanta (HEGA) on May 20.

Johnny Klein graduated from UGA with a Bachelor’s degree in Advertising and a minor in Sports Marketing. He is completing an internship this summer and will start a Master’s degree program in Advertising and Marketing in the fall. 

Mike Lampros graduated from Georgia State University in December with a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies in Philosophy, Economics, and Politics.

Carmie McDonald graduated from Candler School of Theology.

Community Engagement is now Outreach!



The Outreach Committee is sponsoring four Sundays of adult formation following the 10 am worship. Please join us to learn about outreach opportunities in our community!

May 21: NETWorks Cooperative Ministry. David Fisher, Executive Director of NetWorks Cooperative Ministry, will discuss the work of this nonprofit in our community. Parishioner John Entrekin will also share his experiences volunteering there.


Did you know that 17,602 of our neighbors are hungry? St. Bede’s is partnering with NETWorks Cooperative Ministry with a food drive to help fill their empty food pantry. The pictures below were taken on Tuesday and show the great need. Many from St. Bede’s have generously contributed to the food drive these past three weeks, donating close to 1,000 pounds of food! Thank you so very much! Our food drive continues through Pentecost, May 28. Please help us continue to feed our neighbors!

Karen Werner and Anita Montelione, co-chairs or

The first photo below is of our St. Bede's donation on May 9th.

As you can see, the shelves at the pantry are bare.

Click Here for a Downloadable List


Four St. Bede’s golfers (pictured below L to R: Mike Flanagan, Paul Werner, Jim Helms and George Shingler) participated in the NETWorks Cooperative Ministry golf fundraiser, “Putting Out Hunger”, on May 8. Together they raised over $400 to help fill the shelves of NETWorks food pantry. And they placed 6th! Thank you!!

We rejoice that

the Rev'd Carmie McDonald

has been called as

Associate Priest for

Community Engagement

and Family Ministry

at the

Episcopal Church of the Epiphany


(and we are delighted that Carmie will remain

in the East Atlanta Convocation)

Pledge Campaign Update

Thank you to all who have returned their 2023

"God's Blessings Flow" pledge cards!

As of May 4, we have received

87 pledges totaling $420,000.

Thank You!

If you have not yet made your pledge

to support the mission and ministry

of St. Bede's in 2023,

we would love to hear from you.

If you need a pledge card,

they are available on the table

near the Parish Office

or you can use the link below to pledge online.


Family Ministries Micropractice 

Join our households with
birth through elementary aged children
in this simple intentional practice
as we bring our learning from the lectionary
into our everyday lives.

Healing Our Racism

Book Discussion Group

Monday, 22nd

Meeting Time: 4th Monday of each month at 2 pm on ZOOM

Please join Muriel Diguette and other members/friends of St. Bede's to discuss current books pertaining to the issues of racism and white privilege.

Email Muriel for the Zoom link to join the discussion.

If you want to go ahead and order books for future discussions:


The Scalpel and the Silver Bear by Lori Alvord and Elizabeth Cohen Van Pelt 

Homecoming by Yaa Gyasi

The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon

The Autobiography of Malcolm X

Pride: A Pride and Prejudice Remix by Ibi Zoboi

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelo

Mostly Mysteries Book Group

Monday, May 22 at 7 pm on Zoom

The Mostly Mysteries Book Group meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 7 pm on Zoom. If you would like to take part, please contact Cathe Echterhoff and she will send you the link. 

McLemore's Musings

We hope you are enjoying a new feature in St. Bede's E-News - McLemore's Musings. Many of you have met the Rev'd Bill McLemore who has joined the St. Bede's community. Bill has been a priest for over 57 years and has served parishes all over the Episcopal Church. Bill is the former archivist of the Diocese of Atlanta and authored the 100th anniversary book on the history of the Diocese. Bill is also an artist and has used his artistic skills and sense of humor for many years to draw hundreds of cartoon that comically comment on life in the Episcopal Church. Each week we will share a cartoon here that Bill selects from his collection. Enjoy!

The Parish Office is now open

Monday through Thursday

9:30 am - 12:30 pm

St. Bede's Prayer List

Prayers have been requested for:

Kay Howington

Jeanette Schroeder, friend of Pat Miller & Sean Kilpatrick

Joan Davis

June Williams, sister of Connie Coralli

Leonard Schult, son of Connie Aylor

Bill McLemore

Dixie Snider

Rebecca Bullard

Susan Reef

Willie Diaz, husband of Nora Cruz- Diaz

Diana Segovia, cousin of Zulma Gutierrez

Caroline Spires

Brian Metcalf, brother-in-law of Susan Reef

Timothy Knapp, friend of Susan Reef

Denise Benson, friend of Susan Reef

The Sujia Family

Robin Schreiber

Allen Townes Cunningham, sister of Rob Townes

Wallace Victor Simmons, brother of Jerry Simmons

Mellie Frippen, friend of Nora Cruz-Diaz

Anne Jones, sister of Claiborne Jones

Joan Davis

Carmen Graciaa, friend of Laura Martin

Jim Poulos, husband of Carol Kemker

Helen Abraham

Fay Key

Aree Bancroft

Laura Ribas

Jane Wiggins

Mary Rodriguez

Margie Klein, mother of Jody Klein

Nancy Waring

Andy Matia, friend of Ann Foote

Jim Ohl

Frances Bowen

Sydney Lund

Ann Foote

Cameron Maddox

We give thanks for those serving our country in the military:

Joshua Bowers

Will Grimm

We pray for those who have died:

Eddie Ackall, uncle of Issa Ackall

We give thanks for those celebrating birthdays this week: 

5/15 Taylor Graves

5/17 Melanie Alexander

5/18 Leslie Webster


We celebrate with the newly baptised:

Ricardo Bernal Valente

Jose Alberto Bernal Valente

Miguel Angel Bernal Valente

Emiliano Bernal Valente

From around the Diocese
and the wider Church...

To stay up to date

on activities throughout the Diocese of Atlanta,

sign up for Connecting, the Diocesan E-newsletter.

You can also sign up to receive For Faith,

which is the weekly meditation

from Bishop Rob Wright

sent by email on Fridays.

Bishop Wright's Weekly Podcast

Did you know that Bishop Rob Wright has a weekly podcast? You can take a spiritual "deep dive" each week with Bishop Wright and his special guests and grow deeper in faith and understanding as you listen and learn.

Explore For People, Bishop Wright's Podcast, Here


the magazine of the Diocese of Atlanta

The new Pathways is now available online! Through original photography, articles, and interviews, Pathways shares inspiring stories from Middle and North Georgia — examples of spiritual growth.

Read Pathways Here

Support the Cathedral Book Store.

Would you like to keep up with news from around the broader Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion? Episcopal Journal and Cafe is a convenient place to find out things going on around the Church. You can even subscribe to get news sent to your email inbox.

Click Here for Episcopal Journal & Cafe

Click Here to Make a Donation to ERD

Friend in Christ,

As violence escalates in Ukraine, over one million people have already fled the country — and the borders are flooded with many more people desperate to leave.

Almost all of them are women and children who have had to seek safety on their own, leaving their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons behind.

As this crisis continues to evolve, we are working with Anglican agencies and our other partners to provide humanitarian assistance, and urgently ask for your help.

Your emergency gift today will support our immediate response, providing cash, blankets, hygiene supplies and other needs as this crisis unfolds.

Our faith networks are currently on the ground in the border areas of Poland, Hungary and Romania, and we will continue to coordinate with them in order to help those who have been displaced. Specifically, our partner ACT Alliance is helping families on the Hungarian border, and our Anglican partners are mobilizing both an immediate and long-term response in Poland, Romania and Hungary.

Yours faithfully,

Robert W. Radtke

President & CEO

Episcopal Relief & Development