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Springfield Housing News

NOW OPEN: Requests For Proposals to Develop Two City-Owned Properties

The City of Springfield has two opportunities available to develop income-qualified housing in Springfield through Eugene-Springfield HOME Consortium request for proposals (RFPs)! The RFPs are being run by the City of Eugene on behalf of the Consortium and offer funding and sites in Springfield for the development of rental housing affordable to low-income persons. For both opportunities, applicants are asked to submit a letter of intent to apply by Wednesday October 2, 2024.

Annual HOME RFP (1566 Main Street)

The City owns a 1.1 acre property on the corner of Main Street and 16th Street that is split-zoned CC (community commercial) and R-1 (low density) which it is making available through the annual HOME RFP along with approximately $687,828 in HOME funds. The City is seeking proposals for rental housing development on the property that will be affordable to low-income persons. Information about the HOME funding opportunity is available on the City of Eugene's website, including the RFP description of the funding available and the documents required to submit an application (the application, the proforma, and a reference document).

HOME- American Rescue Plan RFP (1577 Laura Street)

The City also owns a .17 acre property on Laura Street that is zoned R-1 which it is making available through the HOME- American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) RFP along with HOME-ARP funds for rental housing development (approximately $745,728) and supportive services in the development (approximately $200,000). HOME-ARP is one-time funding that has some similarities to regular HOME and some differences.

A separate RFP for the HOME-ARP funding opportunity is available on the City of Eugene's website, including the RFP description of the funding available. The website also has the documents required to submit an application (the application, the proforma, and a reference document). The HOME-ARP funds are for rental housing developments serving specific Qualified Populations including people experiencing homelessness, people at risk of homelessness, people fleeing domestic violence, and people with housing instability with attention to veterans meeting those categories.

There will be a virtual information session to describe the HOME-ARP program held on Zoom on Thursday September 19th at 4:00 pm. To access the Zoom meeting, please click this link: https://eugene-or-gov.zoom.us/j/86205061238, Passcode: HOMEARP24. Or dial in via Telephone toll free at: 877-853-5257.

Click for RFP Details

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