Springing into Summer

Jubilee, 6'x12', Acrylic on canvas

May 6, 2024

Dearest Friends,

I'm springing into summer! As the temperature rises, I've been drawn to bold, beautiful sunset colors, oranges, reds, pinks, yellows -- and blues, aquas, green, and smudges of white for cool relief.

Meet Jubilee, an example of "monumental art" and fresh off my easel at 6 feet by 12 feet. It is painted on two canvases, each measuring 72 inches by 60 inches, purposefully created to hang close together.

I imagine it hanging in a board room where it can ignite minds and inspire great ideas.

Or warming up an all white living room.

I cooled down with "Peach Punch," a 24x24 inch painting that makes me think of a cocktail on a summer day -- with an umbrella.

June News

Bay Harbor: Amy Art Gallery + Studio on Main Street in Bay Harbor opens on Wednesday, June 19 for the summer! The gallery will be open Wednesday thru Saturday, 12 to 5, and also by appointment.

Naples: Meet Leslie Vega (pictured above), the new gallery associate for Amy Art in Naples! Leslie comes to us with a prestigious education and extensive gallery experience. She has a Ph.D. in arts administration, and a master's in arts administration with a minor in art history. Her bachelor's focused on the history and criticism of art. The Naples native worked for a decade as the manager of Naples' Arsenault Gallery, owned by legendary artist Paul Arsenault. She enjoys a reputation as a friend and supporter of artists and an astute gallery management professional.

Naples Hours: Summer hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 12 to 5, and also by appointment. We will be closed for vacation the week of June 3.

This summer, you may also meet my long-time marketing and media director, Beth Preddy, who will share gallery management duties with Leslie as needed.

Amy Art's team are smooth operators! They make it possible for me to paint, which is my job and passion.

Beth Preddy

Most days, I'm in the gallery.

Elevated Art Magazine

(Click the image to read)

Naples Illustrated magazine

(Click the image to read)

If you happen to be in Naples during May, or in Bay Harbor beginning in June, please come visit me. I may be covered in paint, but I always welcome visitors! You can also connect with me on my website, AmyArt.net, which is ever-evolving.



950 1st Avenue North

Naples, Fla.



4221 Main Street

Bay Harbor, Mich.

