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Join us for


August 6, 2023 at 7:00am & 9:00am

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost (Transfiguration Sunday)

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August 13 - The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

August 20 - The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

August 27 - The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

September 3 - The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost


Pondering the potential in each of us to be Christ's body in the world.

Dear St. Augustine's 'ohana,

A good story transmits more than mere words on a page. Tales told for generations persist because they carry us to places unimagined; they challenge us to dream and remember; they remind us of our flaws and our potential; they open our hearts, inviting us to feel deeply and explore the liminal spaces of our souls.

We've spent the last few weeks with Jesus' parables as told in the Gospel of Matthew. In last Sunday's reading, Jesus delivers a veritable lū'au of parables—five stories designed to give us a peek into the realm of heaven that’s right here in our midst.

Parables are gifts that open over time. We have to chew on them a while before we can appreciate the flavor; we have to ask a lot of questions about parables before we can fully ingest them, finally coming to see ourselves in them.

For me, Jesus' five-parable feast invites us to imagine how heaven could be right here in our midst, how the potential of heaven is present in us.

  • We are the tiny mustard seed that could become a life-giving tree. 
  • We are the wild yeast that could create a feast.
  • We are the treasure waiting to be found. 
  • We are the pearl worthy of investing everything. 
  • We are the net that could bring in the big haul. 

How might we transform in order to live into such visions of heaven? How can we become the people God created us to be?

We dream of our transformation when we say our Eucharistic Prayer each Sunday. In that prayer, we acknowledge that God created us in God's own image, saying, "Blessed are you, gracious God, creator of the universe and giver of life.You formed us in your own image and called us to dwell in your infinite love. You gave the world into our care that we might be your faithful stewards and show forth your bountiful grace."

This Sunday, we learn more about transformation as we hear the story of Jesus' Transfiguration—a story that calls us to reflect on the inner and outer changes we can make to realize the potential of heaven inside each of us. Join us as we continue to think about personal transformations as we ask, "How does the story of the Transfiguration transform us? What changes would allow us to live more fully as Christ's body in the world?"


Vicar Jennifer


  • The Acacio 'Ohana for cleaning the church and providing flowers.
  • Virginia Fortner for serving as lay reader last Sunday.
  • Kathy & Ted Matsuda, Vicar Jennifer Masada, Lani Bowman, Kathy Webb and Kirk Corey for a fun Family Fun Night.
  • All who so generously sponsored a Godly Play story for our Sunday School curriculum.
  • St. Augustine's members who pray for others each week.
  • The many members of St. Augustine's and the community who help sort donations and operate the Thrift Shop.



Please pray for healing, guidance, strength, peace of mind, and comfort for: Kalani, Cassidy & Matt Kehoe, Olin Kane, Erin Manuel, Larry Skinner, Marie Espinda, Dennis Bader, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Lisa Andrews, Guy Kaoo, Koa Paulo, Tula Brickel, Becky & Ludwig Simmet, Reni Aʻi aʻi Bello, Kaikoa-Aina Brown, Karen Miller, Marlene & Harry Ching, Annecita Tamayo, Benny Raymond, Lynn Dicus, Juana Mejia, and Jerry Kremkow. Thanksgiving for the lives of Jan Ellison, Eva Nino, Ricky Ching, and Zach Weger.


Volunteer to be part of St. Augustine's prayer chain! Contact Patsy Ching or Vicar Jennifer if you would like to:

  • Pray for those who have requested prayers
  • Be part of the phone tree that helps us know about prayer requests or emergencies


If you or someone you know would like to be added to our prayer list, please email Patsy Ching or Vicar Jennifer. You can request prayers for yourself, your 'ohana, or anyone in our community or beyond. 

During our Sunday services, you can write prayer requests on a piece of paper. Prayers will be read aloud or silently (per your request) during the Prayers of the People.


You can also send us prayer requests through our online form.

Mahalo for your care and prayers!


SUNDAY SCHOOL - Starting up again this week on August 6 and held each Sunday at 9:00 am with Youth Director Kathy Matsuda. This week's story is the Circle of the Church Year.

FELLOWSHIP HOUR - Held Sundays after our 9:00 am service. We gather to enjoy conversation, coffee, and treats in Walker Hall. We've started including some potluck items, so please bring some savory or sweet treats to share if you like! Mahalo to all who have been providing delicious food and to Jeannette Hensel for bringing coffee.

TEEN GATHERINGS - Stay tuned for the next event coming soon!

BIBLE STUDY Bible study meets Fridays at 2:00 pm in Walker Hall. The readings for August 11 are:1 Kings 19:9-18, Psalm 85:8-13, Romans 10:5-15, Matthew 14:22-33

CHOIR - Join us Tuesdays at 5:00 pm to sing through the hymns for the following Sunday. All are welcome!



Church events (and events we are hosting on our campus) are on our website calendar of church events here. Here's a rundown of upcoming dates to note:

  • August 6 - Sunday School resumes. Please remind families with keiki!
  • August 14-16 - Lani, Kirk, and Vicar Jennifer will be off island for the Diocesan Clergy Retreat. 
  • August 17-18 - Kirk and Vicar Jennifer will be off island following the retreat.
  • August 20 - Bishop's Committee meeting at 11:00 am.
  • August 26, 9:30 am - 2:00 pm - Making a kahili for St. Augustine's with master feather workers in Walker Hall.
  • August 26, 5:00 pm- Catered reception in honor of Mary Hanano, following the 5:00 pm beach mass at Kawaihae.
  • August 27, 5:30 pm - St. Augustine's will host a mini-concert (Kirk, Vicar Jennifer, Wendy Hindley, and Suzanne Melgart) with potluck to follow in Walker Hall. (See poster below for details.)
  • August 28, 4:30 pm - Community Meal.
  • September 5 and 6 - Kirk and Vicar Jennifer will be out of town. 
  • September 23 - Annual Bazaar.
  • October 14, 10:00 am - Celebration of life service for Jan Ellison. Visitation is at 9:00 am; service begins at 10:00 am. 



Several of us met to enjoy a spaghetti dinner and the story of Creation on Friday, July 28. The story is from our new Godly Play curriculum, which we will be offering at 9:00 am starting this Sunday, August 6. Please let families with keiki know! We're hoping many will join us.

Mahalo to Kathy Matsuda, Michelle White, Kathy Webb, Lucas Masada Corey, and Claire Spindler for their work to set up our new classroom, offer craft activities, and attend Godly Play training!

PICTURED ABOVE - Kathy Webb & Deacon Lani Bowman at the ChurchBiz Conference.


Deacon Lani Bowman and St. Augustine's administrator Kathy Webb attended the 2023 ChurchBiz Conference at St. Andrew's Cathedral last weekend. It was a great opportunity to meet with other church administrators and share best practices across the Diocese for church management, social media, and Safeguarding training.

Deacon Lani shared her journey of becoming a Deacon during the panel session "There are Deacons Among Us". Deacons play an important role in the life of the Church, and we are not only talking about helping with worship at during the Sunday service. If becoming a vocational Deacon is something you'd like to learn more about please connect with Lani and visit the Association for Episcopal Deacons magazine here.


If you sing in church, you're invited to join us every Tuesday at 5:00 pm! We go over the hymns for the following two weeks. No experience is necessary; just bring your voice, your love of music, and a willing heart to sing. Please join us even if you don't want to join the choir but just like to sing our hymns. Mahalo to Kirk for leading us and helping us make joyful sounds! All are welcome!

Here are some additional ways to get involved:

  • Start planting and let Dave & Kim know what you are planting.  
  • What would you like to bake or cookLet Patsy know.  
  • Start cleaning your house for thrift shop, white elephant, boutique items. We're not ready for them since we have no storage, but giving you a heads up. Let Kathy M. know if you have items. 
  • Silent auction items? Contact Susan.  
  • Please consider purchasing an EYE tshirt to wear at the Bazaar! See Kathy Matsuda if you're interested.

St. Augustine's Annual Bazaar will take place on September 23!


On Thursday, August 4, Lani organized a crew to make laulau to sell at our upcoming Annual Bazaar. Vicar Jennifer joined her along with members of Lani's family to wrap, tie, and steam 120 laulau. We did some quality control, opening one of the steamed laulau to sample. It was delicious! Mahalo, Lani, for all your work to make this happen!

PICTURED ABOVE - Left: Deacon Lani prepares pork with Hawaiian salt. Right - Lani's grand niece Kaya debones ti.

PICTURED ABOVE - Left: Deacon Lani and her niece Malia wrap the pork in lū'au leaves and ti. Right: Laulau steamed and ready to freeze for our Annual Bazaar!

If you have information to share, please let us know! This is a space to help us stay in touch in a variety of ways, such as news, offers of assistance, or garden bounty (fruits, veggies) you would like to share. Please email Vicar Jennifer or Kathy Webb: VicarJennifer@staugustineskohala.com or admin@staugustineskohala.com


Many of us know that cesspools were primarily used in Hawaii. We also are aware of the potential hazards cesspools bring, especially near our coastal areas and aquifers.

By 2050 ALL Kohala Cesspools have to be replaced with septic systems. A Community Forum will be held Tuesday August 8 at 5:00 at KIC-Kamehameha Park to help learn what help and resources may be available. Please see the flier for further details.


PICTURED ABOVE - Mary Ann Baron assists keiki at the Thrift Shop pop-up sale held at the Back to School Bash. Mahalo to all who volunteered at this event!


The Thrift Shop is open Wednesdays from noon - 6:00 pm and also on the first and third Saturday of the month from 8:00 am - 11:00 am. We are excited to add another Saturday to our Thrift Shop schedule! Mahalo to Iris, Carol, and Mavis for staffing this additional day!


St. Augustine's is grateful to the community for the many items generously donated to our Thrift Shop! We accept donations when the Thrift Store is staffed by our volunteers.

Please bring your items during these times:

Wednesdays 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Thursdays 8:00 am - 10:00 am



Meditation ◦ Listening ◦ Sharing ◦ Connecting

Thursday, August 10 at 5:00 pm at Keokea Park

OPEN CIRCLE is a gathering for conversations about the places in our lives where spirituality meets real life. All are welcome to cultivate open awareness of our connections with one another and nature.

OPEN CIRCLE is not church or group therapy. It is a time set aside to practice quiet contemplation together and to share and listen. We will hold space for human connection as part of 'āina while reflecting on the beauty of living as well as common difficulties we encounter.

Please join us!

Know of a community event we can post here? Please email Vicar Jennifer or Kathy Webb: VicarJennifer@staugustineskohala.com or admin@staugustineskohala.com


  • Listen to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's podcasts on "The Way of Love."



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