Project Management Institute
New York City
 April 2017
Monthly Chapter Meeting:

Creating the Process-Innovation Centered Organization

CDN Workshop:
Know Thyself, Brand Thyself 
Tuesday, May 8th

April Agile Event:
Agile and the Next Generation of Project Management
Wednesday, April 26th

Program Management in Action
PMO Advisory Featured Article
[Read more]

 Project Management  Day of Service
(PMDoS) Recap
Regional Chapter Activities

PMI New Jersey 
April Chapter Meeting
Job of the Future - 
New Tech and Capabilities

PMI Westchester Chapter (PMIW) 
Eighth Annual PMI Symposium (formerly PDD)
  Mentoring Program

“Since my Mentee is relatively new to the world of project management, I have enjoyed reading up on technical concepts to refresh my skill set. I have enjoyed the information exchange and networking opportunities mentoring has afforded me."  

Michael Jackson, 
Mentoring Program participant 

Join the Mentoring Program!

Email us for details: 

Community | Education | Enrichment 

Thanks to our Sponsors!