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Join us for


January 14, 2024 at 7:00 am & 9:00 am

Second Sunday after the Epiphany

To attend online, join our Facebook LIVESTREAM*

Download this week's ORDER OF WORSHIP

Missed a service? Watch on YouTube any time.

* NEW * Join us for fellowship hour on Zoom!

10:15 am every Sunday after the 9:00 am service.

*Note: If you have difficulty connecting to the livestream, try reloading your page.


January 21 - Third Sunday after the Epiphany - 7:00 am & 9:00 am

January 28 - Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany - 7:00 am & 9:00 am

February 4 - Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany - 7:00 am & 9:00 am

February 11 - Last Sunday after the Epiphany - 7:00 am & 9:00 am

Looking ahead:

February 14 - Ash Wednesday service - 5:30 pm

February 18 - First Sunday in Lent - 7:00 am & 9:00 am

February 25 - Second Sunday in Lent - 7:00 am & 9:00 am

March 3 - Third Sunday in Lent - 7:00 am & 9:00 am

March 10 - Fourth Sunday in Lent - 7:00 am & 9:00 am

March 17 - Fifth Sunday in Lent - 7:00 am & 9:00 am

March 24 - Palm Sunday - 9:00 am only (no 7:00 am service)

Holy Week Services - March 28 - Maundy Thursday; March 29 - Good Friday; March 30 - Easter Vigil

March 31 - Easter Sunday (9:00 am only) followed by egg hunt & Easter brunch

Find scripture readings for upcoming Sundays and learn about the liturgical seasons in the Episcopal Church here.


Dear St. Augustine's 'ohana,

"We are to embody divine light." God made us and filled us with goodness. Our recent journey through Christmas reminds us of this! Last Sunday's reaffirmation of baptismal promises helps us live into the goodness with which we were created. And this Sunday, the Psalmist reminds us that God knit us into being with divine virtue:

For you yourself created my inmost parts;

you knit me together in my mother's womb.

I will thank you because I am marvelously made;

your works are wonderful, and I know it well.

My body was not hidden from you,

while I was being made in secret

and woven in the depths of the earth.

God moves through life with us and sent Jesus to move through life alongside us, inviting us to follow. Our gospel lesson this week tells the story of Jesus inviting disciples, just as he invites us. He knew of their gifts, just as he knows of ours. Our Creator sees the gifts we carry inside us, the gifts of goodness with which we were made.

We are invited to see those gifts in ourselves and in one another. We are invited to use our gifts together, in collaboration, as we live into the goodness God gave us. This is the Way of Love.


Vicar Jennifer


  • Laura LaGassa for cleaning the church & providing flowers this week
  • J.D. Morgan for serving as lay reader last Sunday.
  • St. Augustine's members who pray for others each week.
  • The many members of St. Augustine's and the community who help sort donations and operate the Thrift Shop.



Please pray for healing, guidance, strength, peace of mind, and comfort for: All who are affected by the Israel/Hamas war and wars around the world, Sabrina Lee, Bobbi Green, Tom Leonard, Linda Leonard Powell, David Peter Franco, Erin Manuel, all the people of Maui, Church of the Holy Innocents in Maui and Vicar Bruce & Sylvia DeGooyer, Arcadio & Filomena Badua, Lisa Andrews, Guy Kaoo, Koa Paulo, Tula Brickel, Becky & Ludwig Simmet, Reni Aʻi aʻi Bello, Kaikoa-Aina Brown, Marlene & Harry Ching, Annecita Tamayo, Lynn Dicus, and Juana Mejia.


Volunteer to be part of St. Augustine's prayer chain! Contact Patsy Ching or Vicar Jennifer if you would like to:

  • Pray for those who have requested prayers
  • Be part of the phone tree that helps us know about prayer requests or emergencies


If you or someone you know would like to be added to our prayer list, please email Patsy Ching or Vicar Jennifer. You can request prayers for yourself, your 'ohana, or anyone in our community or beyond. 

During our Sunday services, you can write prayer requests on a piece of paper. Prayers will be read aloud or silently (per your request) during the Prayers of the People.


You can also send us prayer requests through our online form.

Mahalo for your care and prayers!


SUNDAY SCHOOL - For children ages 3-10, every Sunday morning at 9:00 am with Youth Director Kathy Matsuda with Michelle White, Kathy Webb and Lucas Masada Corey.

FELLOWSHIP HOUR - Every Sunday after our 9:00 am service. We gather to enjoy conversation, coffee, and treats in Walker Hall. Please bring some savory or sweet treats to share if you like! Mahalo to all who have been providing delicious food and to Jeannette Hensel for bringing coffee.

TEEN GATHERINGS - Stay tuned for the next event coming soon!

CHOIR - Join us Tuesday, January 16th at 5:00 pm to sing through the hymns for the following Sunday. All are welcome! 


  • Saturday, January 27 at 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (or whenever we are pau) - Lei Hulu work day to begin construction on the kahili! Come join us for any amount of time to see this beautiful piece come together. Potluck lunch. 
  • Sunday, January 28 at 11:00 am - Annual Meeting & Potluck Lunch - Please mark your calendars to attend this important meeting! See details below.
  • Tuesday, March 5 at 5:30 pm - Potluck supper for Shrove Tuesday (feasting before Ash Wednesday).



We kickstarted a new Sunday school program in September of 2023 using the Montessori-based Godly Play curriculum. Youth Director Kathy Matsuda recruited a team of St. Augustine's Sunday School teachers to get trained in Godly Play last fall with our friends at St. James and St. Columba's.

The children have been responding well to the stories of Godly Play, and love to touch the props and ask questions. It’s wonderful to see their faces light up listening to the story.  The program has been slowing growing - from 2 children to 4 regularly attending.

We will be fundraising soon for the second set of Godly Play stories and materials to complete the church year. If you are interested in learning more about Godly Play or volunteering to help with the program, please contact Kathy Matsuda. We are also in need of shelving for the Sunday school room.

Sunday school is held every Sunday during the 9:00am service and open to all keiki ages 3-10. Hope to see you, your grandchildren, or children there!


To aid our budgeting process for 2024, please give careful consideration to a financial pledge to St. Augustine's. Each 'ohana received a mailing with a pledge card. Please bring your completed pledge card to church and place it in the offering plate or put it in the mail slot outside the church admin office. You can also mail it to the church at:

St. Augustine's Episcopal Church

PO Box 220

Kapaau, HI 96755

If you need a pledge card, they are available in the church, in Walker Hall, or click here to download and print.

Your support for St. Augustine's is much appreciated! We have several large projects coming up in 2024, such as removing bees and tenting for termites. If you are interested in making a special contribution for a specific project, please contact Vicar Jennifer.

Mahalo nui for your gifts of time, talents, and funds! Every bit of what you do helps us further our mission "to be the love of God and to feel the love of God" at St. Augustine's and in our North Kohala community!

<--- PICTURED HERE - Scaffolding on the church aids in addressing the bee problem. Stacey Chun, Ag technician at the Hawai'i Department of Agriculture, DOA Additional scaffolding is installed above the vestibule to help workers find and seal entry points in the roof where bees enter. We are almost ready to tent for termites!

Big mahalo to Bishop's Warden John Sakai for all his hard work to organize and shepherd these efforts to preserve our beautiful historic church!


Please watch for dates and times for campus work days in the coming months. We have a number of maintenance projects around campus to work on. Please consider giving time or funds to help!


Examples of projects to complete with St. Augustine's volunteers (we will divide the projects into several work days):

  • Wash windows and screens in Thrift Shop and Walker Hall
  • Organize kitchen in Walker Hall
  • Powerwash then repaint parking lines & church steps
  • Weed and prune terraced gardens (Biblcal healing plants)
  • Remove weeds and invasive plants from Cemetery

Examples of projects for which we'll need to hire workers (not listed in any particular order):

  • Repair or replace gutters (Walker Hall, Thrift Shop, Vicarage)
  • Repair church roof
  • Scrub and repaint walls in Walker Hall
  • Repair windows and corner of Thrift Shop
  • Add proper grounding to electrical outlets


Stay up to date with our brothers and sisters across the diocese! The latest issue of the Hawaiian Church Chronicle features important news, events, and information, including:

  • Bishop Bob’s update on recovery efforts in Lahaina. The Diocese of Hawai'i has received nearly 1 million dollars in donations for relief efforts, which does not include donations made directly to A Cup of Cold Water, the Diocese's outreach group on Maui or to Holy Innocents. ---> Read more here.

  • Diocesan Youth Retreat, April 12-14, 2024. This retreat is for all youth in grades 6-12. Come with your youth group, bring a friend or come on your own, ready to meet new friends, at Camp Mokulēʻia! ---> Sign up here.

  • Annual Ho'okuikahi Reconciliation Service on Oahu. January 17 is the anniversary of the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and this year, the annual Ho'okuikahi Reconciliation Service is being observed at 6:30 pm on Friday, January 19, at the Honpa Hongwanji Betsuin Main Temple. ---> View the program here.
Read the current issue of Hawaiian Church Chronicle

If you have information to share, please let us know! This is a space to help us stay in touch in a variety of ways, such as news, offers of assistance, or garden bounty (fruits, veggies) you would like to share. Please email Vicar Jennifer or Kathy Webb: VicarJennifer@staugustineskohala.com or admin@staugustineskohala.com Submissions due by Thursday morning for Friday's newsletter.


The food system is responsible for one third of global greenhouse gas emissions. Consider adjusting what you eat to lower the carbon impact of your meals! Click the button below for information on how to eat low carbon. This is a fun resource for families!



The Thrift Shop is open Wednesdays from noon - 6:00 pm and also on the first Saturday of the month from 8:00 am - 11:00 am.


St. Augustine's is grateful to the community for the many items generously donated to our Thrift Shop! We accept donations when the Thrift Store is staffed by our volunteers.

Please bring your items during these times:

Wednesdays 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Thursdays 8:00 am - 11:00 am



  • Listen to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's podcasts on "The Way of Love."



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