Volume 07 |Spring 2021
Savoir-vivre - Spring 2021 Newsletter
Spring is the Season of Hope and Renewal!
Dear ,
Welcome to the Spring 2021 Edition of Savoir-Vivre!
This past year has been challenging for everyone. We have all been affected by Coronavirus. It has been emotionally exhausting and so difficult not to be able to see or hug family, friends or even our neighbours! I am hopeful that we will eventually control the Coronavirus, rather than it controlling us!
As for my husband, George, and I, we are working from home along with our 2 daughters, Amy and Kelly. We have a daily routine of going for a walk to get some fresh air, stretch our legs, and clear our minds. It’s good for the soul and great for the physique! George and I have also been practicing yoga with our youngest daughter. It’s helping us stay positive, limber and brings us closer together. Many have told me I've lost weight... how exciting!

Last November, my father-in-law celebrated his 93rd birthday. We were sad not to be able to celebrate with a big family party, but we felt that keeping everyone safe was more important. Since we couldn’t gather in person, we sent him a birthday cake and surprised him by connecting through FaceTime to sing him Happy Birthday. He was delighted! I feel truly blessed that both my father-in-law and mother-in-law are doing well and are still with us. 
Early Mother's Day gift ...
My early Mother’s Day gift this year was the birth of our second grandchild on March 26 2021. Reya, our 3-year old granddaughter, now has a baby brother named Dashel. Reya has turned into a regular little mom, taking care of her baby brother. It’s so heartwarming to watch her look after him. At Easter, I bought an adorable soft bunny for Reya and Dashel. Ever since then, Reya has taken charge of Dashel's bunny until he's able to hold him. So sweet! 
In the past months, I have participated in several webinars to learn all kinds of new skills and forge new friendships online. I also worked with my amazing website specialist, Jemma Fong, owner of InSite Creations to develop and finalize my NEW! website. I will be offering new Personal Imaging and Career-Focused Imaging packages designed to help clients move forward in their lives and careers. Please stay tuned! Now, more than ever before, our society is recognizing and accepting diversity and inclusion as a way of life. Let's keep the momentum going!

Sadly, this year's Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) Conference was canceled due to COVID-19. However, I am looking forward to attending AICI’s first Virtual Global Conference in June, along with 600 other members. We're all looking forward to world-renowned speakers, networking with peers from around the globe, new tools and resources, and an opportunity to learn and earn continuing education units. There will also be a designer fashion show - which we're all very excited about!

I sincerely hope that you are well, taking care of yourself, and your family. Remember to mask up, wash up and maintain your physical distance! Be well! Stay safe!

Yours truly,

Angèle Desgagné, AICI CIP
Your Fairy Godmother
Sharing my Experience with Breast Cancer

Ever since my breast cancer diagnosis in 2017, this time of year brings back a tsunami of emotions and memories. I'm not obsessed - but when you see your reflection in a mirror every day after a shower, you see the physical breast scar and suddenly the past becomes the present.  This is part of my life now... every day. I hope that sharing my experience will help someone else who may be going through something similar. 
Lumpectomy 2017
 What I Want Every Woman to Know

Don't keep it to yourself once your doctor has confirmed that you have cancer. I know it’s difficult, but once you’ve recovered from the shock, share the news with your family, friends, co-workers, clients, neighbors, and even strangers. You have nothing to be ashamed of and I promise you'll be surprised at how helpful it is and how relieved you will feel.  

colourful neckties
Personalized Colour Analysis
Do you shy away from wearing any color other than black or basic neutrals? Do you feel tired, drab, or old in your current wardrobe? Are you frustrated trying to mix and match colours with no success? Are you spending too much money on colours you never wear that end up at the back of the closet? 

What colors look best on you?

Curious About the Frog
Why choose a frog for a company logo?

In a nutshell … the frog symbolizes personal transformation!

The frog also stands for growth, vision, aspiration, desire, goal, true self, individuality, greatness, essence, personal power, authenticity and more.