LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.
By Nancy Jones
March 2019
'Note from Nancy'...
Spring is here! Mother Nature's annual birth and 'do-over'. Let us follow that theme as athletes!
And with that notorious Vegas wind in our wheels, we enter another triathlon season as either newbies or hopefully...'Born Again Beginners'.
Dig out that wetsuit from the back of the training closet. Give the bike trainer a break and remind your machine of it's original home and purpose of blazing our unparalleled in beauty routes through Red Rock or Lake Mead. Gather up the meticulously chosen equipment that assists you in your perfectly executed race. And, oh ya....bridge that mental gap that converts all the training to racing. That little detail.
It's so elusive. No matter how long you've been in the game. Wrapping your mind around turning an off season's worth of messing around playing swims, bikes and runs, then somehow turning it all into the precise well oiled machine that is the Triathlon. Maddening at best!

Newbies in the sport are always initially overwhelmed with all the moving parts that make up a triathlon race. Learning three disciplines alone is a feat in itself! Then add putting them back to back and having the built up fitness to do so. And hope and pray that in between those bouts of chaos that nothing altogether THAT humiliating takes place. But, during it all, it's really so JOYFUL despite the chaos! EXCITING! A love affair. Something so powerful that it births something new and amazing in their world!

And then a few seasons or even just races get under the belt and the experienced athlete takes shape . One getting the hang of the ins and outs of all the training. One having found their favorite discipline or making the new schedule work with family and life's important elements. A maturity of sorts.

I consider myself a 'mature triathlete' (outside triathlon that is NOT the case). I've seen a course or two! However, the 'off season to in season' never fails to cause manic tendencies. Suddenly I'm unsure of just about everything. I've done it all time and time again and yet, it's as though I've never competed in my life. Every year and season start. What will I do first when I get out of the water again? Do I have my pair of those elasticy shoelace things?

And I love the manic times of each year's season start. Because I'm a 'born again BEGINNER ' . I get to have the love affair all over! God knows that triathletes tend to be altogether WAY too serious. But, in the beginning there was a silliness to us all. A mindset that we aren't getting paid to do this, we PAY to do it. So best make it FUN so to get our money's worth. And so season after season, I hope to get better at being a beginner!

As always, tell a friend about us or learn more here...
Upcoming Events!
Our first club race is Sunday March 24th.
Make sure your membership is up to date and that you're all signed up!

The SOCIAL aspect of triathlon is the often the best part of the training and racing! We have some fantastic events starting now and spinning through Summer. Some are just social and some are the packaged fun/productivity in the form of a 'train then socialize' event.

April 6th starting at 8am at Lake Mead starts with education and ends with a ride! Tedd Girouard, Director of Athletic Training Dept at UNLV, will be speaking before everyone heads out for a bike ride to preview the Rage course!

April 17th at 6pm at McMullan's is purely social! A raffle, new LVTC hats sold for $20 (vs $25 online), and a bar can only make for some good times (beer helps recovery I heard).

All throughout the Summer we have nearly an event every month! A little June swim/run social in BC here, and a lil' July aqua/bike there, and even some destination socials! May for SG 70.3, Oct for Tempe race, and Nov for IMAZ all on the horizon and all TBD on exact times/details.

View all events and details here: LVTC EVENTS
Member Highlights !
The Las Vegas Triathlon Club would like to thank these new or returning members for their continued support. Great way to start 2019!
Blake M., Evan M., Micah B., Bob G., Samantha G., Stefanie E., Deanna S., Matt W., Chelsea B., Shawn R., Charles K., Darryl S., Margaret M., Tina B., Tedd G., Susan D., John D., Melodie C., Jennifer W., Dawn M., Anna A., Michael P., Dara G., Brian L., Rod S., Kelly P., Latisha L., Tania C., Brian K., Ryan T., Richard S.

Our members are the veritable fuel of the multisport machine making up our successful club. We need to regularly recognize them/YOU in order to keep this local herd running so powerfully! Thank you for all that you do and all you embody. Check out some of the featured members here- MEMBER HIGHLIGHTS
Featured LVTC Sponsors!
Here are our two in the spotlight for March:
The Liquor Outlet has four locations in the Las Vegas area. Visit them today for all your adult beverages needs
Peak Financial Solutions
Great athletes have a coach to help them improve and meet their goals. A Certified Financial Planner can help you do the same for retirement. Give Mike Keeler a call at (702) 870-7711 or visit him on the web at
Prez Corner...

Thoughtful notes from a fearless LVTC leader.

Do you remember your first triathlon?...

A great thing about the Las Vegas Triathlon Club is we have members who are starting their triathlon journey and those who compete at national and international levels. Lots of great experience within the club. 

Participation numbers in triathlons has dropped and USA Triathlon has started an initiative ‘Time to Tri.’ The importance of this initiative is to introduce people to the sport of triathlon – or, in some cases, not to scare people away from even trying their first triathlon.

Unintentionally, we can accidently discourage people to get involved in triathlons. How?

Here are some common – well meaning – pieces of advice that can actually drive people away from the sport we love:
Get a tri-bike (a $2000+ investment).
You’ll need an aero helmet ($100-$200 investment).
You’ll need a wetsuit ($100-$800 investment).
Get a coach (anywhere from $50/month - $200/month).
Make sure you have a GPS watch ($300-$600 investment).
Get a power meter ($300-$2500).
Oh … and you’ll want to look at electronic shifting …
Yikes – that’s a huge investment and the person hasn’t even made it to the start line (or paid for registration).
All of those items (and more) are helpful to a triathlete – but not necessary to get started in the sport.
What do you need for your first race?
A bike … borrow one.
Swim goggles … less than $20.
Wetsuit … borrow one.
Running shoes … spend time to get find the right shoe.

What can club members do to help people new to the sport? Make a personal connection. Get to know the new athletes. Offer to go on a swim/bike/run with them. Show them training locations. 

I strongly believe that the personal touch is more meaningful to new athletes than a list of “here is what you need”. Don’t try to coach these athletes – we have some great coaches in the club who can do that - but tell them your story. Tell them where you started and where you are now. 

Think back to your first race – was there someone who said something to you that stuck with you? Some encouragement? Congratulations? Be that person … encourage and congratulate each other and our club will be contributing to the next wave of growth in triathlon. 

My first race: I did in Lake Erie without a wetsuit, on my Schwinn Varsity (wearing my running shoes), and a beat up pair of runners. I finished. I loved it. Now it is fun to still race but also introduce others to the joy of competing in multisport events.

Coaching Corner!

Need some insight on training from a professional? Interested in learning about the coaches from all over the multisport spectrum right here in our valley? Check out our LVTC featured coaches at
Super Sponsor- XTERRA Wetsuits
Xterra is always hooking up our club! Even though we receive monthly deals/discount code, check out the goods all around!

More amazing LVTC Sponsors
Las Vegas Triathlon Club