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Join us for


December 17, 2023 at 7:00am & 9:00am

Third Sunday of Advent

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Download this week's ORDER OF WORSHIP

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December 24 - Fourth Sunday of Advent (9:00 am only)

December 24 - Christmas Eve (5:30 pm)

December 25 - Christmas Day (9:00 am only)

December 31 - First Sunday after Christmas


Dear St. Augustine's 'ohana,

This Sunday, we mark the third Sunday of Advent, and we'll be lighting a candle for JOY.

How is your level of joy today? Are you feeling it? Are you searching for it? Are you living it?

Every Advent, we talk about the ways in which the joy of the season can be eclipsed by the busyness of holiday preparations, preoccupations with life's bumpy road, and, well, stress in general. It may seem like we are always waiting for better days, waiting for things to ease up.

People often say, "Prepare today to make a better tomorrow." Preparing for tomorrow makes good sense. But there's no reason that we can't stop to notice the joy in the midst of our preparations!

John the Baptist helps us understand this. The wild man, who joyfully lives in God's creation, says, “I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord.'”

"Prepare the way of the Lord." This is John the Baptist's entire mission. And as he does this work, I imagine John the Baptist is fiercely joyful, living in the moment. In each moment, he joyfully prepares the way for Jesus to enter our hearts and teaches us to allow Spirit to flow in our veins the same way water flows in a river.

He teaches us to trust that the joy God intends for us is real and present right now. When the journey is rough, God reminds us to be present for and open to the Divine gifts that come even during times of hardship. When the journey is easy, God reminds us to be present for and open to gratitude.

If you're not feeling the joy of Advent, it's okay. Take heart in knowing that joy is not something we need to fake. We don't need to wear plastic smiles or utter cheerless alohas. Advent is a season to reflect. Take some time—even five minutes—for yourself. Remember that joy—real joy—wells up from within. It's not something we have to manufacture. Joy is about connection: connection with the Divine, with our loved ones, with the essence of our true soul selves. For me, that's John the Baptist's message: connect with God. That is how we live in service to the Divine gifts God gives us every minute of every day.

And so as we focus on JOY this Sunday, we will light the third candle of our Advent wreath. We will open our hearts to the joy already present in us, asking God to help us find it. We will stand together quietly to think about and feel joy, inviting joy into our lives and into the world.


Vicar Jennifer

P.S., I invite you to use this Advent calendar as a guide through each day of the season.


  • Donna Oba & Bob Morrison for cleaning the church and providing flowers this week. 
  • Melanie Sahagun for serving as lay reader last Sunday.
  • St. Augustine's members who pray for others each week.
  • The many members of St. Augustine's and the community who help sort donations and operate the Thrift Shop.



Please pray for healing, guidance, strength, peace of mind, and comfort for: All who are affected by the Israel/Hamas war and wars around the world, John & Cori Lorenzo, Ennis Gibbs, Johnelle Kainoa, Marianne Eaton, the Schmidt Family, the Wood Family, Tom Leonard, Linda Leonard Powell, David Peter Franco, Erin Manuel, George Webb Jr., all the people of Maui, Church of the Holy Innocents in Maui and Vicar Bruce & Sylvia DeGooyer, Arcadio & Filomena Badua, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Lisa Andrews, Guy Kaoo, Koa Paulo, Tula Brickel, Becky & Ludwig Simmet, Reni Aʻi aʻi Bello, Kaikoa-Aina Brown, Karen Miller, Marlene & Harry Ching, Annecita Tamayo, Lynn Dicus, and Juana Mejia.


Volunteer to be part of St. Augustine's prayer chain! Contact Patsy Ching or Vicar Jennifer if you would like to:

  • Pray for those who have requested prayers
  • Be part of the phone tree that helps us know about prayer requests or emergencies


If you or someone you know would like to be added to our prayer list, please email Patsy Ching or Vicar Jennifer. You can request prayers for yourself, your 'ohana, or anyone in our community or beyond. 

During our Sunday services, you can write prayer requests on a piece of paper. Prayers will be read aloud or silently (per your request) during the Prayers of the People.


You can also send us prayer requests through our online form.

Mahalo for your care and prayers!


SUNDAY SCHOOL - For children ages 3-10, every Sunday morning at 9:00 am with Youth Director Kathy Matsuda with Michelle White, Kathy Webb and Lucas Masada Corey.

FELLOWSHIP HOUR - Every Sunday after our 9:00 am service. We gather to enjoy conversation, coffee, and treats in Walker Hall. Please bring some savory or sweet treats to share if you like! Mahalo to all who have been providing delicious food and to Jeannette Hensel for bringing coffee.

TEEN GATHERINGS - Stay tuned for the next event coming soon!

CHOIR - Join us Tuesday, December 19th at 5:00 pm to sing through the hymns for the following Sunday. All are welcome! 



  • TOMORROW - Saturday, December 16 - Memorial service for Benny Raymond. 9:00 am visitation and 10:30 am service at St. Augustine's, 11:15 burial at the County Cemetery in Hawi, 12:00 pm reception.
  • Friday December 22 - Bell Ringing at Takata Store for Salvation Army - Available shifts are 8 to 10am, 10am to 12pm, 12 to 2pm, 2 to 4pm, and 4 to 6pm. Sign up in Walker Hall!
  • Sunday, December 24 - Christmas Eve candlelight service at 5:30 pm with potluck pupus and sing-along Christmas carols to follow in Walker Hall.
  • Monday, December 25 - Christmas Day service at 9:00 am.
  • Sunday, January 7 - Mini concert at 5:30 pm at St. Augustine's featuring music for two flutes and piano. Potluck afterward in Walker Hall.



Mahalo to everyone who helped make last Sunday's Ecumenical Christmas Party so much fun! St. Augustine's hosted the event this year with Kathy Matsuda taking the lead on organizing the event. Many thanks to Kathy and the team of St. Augustine's volunteers who decorated, made food, provided entertainment, and came to celebrate.

For more photos, videos and to add your photos, visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/kapaauHI


Last week we enjoyed the Second Sunday of Advent Godly Play story with Sunday School teacher Michelle White. After the story, Kathy Matsuda led us in a fun glitter pinecone ornament craft. You can find a video of this week's story here on Youtube.

Sunday school is held every Sunday during the 9:00am service and open to all keiki ages 3-10. Hope to see you, your grandchildren or children there!


Mahalo to St. Augustine's volunteers who have been bell-ringing for Salvation Army at Takata store every Friday in December. We have one Friday left - December 22nd and shifts are still available! Contact Kathy Matsuda for more information if you are interested.

If you have information to share, please let us know! This is a space to help us stay in touch in a variety of ways, such as news, offers of assistance, or garden bounty (fruits, veggies) you would like to share. Please email Vicar Jennifer or Kathy Webb: VicarJennifer@staugustineskohala.com or admin@staugustineskohala.com Submissions due by Thursday morning for Friday's newsletter.


Check out these 'aina-friendly alternatives to gift wrap and buying:

  • Go paperless and use cloth wrappings. Use fabric scraps or old shirts. The wrapping helps with packing gifts for mailing and is completely reusable for years to come.

  • Make your wrapping paper part of your gift. Wrap gifts in 100% recycled Kraft paper, then decorate and write messages on the paper using crayons or colored pencils. You can also stamp the paper using homemade potato stamps and tempera paint.

  • Remember to shop locally, avoid items with excess packaging, and consolidate trips.

  • Rather than giving physical Christmas gifts that need to be wrapped and mailed, consider donating funds in the recipient’s name to a cause or charity that they support.

  • Give gifts of your time or talent. For example, help an elderly friend or neighbor decorate for the holidays.

Mahalo to the Episcopal Church in Colorado for this week's Creation Care tip!



The Thrift Shop is open Wednesdays from noon - 6:00 pm and also on the first Saturday of the month from 8:00 am - 11:00 am.


St. Augustine's is grateful to the community for the many items generously donated to our Thrift Shop! We accept donations when the Thrift Store is staffed by our volunteers.

Please bring your items during these times:

Wednesdays 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Thursdays 8:00 am - 11:00 am



  • Listen to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's podcasts on "The Way of Love."



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