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Join us for


April 14, 2024 9:00 am

Please note: There will no 7:00 am service due to Bishop Bob's visit.

Third Sunday of Easter

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Download this week's ORDER of WORSHIP

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*Note: If you have difficulty connecting to the livestream, try reloading your page.


April 21 - Fourth Sunday of Easter

April 28 - Fifth Sunday of Easter

May 5 - Sixth Sunday of Easter (Morning Prayer)

Find scripture readings for upcoming Sundays and learn about the liturgical seasons in the Episcopal Church here.


Dear St. Augustine's 'ohana,

We'll be joined this Sunday by our Bishop Bob, who will preach and preside as well as lead us through a reaffirmation of our baptismal vows. Two members of our church 'ohana (Brendan McDougall and Michelle Simpson) will be officially received by the bishop into the fellowship of the Episcopal Church. This is a way of recognizing and honoring those who have made a mature confession of faith and welcoming them.

Please join us for this special Sunday, which is an opportunity for all of us to celebrate our spiritual connections with one another, with our diocese, and with all the baptized in the world. Together, we serve as the Body of Christ.

In a world filled with anxiety and uncertainty, feeling our human interconnectedness through God brings comfort. Our spiritual community is a safe place to be vulnerable in our doubts and fears.

Last week we heard the story of Thomas' doubts. This week, in the Gospel of Luke, the doubts are shared by all the disciples. There is no shame in feeling doubt! This is what Jesus shows us through his gentle reassurance, which helps the disciples (and us) understand a new reality. As witnesses to the miracle of Christ's resurrection, we have new hope for the world.

On Sunday, listen carefully to the words of the Eucharistic Prayer. In particular, I am profoundly moved every time we hear these words: "Through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ." This is our call to remember our baptisms and to live into the promises we make!

Through connecting with Christ, through living as the Body of Christ in the world, we actively participate in God's redeeming work. This is how we make our alleluias ring loud and true during this Easter season and beyond!

Easter Blessings,

Vicar Jennifer +


Ginger Gohier for cleaning the church and providing flowers this week.

JD Morgan for serving as lay reader last week.

St. Augustine's members who pray for others each week. 

The many members of St. Augustine's and the community who help sort donations and operate the Thrift Shop.



Please pray for healing, guidance, strength, peace of mind, and comfort for: All who are affected by the Israel/Hamas war and wars around the world, Rita Masada, Mary Jakielski, Bobbi Green, Olin Kane, Martina Manuel, Rico Bowman, Tracy Lahue, Patsy Ching, the Fuertes 'ohana, Richard, Virginia and Perie Daniels, Rachel and Hoku Lancaster, Motaz Aziz, Jeannette Hensel, Anne Medve, Sabrina Lee, Tom Leonard, Linda Leonard-Pell, Erin Manuel, all the people of Maui, Church of the Holy Innocents in Maui and Vicar Bruce & Sylvia DeGooyer, Arcadio & Filomena Badua, Lisa Andrews, Guy Kaoo, Tula Brickel, Becky & Ludwig Simmet, Reni Aʻi aʻi Bello, Kaikoa-Aina Brown, Marlene & Harry Ching, Annecita Tamayo, and Lynn Dicus.


Volunteer to be part of St. Augustine's prayer chain! Contact Patsy Ching or Vicar Jennifer if you would like to:

  • Pray for those who have requested prayers
  • Be part of the phone tree that helps us know about prayer requests or emergencies


If you or someone you know would like to be added to our prayer list, please email Patsy Ching or Vicar Jennifer. You can request prayers for yourself, your 'ohana, or anyone in our community or beyond. 

During our Sunday services, you can write prayer requests on a piece of paper. Prayers will be read aloud or silently (per your request) during the Prayers of the People.


You can also send us prayer requests through our online form.

Mahalo for your care and prayers!


SUNDAY SCHOOL - For children ages 3-10, every Sunday morning at 9:00 am with Youth Director Kathy Matsuda.

FELLOWSHIP HOUR - Every Sunday after our 9:00 am service. We gather to enjoy conversation, coffee, and treats in Walker Hall. Please bring some savory or sweet treats to share if you like! Mahalo to all who have been providing delicious food and to Jeannette Hensel for bringing coffee.

TEEN GATHERINGS - Next teen night is TONIGHT! Friday, April 12th at 5:30 - Ukulele lesson with Kumu Hope for keikie ages 7 and up followed by a home cooked meal (mahalo to Ted Matsuda for making delicious food!) and teen activities from 6:30-7:30. All are welcome!

CHOIR - Join us Wednesday, April 17th at 5:00 pm to sing through the hymns for the following Sunday. All are welcome! 


TODAY: Friday April 12 at 2:00 pm - Learning about our faith - Please join us for the last of our four-week course focused on the theology, beliefs, and traditions of the Episcopal Church. Open to all, those new to St. Augustine’s and long-time members alike!

TONIGHT: Friday, April 12, Friday Fun Night - Ukulele Class, Dinner & Teen Night! 5:30 - 6:00 pm - Ukulele Class, 6:00 - 6:30 pm - Dinner, 6:30 - 7:30 pm - Teen Night. See poster below and please share with your Kohala friends!

Sunday, April 14, 9:00 am - Bishop Bob visits St. Augustine's!

We're looking forward to welcoming Bishop Bob to Kohala once again next week. While he's here, he will lead our 9:00 am service, preach, and confirm or receive members into the Episcopal Church. We'll host a potluck lunch during fellowship hour, after which he will meet with the Bishop's Committee. Please let Kathy Webb or Vicar Jennifer know if you would like to help with the food or in the kitchen for Fellowship Hour. Additional notes for this service:

  • Commissioning members who help with communication
  • Accepting and blessing donations for the Little Free Pantry food drive.
  • Please bring a potluck dish to share in honor of Bishop Bob!

Sunday, April 14 - Little Free Pantry Food Drive

We will be collecting food pantry donations every second Sunday of the month. Please bring your donations into the church and they will be blessed during the 9:00 am service.

Thursday, April 18, 10:00 am in Walker Hall - Funeral Planning Information session. A Dodo Mortuary representative will share information about pre-planning funerals. Vicar Jennifer will be on hand with information on planning a church service and burial.

Sunday, April 28, 4:30- 6:00 pm - Hawai'i Wildfire Prevention info . Elizabeth Pickett, co-director of the Hawai'i Wildfire Prevention Organization for all islands, will come to Walker Hall to present on wildfire prevention. Please see poster below for details.

Friday, May 10, 11:00 am - Celebration of Life and Holy Eucharist for Rose Rosimo, followed by a reception in Walker Hall.

Saturday, May 11, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm - Mama Jam Mini-Bazaar - Flowers Needed

A celebration of Mothers! We are looking for donations of cut flowers and potted plants to sell at our Mother’s Day themed mini-bazaar . We are also looking for volunteers to make flower arrangements. If you are interested in donating items or time please contact Kathy Matsuda. See poster below and please share with your Kohala friends!

Saturday, May 18, 10:00 am - Celebration of Life and Holy Eucharist for Juana Mejia, followed by a reception in Walker Hall.



Every second Sunday we will be collecting food donations for the Kapa'au Little Free Pantry. Deacon Lani helps to stock the Food Pantry daily. Thanks to your generosity we gathered $360 of food donations in March!

Mahalo Deacon Lani for this important food security project and to Libby Leonard for volunteering to track food donations each month!

Please bring your food donations to church on Sunday April 14th. Donations will be blessed at the 9AM service.


A real gift we can give our 'ohanas is the gift of planning for the future. St. Augustine's is hosting an information session with representatives of Dodo Mortuary, who will present details of their part of the planning process. Vicar Jennifer will be on hand to go over the planning process for church services. Mahalo to Kathy Matsuda for bringing this important session to St. Augustine's! Please see poster below for details.


PICTURED ABOVE - Follow our Thrift Shop on Facebook! Mahalo to Kathy W. for creating this page for us!


We started a Facebook page to keep everyone up to date on the latest Thrift Shop events. We will also be posting higher-end items for sale on the site each week. Follow us on Facebook here:


The Thrift Shop is open Wednesdays from 12:00 to 6:00 pm and also on the first Saturday of the month from 8:00 am - 11:00 am.


St. Augustine's is grateful to the community for the many items generously donated to our Thrift Shop! We accept donations when the Thrift Store is staffed by our volunteers.

Please bring your items during these times:

Wednesdays 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Thursdays 8:00 am - 11:00 am


Stay up to date with our brothers and sisters across the diocese! The latest issue of the Hawaiian Church Chronicle (April 11 2024) features an article on A Cup of Cold Water and free seminars from the Episcopal Network for Stewardship. We were also happy to be featured in this issue!

Read the current issue of Hawaiian Church Chronicle

If you have information to share, please let us know! This is a space to help us stay in touch in a variety of ways, such as news, offers of assistance, or garden bounty (fruits, veggies) you would like to share. Please email Vicar Jennifer or Kathy Webb: VicarJennifer@staugustineskohala.com or admin@staugustineskohala.com Submissions due by Thursday morning for Friday's newsletter.


Interfaith Power & Light offers a themed organizer’s kit for Faith Climate Action Week every year to support your efforts around Earth Day to engage your congregation in caring for Creation.

The theme of 2024’s Faith Climate Action Week is “Common Ground: Cultivating Connections between our Faith, our Food, and our Climate.” We’ll examine our responsibility to use agricultural practices that safeguard our Sacred Earth and how our faiths call us to respond with just solutions for all.

The kit will include a Guide with information on the faithful call to care for our soil through regenerative agriculture practices. Healthy soil is the basis of all life. Healthy soil provides food with all the nutrients we need for healthy bodies, and it draws more carbon pollution out of the atmosphere, helping to restore a healthy climate.

In the kit, there are suggested short films, an updated climate change fact sheet, faith-based discussion materials on faith and agriculture, and suggestions and resources for how to engage in supporting local action. It also includes postcards to gather signatures from the members of your congregation to pledge to vote with the climate in mind.

Download the 2024 Faith Climate Action Week kit below.




  • Listen to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's podcasts on "The Way of Love."



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