Pro Bono Attorneys from Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan Wins Appeal that Clarifies Rules and Saves Tenants from Evictions  

Long-time VLP volunteer Alex Loomis from Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan led a team of pro bono attorneys in a successful appeal of eviction. The decision in the case confirmed that an execution (the order that allows a landlord to evict a tenant) expires three months after it was issued and can't be reissued by the landlord after it expires. Despite the three-month rule, Housing Court judges were still issuing executions after the three-month period. The Appeals Court reversed the decision, holding that once the three-month period has run, judges have "no authority to order execution to issue or reissue. The victory not only resulted in the client being able to remain in their apartment (unless the landlord successfully brought a new case) but may change the outcome of similar cases at VLP and across the Commonwealth. Attorney Alex Loomis who took the lead on the case, did an excellent job bringing it to close, including getting a stay from a single justice for the client, advising on briefs, and helping with mooting. Pro Bono attorneys Christina Lam and Kelsey Sullivan also worked on the case. We couldn't be more grateful to Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan's team for their victory! 

Upcoming Trainings Signups!

Family Law 103
Family Law 104
Guardianship of Minors
Guardianship of Incapacitated Persons

Interpreter Mariflor Salas Highly Sought-after for Spanish-speaking Clients

Many of you might have worked with Mariflor Salas over the years; she has served on VLP’s Interpreter panel since 2006 and has been an invaluable member of the panel. 

From January to March 2024, 64% of VLP cases involved a client speaking another language other than English, and 68% of those cases that needed interpreters were cases that used a Spanish-speaking interpreter. VLP and our volunteers could not have worked successfully and efficiently with our clients without Interpreter panel members like Mariflor. Mariflor has been instrumental in helping numerous clients receive comprehensive assistance from us. Praised by the Family Law and Guardianship unit for her warm smile and welcoming demeanor to staff, interns, volunteers, and clients, Mariflor consistently demonstrates professionalism and empathy towards our clients. Her ability to provide language access in the best possible scenario has made her one of our most sought-after interpreters. We are grateful for Mariflor's commitment to providing exceptional interpretation services to our clients. 

"It’s taken me an entire life to finally understand that “Life is a journey, not a destination”. We are all travelers, and what matters is the experience and knowledge we acquire while walking that unique path of our existence. I’m beyond grateful and forever indebted to VLP for having taught me so much through the years and for being such a rewarding part of my trip. ¡Muchas gracias, VLP!" - Mariflor Salas, Interpreter

VLP Director of Advocacy and Pro Bono Geraldine Gruvis-Pizzaro Secures Parenting Time for Disabled Client in Lengthy and Contentious Divorce Case.

Our client was involved in a 2016 accident that left him quadriplegic and unable to speak. In 2019, VLP took on his case mainly because the court refused to grant him a divorce and mandated his appearance in court without considering his physical condition. In 2020, the courts were required to reassess how they handled cases during the shutdown. Through e-filing and virtual hearings alone, Geraldine helped move the client's case forward. By 2022, Geraldine got the court to finalize the client's divorce; however, co-parenting issues arose over her client’s three children as the case progressed. After the court papers were finalized, the client's wife stopped their children from seeing him. Geraldine filed for a modification and requested agreements for co-parenting time, but the client's ex-wife refused to negotiate. Geraldine argued that the opposing party's refusal to cooperate affected her client's parenting rights. The judge upheld the argument that it is the responsibility of "the mother of the children born in this marriage to co-parent with our client and to negotiate an agreement." After many years, Geraldine's simple argument helped seal the deal. A five-year-long battle can be disheartening, but VLP's staff fought on. In 2024, the client is officially divorced and has legally established parenting time with all three children. 

Geraldine Gruvis-Pizarro Promoted to:

Director of Advocacy and Pro Bono 

After six years at VLP as a staff attorney, most recently as Supervising Attorney of the Family Law and Guardianship unit, Geraldine Gruvis-Pizarro was promoted to the newly created position of Director of Advocacy and Pro Bono. Geraldine is a member of the SJC Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services, co-chairing the Communications, Outreach, and Diversity subcommittee. She is a member of the BBA Family Law Steering Committee and has been named a Top Women of Law in 2022 by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly. Join us in celebrating Geraldine's promotion!

Cassian Harman Joins VLP as Bankruptcy and Consumer Staff Attorney 

Cassian brings a wealth of knowledge to our Bankruptcy and Consumer Units, having graduated with his J.D. from the University of Florida Levin College of Law. During law school, Cassian's interest in bankruptcy and consumer law was sparked by his research paper on an Aristotelian philosophical approach to student loan discharge in Bankruptcy. We are excited to see him put his skills to work and make a difference in the lives of our clients. Cassian enjoys watching the Boston Bruins, ice skating, cooking, and playing tennis. Join us in welcoming Cassian to our team! 

Auris Rosario Joins VLP as Bilingual Intake Specialist  

Auris, who is set to make a significant impact with her forthcoming associate's degree in paralegal studies, and her plans to pursue a bachelor's degree in communication. With a wealth of experience aiding low-income populations through various organizations, Auris brings a unique perspective and a heart for helping others. She loves to spend quality time with her partner and two boys, embodying the values of family and community support that drive her commitment to making a difference. We are excited to have Auris on board and can't wait to see all the great things she will accomplish with us! 

Interpreter Meet & Greet: A Night of Fun, Games and Cultural Exchange

VLP recently hosted a successful third annual Interpreter Meet and Greet, providing an enjoyable and engaging evening for attendees. The event served as a platform for our Interpreters to network, exchange ideas, and participate in several thought-provoking games highlighting different cultures worldwide. The event ended with a tantalizing drink taste test, featuring sweet and creamy honeydew melon, bubbling Guaran, yogurt, and lychee flavors. We are grateful for our Interpreters' contributions to VLP's success and appreciate their dedication. At VLP, we believe in collaboration and appreciate our Interpreters' role in helping us achieve our mission through language access. 

"It was so well thought out, with such care and attention to detail, that I felt I was a very special member of the VLP team and mission. Every game, every slide, and every tasting were memorable! Thank you to all the organizers." - VLP Interpreter Elvira Perez 

Pro Bono Honor Roll: Showcasing Your Compassion

The SJC Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services is seeking submissions for the Pro Bono Honor Roll. If you are a lawyer, law student, or part of a legal organization that qualifies, don’t miss out on this opportunity to be recognized for your commitment to providing legal services to those in need. Submit your Pro Bono hours by Monday, September 30, 2024, and join the Honor Roll today!

Submit Now

Discounted MCLE Vouchers for our Volunteers At VLP, we believe in supporting our pro bono volunteers. We offer discounted training vouchers to those who volunteer with us. Contact Pro Bono Manager, Emelia Andres (eandres@vlpnet.org) to request your voucher today. 

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Join Us for an Upcoming Clinic

Wage Theft: In-person
Consumer Debt: In-person
Housing Lawyer for the Day: In-person
Family Law & Guardianship: In-person
Appeals: Virtual
Landlord Lawyer for the Day: In-person
Housing Answer & Discovery: Virtual
Family Law & Guardianship: Virtual

IAFL Partners with VLP for June 2024 International Family Law Conference 

The International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL), a worldwide association of practicing lawyers recognized for their expertise in family law, is partnering with VLP for its June 2024 Conference. The conference will cover various family law topics, including divorce, family, and children, the Hague Abduction Center, Pre-nups, and transgendered children on an international level. The conference will begin with opening remarks by VLP’s Director of Advocacy and Pro Bono, Geraldine Gruvis-Pizarro. In addition, there will be an activity where participants will be filling computer bags with items such as notepads and pens to equip VLP clients with these essentials while facing difficult court events. We are honored to have been chosen by such a remarkable organization as IAFL.

Year-to-Date Community Impact

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